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色调[sè diào, ㄙㄜˋ ㄉㄧㄠˋ,   /  調] hue #9,620 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[ EERIE TONE # ][CN] [ 阴森恐怖的色调 ] Dark Touch (2013)
Without heavy elements there weren't the beautiful hues we see in nebulas and supernova remnants today.[CN] 缺少了重金属,我们就无法看到 现在星云和超新星遗迹里 的美丽色调 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
Just listen to the soothing tones of my voice.[CN] 只是听我的声音舒缓的色调 The Interview (2014)
We put on shades, he put on his hat backwards and, and I was, I got up on the table and I'm like ooh-ooh-ooh and he was like this is this amazing celebratory moment.[CN] 我们把色调, 他把他的帽子向后 ,我 我起身在桌子上 我很喜欢嚯嚯嚯 他像 Downloaded (2013)
Phone tones it truly captivating.[CN] 它真正的迷人色调的手机。 One Small Hitch (2013)
There was a great hue and cry saying, [CN] 有一个伟大的色调和呐喊说: Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me (2012)
We were very close to the station there so, um, you know, Pete was trying to make us pretty low key.[CN] 我们离那边的车站很近 所以... 皮特用低色调拍摄 The Tunnel (2011)
It's a wedding. Okay, well, this is in the color scheme, and it looks like a cloud.[CN] 色调设计就是这样,那件看起来太阴沉了 Rachel Getting Married (2008)
Even the purest mirror gives a tone to the sky and as the colour is increased, it destroys all the colour of nature by its by its own dullness, while water often seems to challenge the sky for brightness and and when possessing colour, um it's reflections of objects appear more possible.[CN] 甚至是最纯净的镜子 也会给天空增加一种色调 Even the purest mirror gives a tone to the sky 随着这种颜色的增强 and as the colour is increased, 所有大自然的颜色都会被它破坏... Mr. Turner (2014)
You know. You need warmer lighting.[CN] 你适合暖色调 Live from Damascus (2012)
♪ heavenly shades of night are falling ♪[CN] HeavenIy色调的夜晚 是faIIing Jolene (2008)
You'll always find priests and religious figures wearing neutral tones.[CN] 你一定会找到牧师和宗教 人物穿着中性色调 Children of Sorrow (2012)
Oh, all the Internet download services will have it, I-tones...[CN] 呵呵,所有的互联网 下载服务 将有它,我色调... They Came Together (2014)
Good, clean, cherry-pink rage.[CN] 美丽,明亮的.. ,粉红色的愤怒色调 Pleasure or Pain (2013)
In the past, men always conquer women fiercely in AVs, but now the roles have been switched.[CN] 以前的AV都是男人粗暴地征服女人 现在角色调 Naked Ambition 2 (2014)
- Completely, we'll rework the tone during the calibration, no problem.[CN] 是,要把色调调到符合标准的色泽上 99 francs (2007)
Wow, cool place.[CN] 我喜欢这色调 About Cherry (2012)
Although it's not the most soothing shade of orange, but I guess I get the appeal.[CN] 尽管这个桔色的色调并不是 最能抚慰人心的 但我想我还是感受到了 Parental Guidance Suggested (2014)
You have a yellow tinge to your skin tone.[CN] 你有 黄色的色调,以你的肤色。 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
So we've got an array of neutral tones, of sands and whites.[CN] 因此,我们已经得到了中性的数组 色调砂和白人。 Children of Sorrow (2012)
Artificially stop ... a single tone?[CN] 人为地让你的皮肤 一个单一的色调 Hungry for Change (2012)
What shades of green is that?[CN] 你们那艘船是什么色调啊? Futurama: Bender's Game (2008)
Uh, diatomic gases emit a distinctive ultraviolet hue when they oxidize.[CN] 当双原子气体氧化时会 放出明显的紫外线色调 The Salt in the Wounds (2009)
