ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: 枢, -枢- |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ | [枢, shū, ㄕㄨ] door hinge; pivot; center of power Radical: 木, Decomposition: ⿰ 木 [mù, ㄇㄨˋ] 区 [qū, ㄑㄩ] Etymology: [pictophonetic] tree Variants: 樞, Rank: 2616 | | [樞, shū, ㄕㄨ] door hinge; pivot; center of power Radical: 木, Decomposition: ⿰ 木 [mù, ㄇㄨˋ] 區 [qū, ㄑㄩ] Etymology: [pictophonetic] tree Variants: 枢 |
|  枢 | [枢] Meaning: hinge; pivot; door; center of things On-yomi: スウ, シュ, suu, shu Kun-yomi: とぼそ, からくり, toboso, karakuri Radical: 木, Decomposition: ⿰ 木 区 Variants: 樞, Rank: 1791 | 樞 | [樞] Meaning: pivot; door On-yomi: スウ, シュ, suu, shu Kun-yomi: とぼそ, からくり, toboso, karakuri Radical: 木 Variants: 枢 |
| 枢 | [shū, ㄕㄨ, 枢 / 樞] hinge; pivot #27,976 [Add to Longdo] | 枢纽 | [shū niǔ, ㄕㄨ ㄋㄧㄡˇ, 枢 纽 / 樞 紐] hub (e.g. of traffic network); hinge; pivot; fulcrum #10,030 [Add to Longdo] | 中枢 | [zhōng shū, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄕㄨ, 中 枢 / 中 樞] hub (e.g. of transport network); center; by ext. imperial court as the hub of centralized government #16,381 [Add to Longdo] | 枢密院 | [shū mì yuàn, ㄕㄨ ㄇㄧˋ ㄩㄢˋ, 枢 密 院 / 樞 密 院] privy council #52,386 [Add to Longdo] | 枢机 | [shū jī, ㄕㄨ ㄐㄧ, 枢 机 / 樞 機] cardinal (Catholicism) #73,615 [Add to Longdo] | 枢轴 | [shū zhóu, ㄕㄨ ㄓㄡˊ, 枢 轴 / 樞 軸] pivot; fulcrum #143,235 [Add to Longdo] | 户枢不蠹 | [hù shū bù dù, ㄏㄨˋ ㄕㄨ ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄨˋ, 户 枢 不 蠹 / 戶 樞 不 蠹] lit. a door hinge never rusts (成语 saw); constant activity prevents decay #293,226 [Add to Longdo] | 要枢 | [yào shū, ㄧㄠˋ ㄕㄨ, 要 枢 / 要 樞] important traffic hub; key crossroad #342,175 [Add to Longdo] | 中枢神经系统 | [zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄕㄨ ㄕㄣˊ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄒㄧˋ ㄊㄨㄥˇ, 中 枢 神 经 系 统 / 中 樞 神 經 系 統] Central Nervous System (CNS) [Add to Longdo] | 天枢 | [Tiān shū, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄕㄨ, 天 枢 / 天 樞] alpha Ursae Majoris [Add to Longdo] | 天枢星 | [tiān shū xīng, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄕㄨ ㄒㄧㄥ, 天 枢 星 / 天 樞 星] alpha Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper [Add to Longdo] | 枢机主教 | [shū jī zhǔ jiào, ㄕㄨ ㄐㄧ ㄓㄨˇ ㄐㄧㄠˋ, 枢 机 主 教 / 樞 機 主 教] Cardinal (of catholic church) [Add to Longdo] |
| 中枢神経系 | [ちゅうすうしんけいけい, chuusuushinkeikei] (n) ระบบประสาทส่วนกลาง, See also: R. central nervous system |
| 枢 | [とまら, tomara] (n) (1) pivot hinge (using extensions on the top & bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame); (2) (See 猿) sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) [Add to Longdo] | 枢 | [とまら, tomara] (n) (1) (arch) (See 枢・くるる) cavities in the frame of a door used as part of a pivot hinge; (2) door [Add to Longdo] | 枢 | [とまら, tomara] (n) (See 枢・くるる) extensions on the top & bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame (as part of a pivot hinge) [Add to Longdo] | 中枢 | [ちゅうすう, chuusuu] (n, adj-no) centre; center; pivot; mainstay; nucleus; backbone; central figure; pillar; key man; (P) #12,047 [Add to Longdo] | 枢密院 | [すうみついん, suumitsuin] (n) (Japanese) Privy Council (abolished in 1947) #15,462 [Add to Longdo] | 枢機卿 | [すうききょう;すうきけい, suukikyou ; suukikei] (n) Cardinal (Catholic) #16,249 [Add to Longdo] | ウェルニッケ中枢 | [ウェルニッケちゅうすう, uerunikke chuusuu] (n) Wernicke's area [Add to Longdo] | 悪の枢軸 | [あくのすうじく, akunosuujiku] (exp) Axis of Evil (Iran, Iraq & North Korea) [Add to Longdo] | 烏枢沙摩明王 | [うすさまみょうおう;うすしゃまみょうおう, ususamamyouou ; usushamamyouou] (n) Ucchusama [Add to Longdo] | 権力中枢 | [けんりょくちゅうすう, kenryokuchuusuu] (n) centre of (political) power [Add to Longdo] | 言語中枢 | [げんごちゅうすう, gengochuusuu] (n) speech