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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
出演[しゅつえん, shutsuen] (n) (1) performance; stage appearance; (vs) (2) to act (in a play); (P) #218 [Add to Longdo]
出演[しゅつえんしゃ, shutsuensha] (n) performer; entertainer; actor [Add to Longdo]
出演[しゅつえんりょう, shutsuenryou] (n) performance (actor's, singer's) fee [Add to Longdo]

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For instance, instead of the same old movie reviews, how about a Chicano who only reviews Westerns?[JP] 例えば ありきたりの映画評ではなくー 西部劇専門のチカノ出演では? Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
He's playing in Hamlet, Katherine and Petruchio The Merchant of Venice, Richard III and Macbeth.[CN] 4月11日 他出演的戏, 诸如哈姆雷特, 凯瑟琳和佩德鲁乔 威尼斯商人, 理查德三世和麦克白 Gods and Generals (2003)
If there's anything I can do - Don't put our son in any more of your plays.[CN] - 别让我儿子再出演你的任何戏了 Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)
Take it. - You're in the movie.[CN] -你会在影片里出演 Hollywood Ending (2002)
- Yeah. You're in the movie.[CN] 你会出演的。 Hollywood Ending (2002)
The studio's right through here.[JP] これからトーク・ショーに 出演 You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (1972)
They all wonder why you've cast the "mad bomber" as a cold-blooded murderer in Bang bang you're dead meat.[CN] 他们都想知道你为什么要让那"投弹疯子" 在你的"断魂枪声"一剧中出演冷血杀手一角 Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)
Am I still in the movie?[CN] 我还能出演吗? Hollywood Ending (2002)
People of your calibre are very rare today.[JP] あなたのような類い稀な方にご出演いただきたくて The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
You can't do the play. Not as long as that kid's in it.[CN] 你不准出演那部戏 只要那男生要演出就不行 Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)
As for the Swing Girls from Yamakawa High School, who won a last minute spot, their train has been delayed by weather...[JP] えー 最後に 急きょ 出演が決まりました― 山河高校の スウィングガールズなんですが 列車が止まったりして 到着が遅れておりまして... Swing Girls (2004)
You may remember asking if I'd like to do a guest appearance on your tv show, "No Holds Barred".[JP] 以前、私に出演を頼んでらっしゃいましたな あなたの番組「やりたい放題」に The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
出演[しゅつえん, shutsuen] "Die_Personen_und_ihre_Darsteller" [Add to Longdo]


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