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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
打翻[dǎ fān, ㄉㄚˇ ㄈㄢ,  ] to overturn; to overthrow; to strike down (an enemy) #29,573 [Add to Longdo]
打翻身仗[dǎ fān shēn zhàng, ㄉㄚˇ ㄈㄢ ㄕㄣ ㄓㄤˋ,    ] to work hard towards a turn-around; to fight to reverse sth #97,746 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I spilt rice and he threw us out.[CN] 打翻了米,他就把我们赶出来 Night and Fog (2009)
The bullet blew his inside out.[CN] 子弹把他的内脏全都打翻了出来 Harry Brown (2009)
You're no better. Why knock over wineglasses?[CN] 你才夸张, 又扔面包又打翻 Love for All Seasons (2003)
- Well, by "OK", I mean spilling a ton of beer and screwing up everyone's order.[CN] - 嗯,"干得不坏",我的意思是 打翻了无数杯啤酒,还把客人 要的单子给搞错了. The Prince and Me (2004)
- Yeah, we just spilled a Coke, Mel.[CN] 是的,我们只是打翻了点可乐, Mel. Thirteen (2003)
You spilled my drink and I let you buy me a beer.[CN] 打翻我的酒, 我讓你請我一杯啤酒 The Sweetest Thing (2002)
No, everything's okay.[CN] 没有 一切都很好 我只是打翻了一瓶牛奶 Firewall (2006)
Oops. I "breaked" the "vater."[CN] 啊,不好意思,我把水杯子打翻 Baby on Board (2009)
We're not tired. I didn't spill food 'cause I'm tired.[CN] 我们还不累 我不是因为累了才打翻食物 Christopher (2002)
And I--as I offered one to her mother, I tipped the plate, and plop![CN] 我准备递一份给她母亲 "扑"一下把盘子打翻 Dress Big (2007)
Or "oops, i spilled the popcorn" salt?[CN] 还是"我打翻了爆米花"那种盐? Dead Man's Blood (2006)
Can I buy you another one?[CN] 打翻了你的酒, 我能請你喝一杯嗎? The Sweetest Thing (2002)
-I don't care about anybody's looks but I can't recall ever going for anyone who reminds me of a box of spilled spaghetti.[CN] - 我不关心别人的表情... 但我想不起有人的表情能... 让我想起一盒打翻的通心粉 All the King's Men (2006)
I slap on one of those gowns, [CN] 我来把一些毒品打翻 Children and Art (2006)
Please tell me you didn't just knock that over.[CN] 别告诉我是你打翻了它们. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
I spilled my drink.[CN] 打翻饮料了。 Black Ice (2007)
I knocked into those drinks. I'd like to pay for them.[CN] 那些饮料是我打翻的 我愿意赔 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)
Did you spill ketchup?[CN] 打翻花生酱了吗? The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (2007)
-Knocked over the phone.[CN] - 把电话打翻 Eagle Eye (2008)
You keep lookin' at me, I'll put you in the fucking ground![CN] 你他妈的一直看着我,我要把你打翻在地! Sexy Beast (2000)
Hunk of... Oh, no![CN] 打翻的果篮 一堆腿骨 还有 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Walk away or I lay you out.[CN] 走开 否则把你打翻 'Til We Meat Again (2005)
Then what are you so upset about?[CN] 那么你打翻的是什么? Coyote Ugly (2000)
I just spilled Marinara sauce and you saw that. I drop things, OK?[CN] 我在你面前打翻了大蒜番茄酱 我笨手笨脚 Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... (2000)
I mean, he just egged me on, and I almost-- man, I almost decked this guy and knocked him off that rock.[CN] 我是说,他几乎在怂恿我揍他 而我差点,差点就一拳把他打翻 一脚把他踢下那块石头 The Cove (2009)
That was the only lunch box I had and you dropped it[CN] 我只得一个饭盒 That was the onIy Iunch box I had ... 现在被你打翻了,怎么办? ... and you dropped it Jiang Hu: The Triad Zone (2000)
And that cat starts pushing' over people's drinks, you know, using' the restroom everywhere, and Damascus shows up, right?[CN] 把大家的饮料都打翻了 到处乱拉乱尿,这时德曼斯科出现了 George Washington (2000)
That waiter knocked over the water 4 times[CN] 刚才那个服务员打翻了四次水 Marriage with a Fool (2006)
You could have knocked. I nearly spilt my drink.[CN] 你应该敲门,我几乎打翻 Brideshead Revisited (2008)
I just slipped, and I spilled all this stuff.[CN] 我只是滑倒, 和我打翻所有这些东西。 Eulogy (2004)
The Comtesse de Ribes brought her own vodka.[CN] Ribes伯爵夫人不小心打翻了她的酒 Valentino: The Last Emperor (2008)
I made a mess just working[CN] 打翻东西 要干活 Men Suddenly in Black (2003)
knocked over the phone. Put it back.[CN] 对,把电话打翻了,又把它放好 Eagle Eye (2008)
And do not spill.[CN] 打翻了. The Prince and Me (2004)
She limps a little but she's never spilt a drink.[CN] 走路微跛,却从没打翻过杯子 Amélie (2001)
Now step aside, Paul, before I push you to the ground and go to the bathroom on you.[CN] 靠边站 Paul 不然我把你打翻在地 拖进厕所 Questionable Characters (2004)
Parker, I swear I will spank you![CN] Parker, 我發誓 如果你敢打翻它 我一定會好好揍你的屁股 Children Will Listen (2005)
- I spilled grape juice.[CN] 打翻了葡萄汁 洒到裤子上了 The Barbarian Sublimation (2008)
Ralph Cifaretto spilt my coffee and ruined it.[CN] 瑞夫西法多打翻我的咖啡 把它弄髒了! Rat Pack (2004)
I didn't just knock that over.[CN] 我没打翻它们. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
You always spill things around.[CN] 老是打翻东西 Laam goh lui cheung (2001)
"My vowel trays are overturned," or the like.[CN] "铅字被打翻"之类 你们怎么说? Something Very Expensive (2005)
But I'm telling you, everyone in America who's got just your basic, everyday job is gonna love watching the boss being chased down the street with his shirt off, thrown to the ground and a knee to the neck.[CN] 但是每個最普通的美國上班族, 都很願意看見他的老板在街上連 襯衫都沒穿地被人追, 然後被打翻在地。 Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Laid out by a kid, huh?[CN] 被个孩子打翻在地? Red Rum (2009)
You think it's cool just to come into my party and beat up the band?[CN] 你觉得这样来我的派对很酷吗? 还打翻了我的乐队? The Foot Fist Way (2006)
If it's another suspicious husband, I'm out of this business forever.[CN] 如果又是个 打翻醋缸的丈夫打来的 我就洗手不干了 The Animatrix (2003)
Because of spilt rice! Sent her flying through the door![CN] 就因为打翻米,他就拿脸盆把老婆赶出来 Night and Fog (2009)
...and I knock over his bowl of tomato sauce.[CN] 我把他的番茄酱打翻 The Whole Ten Yards (2004)
They beat us and take our clothes[CN] 他们把我们打翻 拿了我们的衣服 Ruby & Quentin (2003)
Well, I knocked the whole thing right into the sink, and it got all wet. - There's nothing left.[CN] 结果我把药罐打翻了 药全都湿了 Everybody's Fine (2009)


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