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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
确定[què dìng, ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] definite; certain; fixed; to fix (on sth); to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm; OK (on computer dialog box) #940 [Add to Longdo]
确定[bù què dìng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] uncertain; uncertainty #9,705 [Add to Longdo]
确定[què dìng xìng, ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] determinacy #43,439 [Add to Longdo]
确定性原理[bù què dìng xìng yuán lǐ, ㄅㄨˋ ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ ㄩㄢˊ ㄌㄧˇ,       /      ] Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927) [Add to Longdo]
确定效应[què dìng xiào yìng, ㄑㄩㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄠˋ ㄧㄥˋ,     /    ] deterministic effect [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Are you sure she's coming back tonight?[CN] 确定她今晚回来吗 Snowman (2002)
Is that confirmed?[CN] 确定吗? Passage: Part 2 (2002)
I wasn't clear that[CN] 我也不确定 The Coup (2002)
Are you sure?[CN] 确定 Calling All Cars (2002)
-You sure, B.J.?[CN] 确定吗? Calling All Cars (2002)
We're sure.[CN] 确定 The Counteragent (2002)
Charlie Bernard.[CN] 确定是查理. The Coup (2002)
That wasn't single and it didn't sound very definitive.[CN] 不是一个, 听起来都不是很确定. Parallel Universes (2002)
Do we-- are you sure that it--[CN] 确定吗 -- The Counteragent (2002)
I'm gonna make sure SD-6 thinks you're dead.[CN] 我要确定SD -6以为你真的死了 The Confession (2002)
I'm not sure I want to be a teacher anymore.[CN] 我不确定我是否还想做老师了 The Coup (2002)
Are you sure, doctor?[CN] 确定 医生? Sleeping Dogs (2002)
I'm sure Sydney will take very good care of you.[CN] 确定西德妮会照顾你 The Abduction (2002)
We'll determine the charges based on current evidence.[CN] 我们要确定一下现有基础上的投诉 Q & A (2002)
- You're sure?[CN] - 是吗 你确定? She's the One (2002)
You sure we're going in the right direction?[CN] 确定我们没走错方向? Desert Crossing (2002)
Please state the officer by name.[CN] 确定一下这个长官的姓名 Snowman (2002)
Agent Vaughn, your tests at this point are inconclusive.[CN] 沃恩特工 你这方面测试尚未确定 The Counteragent (2002)
Super gravity though had been convinced there were exactly eleven dimensions.[CN] 超级引力虽然已经确定存在11个维. Parallel Universes (2002)
I just want to make sure that you get to Khasinau first.[CN] 我只是想确定一下你首先找到卡辛努 Snowman (2002)
I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask.[CN] 我不确定我是提问的最佳人选 The Coup (2002)
What makes you so sure he can help?[CN] 你为何那么确定他帮得上忙 Dreamcatcher (2003)
They need confirmation the nukes are there.[CN] 他们需要确定核弹的确在那儿 Passage: Part 2 (2002)
Seven numbers locked. Five to go.[CN] 7个数字确定 还剩5个 The Box: Part 2 (2002)
Agent Vaughn, your tests at this point are inconclusive.[CN] 沃恩特工 你这方面测试尚未确定 Salvation (2002)
- Can you locate them? - Yeah.[CN] 能不能确定它们的位置 可以 The Solution (2002)
Make sure Susan gets Donaldson's briefing.[CN] 确定苏珊得到唐那德逊的简报 Q & A (2002)
Then everything's predetermined.[CN] 所有的事情都已经确定 Q & A (2002)
I made sure I wasn't followed.[CN] 确定没被跟踪 The Box: Part 2 (2002)
And we have confirmed that Emily was on flight manifests last week.[CN] 因此我们确定 艾米丽在上周的航班旅客名单上 Passage: Part 2 (2002)
Look, we're not sure.[CN] 我们并不确定 Page 47 (2002)
Are you sure you're asking the right roommate?[CN] 确定你叫的就是那个室友 The Prophecy (2002)
This makes them certain I'm guilty.[CN] 那使他们确定我有罪 Q & A (2002)
You're suggesting that I knew what SD-6 really was all along.[CN] 确定它是与美国政府有关的 你认为我知道SD -6是做什么的 Q & A (2002)
I can't be certain, however.[CN] 然而我还不能确定 Dear Doctor (2002)
A lot more than me, that's for sure.[CN] -确定比我多 Eloise (2002)
I wasn't sure it went through. It was the first time I ever used a fax machine.[CN] 我之前还不确定是不是发出去了 这是我第一次用传真机 Lucky Suit (2002)
When Sark brings the solution to Khasinau, he'll be bringing us.[CN] 当萨克把溶液带给卡辛奴 我们就可以确定他的位置 The Solution (2002)
-Are you sure this is it?[CN] -你确定是这里吗? Everybody Hurts (2002)
I'm grateful to you for that but I haven't made up my mind yet if I should trust you.[CN] 为此 我对你感激不尽 但是 我还是不确定是否应该相信你 Passage: Part 1 (2002)
Sydney, I need to know I can count on you whether you agree with me or not.[CN] 西德妮 我需要确定我能依靠你 你是否同意? Passage: Part 1 (2002)
I'm not exactly sure. It's somewhat complicated.[CN] 我也不确定 有些事情很复杂 Masquerade (2002)
Directives. Confirmed KGB orders.[CN] 一批间谍 KGB的命令确定 The Confession (2002)
We're trying to determine how a girl as brilliant as yourself could believe an agency that could order the assassination of an innocent civilian could actually be affiliated with the U.S. Government.[CN] 我们在确定你有多聪明 相信一个可以进行暗杀的组织 一个无罪的人 Q & A (2002)
The FBI has been trying to narrow down a list of kids for as long as you have and so far they haven't come up with a single name.[CN] 就和你一样 联邦调查局一直在试图缩小那些儿童的范围 而至今为止 他们都无法确定某个单一的名字 Passage: Part 1 (2002)
You're sure Sloane brought you into SD-6, not your father?[CN] 确定是阿文. 斯隆不是你爸爸 Q & A (2002)
The time and date have been set.[CN] 时间和日期都已经确定好了 The Solution (2002)
I just want to make sure the pilots don't miss anything.[CN] 我只是想确定驾驶员没弄错什么 The Abduction (2002)
We don't know for sure.[CN] 我们还不能确定 The Confession (2002)
I was unsure of that myself, but it all worked out.[CN] 我自己也不确定 但是最后还是解决的 The Confession (2002)


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