center; speech centre [Add to Longdo] | 呼吸中枢 | [こきゅうちゅうすう, kokyuuchuusuu] (n) respiratory center; respiratory centre [Add to Longdo] | 神経中枢 | [しんけいちゅうすう, shinkeichuusuu] (n, adj-no) nerve centre [Add to Longdo] | 枢機 | [すうき, suuki] (n) important state matters [Add to Longdo] | 枢戸 | [くるるど, kururudo] (n) (arch) (See 枢・くるる) door (with a pivot hinge) [Add to Longdo] | 枢軸 | [すうじく, suujiku] (n) axle; pivot; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 枢軸国 | [すうじくこく, suujikukoku] (n) (World War II) Axis powers [Add to Longdo] | 枢密 | [すうみつ, suumitsu] (n) state secrets [Add to Longdo] | 枢木 | [くるるぎ, kururugi] (n) (See 猿) sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut) [Add to Longdo] | 枢要 | [すうよう, suuyou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) importance [Add to Longdo] | 中枢神経 | [ちゅうすうしんけい, chuusuushinkei] (n) central nerves [Add to Longdo] | 中枢神経系 | [ちゅうすうしんけいけい, chuusuushinkeikei] (n) central nervous system; CNS [Add to Longdo] | 中枢神経系統 | [ちゅうすうしんけいけいとう, chuusuushinkeikeitou] (n) central nervous system [Add to Longdo] | 中枢性 | [ちゅうすうせい, chuusuusei] (n) central (nervous system) [Add to Longdo] |
| | I told the cardinal when he got your cable I am not a field man. | [JP] 枢機卿が君の電報を受け取った時 僕は実践向きじゃないと言ったのに Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004) | Please tell me this is Propwash Junction. | [CN] 请告诉我这里是普罗普沃什枢纽站 Planes (2013) | You will speak before the council in two days time. | [JP] 2日のうちに枢密院で話して下さい 300 (2006) | Now, in order to initiate the electrical impulse I just demonstrated, it must originate from a central command center ora central nervous system if you will. | [CN] 现在,为了启动电 我一时冲动只是表现出来,它必须源于 从中央指挥中心ORA 中枢神经系统,如果你愿意。 Bermuda Tentacles (2014) | It was a farm boy named Kevin who killed Goldie, but it was Cardinal Roark who was behind it, and I don't know why. | [JP] ケビンという農家の青年が 犯人だが━ 黒幕はロアーク枢機卿だ 理由は知らん Sin City (2005) | Garci Franco, member of the royal council. | [CN] 堂·加尔西·弗朗哥 枢密院成员 La nueva reina (2012) | Biggest dealer in Los Angeles the epicenter of the national crack epidemic" L.A. Times. | [CN] 洛杉矶的头号毒贩 全国可卡因瘟疫的中枢 洛杉矶时报 Kill the Messenger (2014) | You must've been to Fun Hub. | [CN] 你一定是被玩转枢纽。 Ping Pong Summer (2014) | I'm not deep enough to be privileged with that information. | [JP] 連中の中枢部には まだ入り込めてない Concordia (2011) | But it may be possible | [JP] しかし彼の視覚中枢から The Ghost Network (2008) | I wouldn't buy a brothel because I thought the whores could do more tricks to the hour. | [CN] 我不会买一个妓院 增加电枢。 Turks & Caicos (2014) | - A lot of these locations correspond to known hubs for human trafficking. | [CN] -这些据点很多 都是已知的非法人口贩卖枢纽 Til Death Do Us Part (2013) | We'd have to cut his higher brain functions without disturbing the purely automatic and regulatory systems. | [JP] 高次中枢機能だけをカットして―― 純粋な自動制御と 一般システムを生かしておくんだ 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) | Perhaps we should help this cardinal Wolichek in his search for answers. | [JP] このヴォリチェク枢機卿に接触して 決断を促すお手伝いをしましょう Unholy Alliance (2011) | Atlanta's our southern hub. | [CN] 亚特兰大是我们南部的枢纽 Safe Haven (2013) | Down with the Cardinal! Long live the King! | [JP] 枢機卿を追い出すのだ 国王万歳! Le roi soleil (2006) | Is there some other fact or series of facts that you'd like to privy the committee's attention? | [CN] 有一些其他 事实上或一系列事实 你想枢密院 该委员会的注意呢? Jamesy Boy (2014) | We merely need to intercept the neural responses from the speech centers of he boy's brain, which can be achieved by placing electrodes in the halo ring. | [JP] 単に少年の脳の言語中枢からの神経応答を さえぎる必要があるだけだ そしてそれはヘロウリングに 電極を置くことで成し遂げられる Inner Child (2009) | But don't think that you, a woman, even a queen, can walk into the council's chamber and sway the minds of men. | [JP] 貴方は女 まさに女王が枢密院の 議場に入り 男たちに動揺を起こすのを考えてみろ 300 (2006) | Strut Jetstream lives in Propwash Junction. | [CN] 酷炫激流住在普罗普沃什枢纽站 Planes (2013) | Transportation hubs are prepped and set. | [JP] 交通機関中枢は 準備完了です。 