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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
糕点[gāo diǎn, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄧㄢˇ,   /  ] pastry #22,428 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's Russian, sir.[CN] 俄式糕点,先生 Womanlight (1979)
# And then some cakes and tea[CN] 再来些糕点和茶 Mary Poppins (1964)
No, all we've got is the name of the bakery, an order describing the design, its destination, the date, and the alarming amount of cash delivered to pay for it.[CN] 没 只知道糕点店收到 想要的样式说明 和送货的时间地点 The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
Don't you think you've had enough kissing for one afternoon? You're impossible.[CN] 我想吃那些朱古力糕点 Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have you sold a lot?[CN] 快来买哦还有糕点 生意好不好 Episode #1.4 (2004)
If this pastry is to bear my name, it must be richer.[CN] 如果这种糕点要以我的名字命名, 那它必须更加华美! Love and Death (1975)
Buy some dukkbogi![CN] 这里也有糕点寿司 快来买来买糕点 Episode #1.4 (2004)
We must develop the Napoleon before he develops Beef Wellington.[CN] 我们必须在他做出"惠灵顿牛肉"之前 做出"拿破仑糕点"。 Love and Death (1975)
Therefore, the price of the éclairs has been increased to 50 cents.[CN] 因此 糕点价格涨到50分 The Trouble with Angels (1966)
These cheese cakes and candles are for Father Erik from me.[CN] 带上糕点和蜡烛 把这个给爱利克 The Virgin Spring (1960)
Sister Rose Marie has baked double her usual quota of éclairs.[CN] 罗丝玛丽嬷嬷烘培了是她通常两倍量的糕点 The Trouble with Angels (1966)
Don't feel bad! Mine is Ms Kazu in the bakery.[CN] 别妒忌,我写给糕点店的阿和 A Mother Should Be Loved (1934)


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