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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
過大[かだい, kadai] (adj-na, n, adj-no) excessive; too much; unreasonable; (P) [Add to Longdo]
過大[かだいし, kadaishi] (n, vs) overestimation [Add to Longdo]
過大評価[かだいひょうか, kadaihyouka] (n, vs, adj-no) overestimation; overvaluing [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
We must not make too much of this incident.この事件を過大視してはならない。
You shouldn't make too much of the fact.その事実をあまりに過大視すべきではない。
You shouldn't make too much of the fact.その事実を過大視してはいけない。
They made much of the victory of their team in the tournament.彼らはトーナメントでの勝利を過大に評価した。
That's a misunderstanding for sure. You're giving me too much credit.それはきっと、誤解だ。きみはわたしを過大評価してる。 [ M ]
When it comes to Chinese books that are overvalued world-wide I suppose it's Sun Tzu, isn't it.世界的に過大に評価された中国書といえば、『孫子』ですかね。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So? What does it come to?[CN] 過大體上決定了 Shara (2003)
You can't expect me to be the perfect child all the time cause mom acts like a bunch of different people when she's stressed out.[CN] 你不能因為老媽她壓力過大時會分身 就總指望我是個十好兒童 Pilot (2009)
I did a lot of research on the subject of amino acids for Dr. Moreau.[CN] 我為Moreau博士的氨基酸課題 做過大量研究 For the Team (2010)
You have a college degree and speak fluent English.[CN] 你念過大學,英文又那麼棒 Mr. Cinema (2007)
Have you seen Don Dark?[CN] 有沒有見過大哥Dark? On the Edge (2006)
You're dehydrated and you're stressed.[CN] 你嚴重缺水並且壓力過大 Give Peace a Chance (2009)
- You never played college ball.[CN] -你從沒打過大學隊 Where's Johnny? (2004)
A scavenger smoker is someone who never has weed of their own.[CN] 清道夫吸煙者 是那些從未自己吸過大麻的人。 Half Baked (1998)
Me neither. Overrated, you ask me.[JP] 私もよ 過大評価よ 聞いて Slumber Party (2013)
You've overestimated your abilities.[JP] 自分の力を過大評価しすぎだ The Hidden Enemy (2009)
The load was so big that the oxen couldn't get through the gate.[CN] 幾天前,一輛載滿麻袋的牛車駛進了庭院 貨物裝得實在太多,牛無法通過大 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
And I've had a great love.[CN] 我經歷過大 Death and All His Friends (2010)
Mr. Xiao he has been to many places.[CN] 人家蕭先生是走過大地方的 Threshold of Spring (1963)
Loyalty... Highly overrated.[JP] 忠誠心の 過大評価だ Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
He's used to taking risks or he wouldn't be here; you know that.[CN] 他沒經過大風大浪怎么會有今天的地位 你知道的 Day 8: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2010)
Yes, but I bet you're glad of that cloak in the winter.[CN] 是著火了 不過大冬天的 有這么一件火斗篷 很不錯啊 Witchsmeller Pursuivant (1983)
You ever suck dick for marijuana?[CN] - 你曾經抽過大麻? Half Baked (1998)
Loyalty is an overrated virtue, John, championed by the bovine, dignified by the weak to justify their weakness.[JP] 忠誠とは 愚かものが擁護し 弱者が弱さを正当化するために尊ぶ 過大評価された美徳なのだよ ジョン A Way Out (2015)
You know what i think? I think happy is fucking overrated.[JP] 幸福って過大評価されてる My First Mister (2001)
Reality is overrated.[JP] 現実って 過大評価されるものよ The Truth About Emanuel (2013)
You overestimate the power of these creatures.[JP] 奴らの力を 過大評価するな Thor: The Dark World (2013)
I dated her for like four days in the eighth grade, so technically she's my ex.[CN] 八年級的時候我跟她約會過大約四天 所以她可以算是我的"前女友" Triangle (2009)
When we walk through halls and corridors... we practice humility by walking close to the walls.[CN] 過大廳與走道時 必須實行謙卑,靠著牆行走 The Nun's Story (1959)
Talking's overrated.[JP] 話の過大評価 Lethe (2013)
You're under a lot of stress. You're under arrest.[CN] 你承受的壓力過大 Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
I've never dated a highly educated person before[CN] 不是呀,我從來沒有認識過大學生的 Qiu ai ye jing hun (1989)
Study abroad is overrated.[JP] 留学は過大評価されてる Byzantium (2015)
So, she told her parents she was under a lot of stress and she had to go for a holiday in Goa, alone.[CN] 所以她騙父母自己壓力過大 得單獨一個人到果亞度假 Outsourced (2006)
Well he ain't been to the grand jury, because we would have heard from our girl up there.[CN] -他不可能找過大陪審團... 不然我們早就會得到通報 Rat Pack (2004)
Do you think the financial services industry has too much political power in the United States?[CN] 你覺得金融服務行業 在美國的政治影響力是否過大了? Inside Job (2010)
Dave, you may be overestimating your importance to Foxcatcher.[JP] 自分を過大評価 してるのでは? Foxcatcher (2014)
She went to the university. They're handsome together.[CN] 她念過大學 他們是很適合的一對 Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Why is it so difficult?[CN] 現在還流行過大禮嗎? Your Place or Mine (1998)
Well, family's overrated.[JP] 家族なんて過大評価でしょ House of the Rising Son (2013)
I believe I've seen most of the relevant documents.[CN] 我已看過大部份的相關文件 The Winslow Boy (1999)
I haven't overestimated your intelligence, have I?[JP] 私は、君の知性を 過大評価しすぎか? Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Why did I think you could be intelligent?[JP] 君を過大評価してた Scary Movie 5 (2013)
I think dignity's overrated anyway.[JP] 尊厳が過大評価されてると思う Now Is Good (2012)
Well, I'll try not to take that too personally.[JP] 個人的に過大評価はしません The Mother Lode (2009)
Ok, I say stupid things without thinking, [CN] 好吧 我說話不經過大 Unpleasantville (2010)
I might have overestimated his fondness for you.[JP] 君への彼の愛情を 過大評価したかもしれない Betrayal (2013)
You overestimated the courage of your bootlickers.[JP] 君は 自分のご機嫌とり達の勇気を 過大評価してたんだ His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts (2012)
You already deposited something, so why don't we make this short?[CN] 既然付了訂金就不必過大禮了 Your Place or Mine (1998)
Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud, but the Enterprise is too large.[JP] シャトルは使えず エンタープライズは過大で― Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Water finds its level.[JP] 過大評価は基準を見つける Aletheia (2014)
It's overrated.[JP] それは過大評価だ King of the Damned (2014)
You know what they say, "Once you go black..."[CN] 你沒聽過大伙說嘛 "睡過小黑妞..." Lakeview Terrace (2008)
We didn't go to universities.[CN] 我們沒有入過大 Heart of a Dog (1988)
Like Astra, you overestimate her strength.[JP] アストラのように、 彼女を過大評価しすぎだ。 Myriad (2016)
Striking and exaggerated as always, Klaus.[JP] クラウスを過大評価 してたみたいね Iron Sky (2012)


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