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天雷[てんらい, tenrai] (n) thunder [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I would have shot him and he'd be like you right now![CN] 天雷早就被我射中 变成你现在这副德行了 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Understanding anatomy is important if you really want to understand what makes men and women tick.[CN] 若要了解男人与女人 是如何天雷勾动地火 了解身体构造的确非常重要 The Secret of Sex (2002)
Leng Tian Lei, I have never seen someone as unreasonable as you![CN] 天雷,什么人我都见过 如此蛮横霸道的,你还是第一个 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
If you promise to help me kill Leng Tian Lei[CN] 只要你答应我,帮我杀冷天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Raimondo and Henri had gone that day to a stable, where Purebred horses were sold.[CN] 天雷蒙多和亨利去一家马厩 卖纯种马的地方 Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
You've got to be kidding me.[CN] 你是不是天雷教的啊 Trial and Error (2010)
Suddenly there was a thunderclap.[CN] 顿时一阵天雷地动 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
You drove those scoundrels away and did us a huge favour[CN] 你替咱们赶走了天雷帮那些坏蛋 又替我们出了口闷气 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
== sync, corrected by elderman ==[CN] -=YTET -伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: 天雷滚滚啊 天雷滚滚 Red Sails in the Sunset (2012)
Why did he seize you of all people?[CN] 为什么冷天雷谁也不抓,只来抓你 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Leng Tian Lei, it's been a long time![CN] 天雷,久违了 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
I'm Li Sai Nan[CN] 天雷,我就是李赛男 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Here comes Leng Tian Lei! Let's hide![CN] 糟糕,冷天雷来了,快躲起来 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Leng Tian Lei[CN] 我就是冷天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Master, when I was... surrounded by Thunder Gang the other day this fellow helped us out![CN] 启禀掌门,当日我跟两位师兄 在城外被天雷帮围困之时 幸亏得这位大哥相助 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
No. Yesterday I got a spot working for Rafe.[CN] 不 昨天雷夫决定请我了 Snow Angels (2007)
Leng Tian Lei is looking for his daughter so I posed as his daughter and let them take me to him[CN] 天雷派人四处找他的女儿 我就假装扮成他的女儿 等人来抓我去天雷帮的 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
For your own interests you want to break away from Thunder Gang and incite others to do the same?[CN] 好,为了自己的利益 所以你就要脱离我天雷帮的控制 还想唆使其他人自立门户 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Yes, I did[CN] 杀冷天雷? 我是答应过你 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Some other time I promise I'll sing with you[CN] 改天我一定来陪老哥唱天雷 Gui lin rong ji (1998)
You thought you were gonna bring me here so that you could have sex with me.[CN] 天雷勾动地火 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
What do you want, Leng Tian Lei?[CN] 天雷? 你究竟想怎么样? Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Our position is further strengthened[CN] 天雷帮更是如虎添翼 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Leng Tian Lei[CN] 天雷,你也有今天 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Throw... - Got it![CN] 用轰天雷 Patriots Day (2016)
And it gets hot and sweaty and stanky.[CN] 简直是天雷勾动地火 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
I wanted to postpone this meeting, but since you're going abroad, [CN] 一天 如遭晴天雷 Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
Leng Tian Lei of the Thunder Gang has dispatched his men to kidnap women[CN] 天雷帮的首领冷天雷派了好多手下 到处去抓单身的女孩子 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
So one day I bumped into Cyrus and we started having a fling.[CN] 后来遇到赛洛斯 天雷勾动地火 Down to You (2000)
Who told you to pose as Leng Tian Lei?[CN] 谁叫你要冒充冷天雷的? Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
If you are, you must go see Master Leng[CN] 是的话跟我回天雷帮见冷帮主 冷天雷? Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Thunder Gang![CN] 天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Anyone who betrays me or does anything detrimental to the gang will be killed on sight![CN] 今后任何人若有二心 做出不利天雷帮的事 一律格杀勿论 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
I'm not Leng Tian Lei's daughter![CN] 不是,我不是冷天雷女儿 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Now even the Prime Minister is on our side[CN] 如今朝廷相爷恩泽我天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
It was lust at first sight.[CN] 初次见面就天雷地火 Vanity's Bonfire (2012)
That's kind of awesome thought.[CN] 这想起来天雷滚滚 My Tutor (1983)
Heads of the top 10 underworld gangs have arrived at Thunder Gang[CN] 中原十大黑道帮会的头领 都来到了天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
These scoundrels collude with the government[CN] 天雷帮这帮坏蛋勾结官府 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
It's them! Run![CN] 天雷帮,快走, Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Thunder Gang?[CN] 天雷帮? Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Dragon Sect is my sworn enemy[CN] 天雷帮跟沐龙门邪正不两立 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Help me kill Leng Tian Lei![CN] 你不是答应过我要帮我杀冷天雷? Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
I have recently joined Thunder Gang[CN] 刚刚加入天雷 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
You're too cocky![CN] 天雷,你太猖狂了,土 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Leng Tian Lei has collaborated with the court against Dragon Sect[CN] 天雷勾结朝廷韩总管 要对付你们沐龙门 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
When you joined Thunder Gang you have sworn your allegiance[CN] 你们归顺我天雷帮 就要遵守当初发下的毒誓 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
You two seems like a pair to death.[CN] 她看起来会让人天雷勾动地火 Il parait que c'est un coup d'enfer, 她腿间只差没见识过树枝了 y a que la furie du bois -joli qui est pas passé entre ses jambes. Love Me If You Dare (2003)
I'll show them![CN] 天雷帮不是好惹的 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)
Dragon Sect is our enemy[CN] 沐龙门是天雷帮的死对头 Long Road to Gallantry (1984)


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