这 本 书 里 我 最 爱 的 桥 段 是 他们 在 华府 里 创造 了 一个 怪物 |
这 | - (zhè, ㄓㄜˋ) this; these; (commonly pronounced zhei4 before a classifier, esp. in Beijing) [CE-DICT]
本 | - (ほん) (n) (1) (See ご本・ごほん) book; volume; (pref) (2) main; head; this; our; present; real; (ctr) (3) counter for long cylindrical things; counter for films, TV shows, etc.; counter for goals, home runs, etc.; (P) [EDICT]
- (běn, ㄅㄣˇ) roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; (classifier for books, periodicals, files etc) [CE-DICT]
书 | - (shū, ㄕㄨ) book; letter; same as 書經|书经 Book of History [CE-DICT]
我 | - (わ) ฉัน ข้าพเจ้า กู ข้า [LongdoJP]
- (が) (n) (1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego [EDICT]
- (われ(P);わ(我;吾);あれ(ok);あ(我;吾)(ok);わぬ(我;吾)(ok);わろ(我)(ok)) (pn,adj-no) (1) I; me; (2) (われ, わ only) oneself; (3) (われ, わ only) (arch) you; (pref) (4) (わ only) (arch) (also 和) prefix indicating familiarity or contempt; (P) [EDICT]
- (わが) (adj-pn) my; our; one's own; (P) [EDICT]
- (wǒ, ㄨㄛˇ) I; me; my [CE-DICT]
最 | - (さい) (pref,adj-na) (1) the most; the extreme; (adj-t,adv-to) (2) (See 最たる) prime; conspicuous [EDICT]
- (zuì, ㄗㄨㄟˋ) most; the most; -est [CE-DICT]
爱 | - (ài, ㄞˋ) to love; affection; to be fond of; to like [CE-DICT]
的 | - (てき) (adj-na,suf) -like; typical; (P) [EDICT]
- (まと) (n) mark; target; (P) [EDICT]
- (de, ㄉㄜ˙) of; structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive [CE-DICT]
- (dí, ㄉㄧˊ) really and truly [CE-DICT]
- (dì, ㄉㄧˋ) aim; clear [CE-DICT]
桥 | - (qiáo, ㄑㄧㄠˊ) bridge [CE-DICT]
段 | - (だん) (n) (1) step; stair; (flight of) steps; (row of) stitches; columns (of print); (2) grade; rank; level; (ctr) (3) counter for breaks in written language (or speech, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
- (たん) (n,n-pref) (1) variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos [EDICT]
- (duàn, ㄉㄨㄢˋ) surname Duan; paragraph; section; segment [CE-DICT]
他 | - (ほか) อื่นๆ, ที่เหลือ, นอกเหนือจากนี้ [LongdoJP]
- (ほか) (adj-no,n,n-adv) other (esp. places and things); the rest; (P) [EDICT]
- (た) (n-adv,n,adj-no) other (esp. people and abstract matters); (P) [EDICT]
- (tā, ㄊㄚ) he; him [CE-DICT]
们 | - (men, ㄇㄣ˙) plural marker for pronouns and a small number of animate nouns [CE-DICT]
创 | - (chuāng, ㄔㄨㄤ) a wound; cut; injury; trauma [CE-DICT]
- (chuàng, ㄔㄨㄤˋ) begin; initiate; inaugurate; start; create [CE-DICT]
造 | - (zào, ㄗㄠˋ) to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture [CE-DICT]