Live Free or Die Hard (2007) | Many on our council would vote to give all we have and follow Leonidas. | [JP] 枢密院はレオニダスに全ての権限を与え 従う事に賛成するだろう 300 (2006) | Cardinal! | [JP] 枢機卿! Le roi soleil (2006) | Okay. | [CN] 好吧 导航中枢已经被彻底摧毁了 Okay. Interstellar (2014) | Simmons: | [CN] 我坐喷气运输机回枢纽去 通过卫星做行动队的四分卫 Eye Spy (2013) | We have all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo and the computers aren't even on their feet yet. Dennis, our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers? | [JP] 中枢のコンピュータ・ プログラムのせいです ネドリー システム・エンジニアは 君だろ? Jurassic Park (1993) | Mr. Cardinal | [JP] そのように決意したのだ 枢機卿 Le roi soleil (2006) | The hub is the key to everything. | [CN] 网络中枢是一切的关键 Shadow Warfare: Part 6 (2013) | All I can offer, Anna, is that I will bring your request to the college. | [JP] 私がお約束できるのは その件を枢機卿会で提起する事 Unholy Alliance (2011) | For all the other airports. | [CN] 是其他所有机场的主枢纽 Pilot (2014) | This is Haqqani's entire command structure. | [CN] 这是哈卡尼的整个指挥中枢 There's Something Else Going On (2014) | Among those leaders, cardinal Janusz Wolichek has been heading up the discussions at the Vatican, but as of yet, no answers. | [JP] 「こうした動きの中で ヤヌス ヴォリチェク枢機卿が」 法王庁での議論を主導 「今のところ公式な回答は無く」 Unholy Alliance (2011) | He has brought important records to help with the coming battle. | [CN] 枢密院特使沈大人 The Great Wall (2016) | You will go before the council but your words will fall in deaf ears. | [JP] 貴方は枢密院へ行けるが 誰も貴方の言葉を聞かない 300 (2006) | CardinalJinette. | [JP] ジネッテ枢機卿 Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004) | And if this weapon uses plasma armature... and I think it does, then... | [CN] 如果这武器用等离子电枢 我觉得它确实用了 那么... Search and Recover (2013) | The king and queen have tricked us the palace is empty | [JP] 枢機卿と王妃は我々をだました 宮殿はからっぽだ Le roi soleil (2006) | They're looking to crack the NATO hub somehow. | [CN] 他们在想尽办法骇入北约的网络中枢 Shadow Warfare: Part 6 (2013) | The Metro is paralyzed. | [CN] 而路面枢纽已经瘫痪 Metro (2013) | Let's hope it's a knockout and not a kill. | [CN] 你想让我陪他去枢纽汇报吗? Eye Spy (2013) | There's a NATO hub access point in the secure part of the embassy. | [CN] 在大使馆的禁区内 有一台北约网络中枢的接入点 Shadow Warfare: Part 6 (2013) | I am sorry, but after careful deliberation with the full college of cardinals, we will not condemn those clergy who feel called upon to... | [JP] 遺憾ながら 慎重な議論の結果 枢機卿会 全員の決定により 教区の聖職者に対する 問責はしません Unholy Alliance (2011) | She's gonna hold the hub. | [CN] has the top deck? 我还有维克的消息 她控制住了枢纽 And I heard from Vic. She's gonna hold the hub. One Door Closes (2015) | And destroy rouge AI: Frontier Setter's main processing core | [CN] 将失控的人工智能 疆域开拓者的中枢演算装置破坏掉 Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014) | I ask for your niece's hand in marriage | [JP] 枢機卿 あなたの姪に結婚を申し込みます Le roi soleil (2006) | Put your foot on the central node and mount the thorax. | [CN] 脚放上中枢点 骑胸部 Ant-Man (2015) | What does my vice regent, Yusuf, say on this matter? | [CN] 左丞相姚枢 你怎么看? What does my Vice Regent, Yusuf, say on this matter? The Wayfarer (2014) | His hatred towards me will drive him right into the heart of the Fifth Column. | [JP] 私に対する憎悪が 彼を組織の中枢へ導くはず Red Rain (2011) | And you can arrange me to speak to the council? | [JP] 枢密院で話す事が出来るように 手配してください 300 (2006) | It's very hard to understand a language, when you're thinking in two languages. | [JP] 言語中枢の読解は 難しいんだ Kin-dza-dza! (1986) |
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