ติดโพย (PopThai)


而且 (ér qiě) (hái)成功 (chéng gōng) (de) () (lòng)大家 (dà jiā) (hǎo)一阵子 (yī zhèn zǐ) 直到 (zhí dào) (shàng) ()礼拜 (lǐ bài) (cái) (bèi)戳破 (chuō pò)


  • (ér, ㄦˊ) and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicates causal relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast) [CE-DICT]
  • (qiě, ㄑㄧㄝˇ) further; moreover [CE-DICT]
  • (じか) (n-pref,adj-no,n) (See 直に・じかに) direct [EDICT]
  • (じき) (adj-na,adv,n) (1) soon; in a moment; before long; shortly; (2) nearby; close; (adj-no,n) (3) direct; (4) (See 直取引) spot transaction; cash transaction; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ただ) (adj-na,n,adv) (arch) straight; direct [EDICT]
  • (ちょく) (adj-na,adv,n) (1) direct; in person; frankness; honesty; simplicity; cheerfulness; correctness; being straight; (2) (See 当直) night duty; shift (e.g. in a factory); (P) [EDICT]
  • (なお) (adj-na) (1) (arch) (See 真直・まなお,直直・なおなお) straight; (2) ordinary; common; (3) doing nothing [EDICT]
  • (ひた) (pref) (uk) earnestly; immediately; exactly [EDICT]
  • (あたい;あたえ(直;費);あたいえ(直)(ok)) (n) (See 国造,姓・かばね) Atai (post-Taika hereditary title often given to regional administrators) [EDICT]
  • (zhí, ㄓˊ) straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright [CE-DICT]
  • (dào, ㄉㄠˋ) to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive [CE-DICT]

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