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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
胸膜[xiōng mó, ㄒㄩㄥ ㄇㄛˊ,  ] pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs) #27,830 [Add to Longdo]
胸膜[xiōng mó yán, ㄒㄩㄥ ㄇㄛˊ ㄧㄢˊ,   ] plurisy #60,425 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
胸膜[きょうまく, kyoumaku] (n, adj-no) pleura [Add to Longdo]
胸膜[きょうまくえん, kyoumakuen] (n) pleurisy [Add to Longdo]

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They wouldn't take me 'cause they said I had pleurilsy.[CN] 他们不要我因为他们说我有胸膜 Life Stinks (1991)
♪ There's too much in between. ♪[JP] "肺・胸膜・胸壁の疾患" Excision (2012)
Rosie, what are Tad's pectorals like to the touch?[CN] 罗思丽, 泰德的胸膜上去怎么样? Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004)
Got pleurisy.[CN] 得了胸膜炎 He got pleurisy. Episode #1.3 (2012)
(Thunder cracks) - What's a drop of pleurisy, anyway?[CN] 反正得胸膜炎算什么? Carry On Camping (1969)
Horribly, too. Pleurisy aspiration.[CN] 同样很恐怖 吸入性胸膜 Infected (2013)
Well, sugarman at the brigham has been researching its applications as it applies the pleural mesothelioma.[CN] 布裡格姆的Sugarman醫生已經做了 相關研究證實其也適用於胸膜間皮瘤 I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked (2010)
This tumor is huge.I've never seen pleura this thick.[CN] 這個腫瘤太大了 我從沒見過這麼厚的胸膜 I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked (2010)
Augustus Margary survived toothache, rheumatism, pleurisy and dysentery... only to be murdered when he completed his mission... and traveled beyond Bhamo.[CN] 存活的奥古斯都马奎利 染患牙痛风湿胸膜炎和痢疾... 却在任务完成... 到达巴哈莫时被人谋杀 Adaptation. (2002)
But that's not what we're gonna do.We are going to remove the visible tumor and we are going to treat the lung with-- with intrapleural hyperthermic chemotherapy.[CN] 但我們不這樣操作 我們要盡量移除可見的腫瘤 我們在肺部實施... 胸膜內熱化療法 I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked (2010)
I broke 2 ribbing, got pleurisy and Stayed into the hospital next day[CN] 我断了2条肋骨,患上急性胸膜炎 次日住进了医院 Blood and Bones (2004)
If he'll only rest, we may avoid pleurisy this time.[CN] 要是他能保持静养 或许可以避免再患胸膜 Part II (1988)


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