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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
表亲[biǎo qīn, ㄅㄧㄠˇ ㄑㄧㄣ,   /  ] cousin; cousinship #75,936 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I have a lot of cousins that watch too much porn and they think I'm a social worker.[CN] 我有很多表亲看A片 - 他们认为我是社工 About Cherry (2012)
Let's talk this through? We are like cousins.[CN] 一场表亲,可以商量吗? Triad (2012)
Levingers is cousins to Hatfield.[CN] 莱温格是哈特菲尔德的表亲 Levingers is cousins to Hatfield. Episode #1.1 (2012)
I'm sending one of your cousins down to King's Landing with my peace terms.[CN] 我要把你的一个表亲送到君临 带去我的讲和条件 The North Remembers (2012)
A cousin of my mom's raised me.[CN] 我妈妈的一个表亲把我抚养长大的 My Bloody Valentine (2012)
She's having a party at mine, and even have a few cousins round.[CN] 她会在我家开个派对 还会请几个表亲过来 Tabu (2012)
Just because I'm your cousin not directly your family blood line so I can not learn boxing[CN] 就因为是表亲, 是外亲, 学不了拳 Tai Chi Zero (2012)
Bro Ming is like your cousin, he is here to help. How about this.[CN] 明哥与你一场表亲,他只是不想你有事 Triad (2012)
Well, yeah, I had a cousin who went there, and, uh, the humidity, I think, is very high.[CN] 我的一个表亲去过那里 我想那里的湿度是挺高的 Compliance (2012)
They are the condor's smaller cousins, replacing them in low-lying areas away from the Andes.[CN] 他们是神鹰的小表亲 在远离安第斯山脉的低洼地区 取代了他们 South America (2012)
I'm sending one of your cousins down to King's[CN] 我要把你的一个表亲送到君临 The Night Lands (2012)
You remember my cousin Sarah Pocket.[CN] 你还记得我的表亲 莎拉·朴凯特 You remember my cousin Sarah Pocket. Great Expectations (2012)


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