ติดโพย (PopThai)


(gōng) () (xìng)律师 (lǜ shī)


  • (きみ) (pn,adj-no) (1) (male) (fam) (used colloquially by young females) you; buddy; pal; (2) (arch) monarch; ruler; sovereign; (one's) master; (P) [EDICT]
  • (おおやけ) (adj-no) official; public; formal; open; governmental; (P) [EDICT]
  • (こう) (n,suf) (1) public matter; governmental matter; (2) prince; duke; (n,n-suf) (3) lord; sir; (n-suf) (4) familiar or derogatory suffix (after a name, etc.) [EDICT]
  • (gōng, ㄍㄨㄥ) just; honorable (designation); public; common [CE-DICT]
  • (えき(P);やく;よう) (n) (1) benefit; use; good; advantage; gain; (2) profit; gains; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ますます) (adv) (uk) increasingly; more and more; decreasingly; less and less; (P) [EDICT]
  • (yì, ㄧˋ) benefit; increase [CE-DICT]
  • (しょう) (n,n-suf) (1) nature (of a person or thing); (2) {Buddh} that which does not change according to external influences [EDICT]
  • (せい) (n) (1) nature (of a person); (2) sex; (3) gender; (suf) (4) (indicating quality or condition) -ty; -ity; -ness; -cy; (P) [EDICT]
  • (さが;なりくせ(性)(ok)) (n) (1) one's nature; one's destiny; (2) custom; tradition; habit [EDICT]
  • (xìng, ㄒㄧㄥˋ) nature; character; property; quality; attribute; sexuality; sex; gender; surname; suffix forming adjective from verb; suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity; essence [CE-DICT]

เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
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