Puke?[CN] 呕吐物色调 Futurama: Bender's Game (2008)
But you're not sure which colors belong[CN] 但你不知道怎么调配色调 Bandslam (2009)
It's a bit neutral. New blacks.[CN] 算是中性色调 新式黑色吧 The September Issue (2009)
Hue, shade, tint, saturation are all returning![CN] 色彩 色光 色调 色饱和度都回来了! Hue, shade, tint, saturation are all returning! The Hero of Color City (2014)
- Oh, come on, let's give it up for Danielle and her gorgeous tan![CN] 选择这个色调很大胆啊 就算没有赢得金叶子奖 The Mystery of the Mobile Murder (2014)
For the backdrops you painted for all of us. Everybody loves the colors.[CN] 感谢你为我们画的背景 大家都喜欢那色调 Taking Woodstock (2009)
And our very first campaign was all pastel colours in a landscape of dunes.[CN] 而我们的第一支广告 用的就是色调柔和的 沙丘景色 Valentino: The Last Emperor (2008)
YEAH, WELL, CONSTANT NUTRIENTS KEEP YOUR MUSCLES TONED.[CN] 是啊,恒 营养成分保持 肌肉的色调 The Silent Thief (2012)
Such a pretty shade.[CN] 色调真好看 Rocking the Boat (2014)
[ TONES INTENSIFY # ][CN] [ 色调加紧 ] Dark Touch (2013)
The huge, pale growths on the head and the lower jaw, called callosities, are home to whale lice that tint them with white, pink, yellow or orange.[CN] 这些巨大、苍白长在头部和下颌 所谓的老茧,是鲸虱的家 它们的色调有白色、粉红色 黄色或橙色 Dolphins and Whales 3D: Tribes of the Ocean (2008)
Black and white, okay.[CN] -黑白色调 黑白色调 好的 The September Issue (2009)
♪ I'm growing like the quickening hues[CN] 我越来越喜欢 在加快色调 You're Not You (2014)
We were interested in how to get the textures and fuzz-tones and how to sound like[CN] 我们非常有兴趣 在如何让纹理 和模糊色调以及如何听起来像 Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me (2012)
We were just wondering if it could be you know, a little brighter.[CN] 我们只是想... 知道吗 色调再亮一点 Hollywood Babylon (2007)
Shade?[CN] 色调? A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
Tonight I'm ready for a little hue.[CN] 今晚我已经准备好了一点点的色调 Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)
I'd try using this shade.[CN] 我会从这个色调入手 Paris à tout prix (2013)
Yeah, it passed with flying colors. She's ready to roar. Great.[CN] 是的,它和蓝色调搭配,代表了怒吼出征 Joy Ride 3: Road Kill (2014)
So if you find yourself in a room allow that there may be color with unfamiliar tones, perhaps because the gaslight shining on it.[CN] 如果你发现自己在 一个色调不一致的房间里 可能是由于煤气灯照在上面 The Master (2012)
We had to change the dye a quarter of a shade.[CN] 我只需要改变一下 49款设计的4分之一的色调 Paris à tout prix (2013)
Each grove descended from one tree interconnected by roots colour-coordinated.[CN] 每棵树牵动一整个树林 连气同根 色调统一 Autumn (2009)
[ ETHEREAL TONES # ][CN] [ 空灵色调 ] Dark Touch (2013)
So, we good on the color tones?[CN] - 那么,色调的问题就这样了? Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta! (2012)
She loved the colors and the wild, emotional way he applied the paint to the canvases.[CN] 她喜欢作品的色调 以及画布上狂乱情绪的笔触 Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
[ OMINOUS TONES # ][CN] [ 不祥的色调 ] Dark Touch (2013)
So, by way of review, this is my shoe closet, that is my bedroom, these are my new clothes and where I'll wear them, and then I'm a star![CN] 布料和涂料样板 阁楼地板规划 我的前厅 预选色调 综述一下 这是我的鞋柜 Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011)


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