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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
枪声[qiāng shēng, ㄑㄧㄤ ㄕㄥ,   /  ] crack; sound of a shot #17,983 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
(GUN FIRING)[CN] (枪声) Raw Deal (1948)
He took the gun from Stuart, or was trying to but it seemed to go off right in my ear.[CN] 他抢过斯图亚特的枪 或者说试图抢... 但枪声好像就在我耳朵里响了 Dead Reckoning (1947)
- [ Gunshot ][CN] - [ 枪声 ] To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
- (GUNFIRE)[CN] - (开枪声) Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014)
What is it, ma'am? I thought I heard a shot.[CN] 什么事 夫人 我好像听见枪声 Gaslight (1944)
There's gun shots in the cavern[CN] 砖客那边有枪声 A Better Tomorrow (1986)
If you hear a shot, you get back to the lieutenant at a fast gallop 'cause that will mean they're down there in force.[CN] 如果听到枪声 就马上撤退去找中尉 因为这说明他们要大肆行动了 Still Valley (1961)
Don't worry if you hear firing.[CN] 别担心,如果你听到枪声,一定会有很多枪声 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
- Matt, I hear gunfire.[CN] -马修 我听见枪声 Red River (1948)
Now why don't you just sit down and send out the alarm to EI Paso... and the rest of the towns around here and warn 'em, right?[CN] 可是,先生,我没听到银行内有枪声, 有的话我应该能听到 你可能会听到一声 For a Few Dollars More (1965)
This whole week at Okinawa's been weird, Padre, just like dry runs- no shooting from the shore, no kamikazes.[CN] 就像是演习 没有枪声 没有小日本 Away All Boats (1956)
Hello. Nervy? Upset by those shots tonight?[CN] 别紧张了 刚才的的枪声吓倒你了吧 The 39 Steps (1935)
We heard firing. He hit anybody?[CN] 听到枪声 有打中人吗 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
The partisans are over there. We hear shots now and then.[CN] 另一边还有游击队员 有时我们还会听到枪声 Kapò (1960)
- Hey, I hear guns poppin' up ahead![CN] -我听到前面有枪声 Red River (1948)
- (GUNSHOT) his face all spitters out... spilling in his coffee and all over hisself... with none of his face left on with it.[CN] - [ 枪声 ] 他脸上都是血... 咖啡也洒了一身... The Shooting (1966)
You see? At such a moment, your shot will never be heard.[CN] 听好了吗 在那时枪声是不会被人发觉的 The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
I heard the shot upstairs.[CN] 我去吃东西时突然 听到枪声 Le Doulos (1962)
You think them fools would be bound...[CN] - 你觉得那些傻瓜会- - [ 枪声 ] Ride in the Whirlwind (1966)
What's all the shooting about?[CN] 刚才的枪声是怎么回事 Shane (1953)
(GUNSHOT)[CN] [ 枪声 ] The Shooting (1966)
Guns, Sasha.[CN] 枪声,沙夏! Doctor Zhivago (1965)
The shot came from the jail.[CN] 枪声从监狱传出来的 Rio Bravo (1959)
Did any of you hear any shots fired?[CN] 你们听到枪声了吗 Rope (1948)
Then I heard a shot[CN] 跟着就听到枪声了... A Better Tomorrow (1986)
No, Mrs Ramirez. I've heard guns.[CN] 不 拉米兹夫人 我听过枪声 High Noon (1952)
Does the sound of guns frighten you that much?[CN] 枪声把你吓坏了吗 High Noon (1952)
Freeze, I'm a cop I heard shooting[CN] 站着,我是警察 我听到有枪声 Police Story (1985)
Investigate sound of shooting aboard tanker Hagan.[CN] 调查哈根邮轮上的枪声 T-Men (1947)
[ gunshots ][CN] [ 枪声 ] Eulogy (2004)
Anybody hear the shot?[CN] -还有没有别人听到枪声 The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Nobody heard a shot, including a half dozen kids who've been hanging around the locker room all morning.[CN] 外面有好几个人,但没人听到枪声 他们一整个早上 都在储物柜前转来转去 The Lineup (1958)
The next one's for you. They're going to shoot.[CN] 枪声使你害怕? Port of Shadows (1938)
We could hear the firing at the cave. I was afraid...[CN] 我们在山洞里也听到枪声,我好害怕 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
(Gun shots)[CN] [ 枪声 ] Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
We have silenced their guns.[CN] 我们已令他们的枪声沉寂 Battle of the Bulge (1965)
- Where were you when you heard the shots? - In the factory. - Who was with you?[CN] -听到枪声的时候你在哪? I vinti (1953)
Now, let's get back to this shot you heard.[CN] 现在,说回到你听到的枪声 The Blue Dahlia (1946)
Did you all hear that outside?[CN] 你们都听到外面的枪声了吗? Navajo Joe (1966)
- That shot. They'll know you're here.[CN] -那个枪声,他们会知道你在这 His Girl Friday (1940)
That shooting is getting on my nerves.[CN] 走吧,他们的枪声使我头痛 Port of Shadows (1938)
Up and at 'em, you slug![CN] 好了 枪声响过一切就结束了 Les Cousins (1959)
- What was all that shooting a while back?[CN] -那些枪声是怎么回事 Red River (1948)
There was a time when it was full of screams and gunshots, [CN] 有一段时间这里惨叫声不断 枪声不断 Shoah (1985)
- Then I would have thought of that too.[CN] 然后突然听见了枪声 - 然后我也这么认为 The Assault (1986)
(GUNSHOTS)[CN] (枪声) Raw Deal (1948)
He left the ship...[CN] 我们听到了枪声 Dédée d'Anvers (1948)
Yeah, but we heard firing. Was anybody hurt?[CN] 是的 我听见有枪声 有人受伤吗 Torn Curtain (1966)
There were shots fired![CN] 是上面的枪声 Rope (1948)


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