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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
小腿[xiǎo tuǐ, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄊㄨㄟˇ,  ] calf (of the leg) #10,335 [Add to Longdo]
小腿[wài xiǎo tuǐ, ㄨㄞˋ ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄊㄨㄟˇ,   ] shin [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My younger brother comes back, having spent all your money on harlots and for him you kill the fattest calf![CN] 我 弟弟 回来 , 已经 花光了所有 的钱 的 妓女 。 并为他 你杀 的 最胖的 小腿 Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
Calf ribs, hand ribs, leg ribs and spare ribs[CN] 小腿骨、手骨、大腿骨、肋骨 Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
Since the talking picture is here to stay, your moppets must learn to speak distinctly as well as shake their fat little legs.[CN] 有声电影兴起后... 显然你们的女孩们必须学习说话... 和摇摆她们胖嘟嘟小腿一样重要 What's the Matter with Helen? (1971)
Every time she returned from a trip. I'll massage her legs.[CN] 每一次她回来,我都会为她按摩小腿 Chungking Express (1994)
I have her lower leg.[CN] 我拿到她的小腿 Very Bad Things (1998)
It seemed to us a piquant thing to chevy him about the playground, hit him over the shins with a wicket.[CN] 我们总是以他为乐 比如在运动场上捉弄他 或是用铁环嗑他的小腿 The Naval Treaty (1984)
Besides, an evil old woman kicked me in shin once - only because I opened my mouth in the wrong place.[CN] 有一次 一个邪恶的老女人踢了我的小腿 仅仅因为我在错误的地方张开了嘴 Calamari Union (1985)
Anything, my Lord.[CN] 喜欢我的小腿吗? Tokugawa Matrilineage (1968)
I don't mind being called names or pushed around or even kicked in the shin.[CN] 我不介意他们喊叫我的名字, 把我推来推去,或者踢我的小腿 Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
I'll massage your calves, no more.[CN] 我不再按摩你的小腿 Arabian Nights (1974)
Don't forget the poisoned umbrella jabbed into the calf.[CN] 不要忘记戳进小腿的注毒雨伞 Don't forget the poisoned umbrella jabbed into the calf. The Death List (1981)
Kill the fattest calf, we must celebrate with a feast.[CN] 杀 最胖的 小腿 , 我们 必须 庆祝 盛宴 。 Jesus of Nazareth (1977)


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