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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
鱼翅[yú chì, ㄩˊ ㄔˋ,   /  ] shark fin #27,027 [Add to Longdo]
鱼翅[yú chì tāng, ㄩˊ ㄔˋ ㄊㄤ,    /   ] shark fin soup [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- My shark fin![CN] 鱼翅? Iron Monkey (1993)
- It's not any old tat![CN] 可不是鱼翅 The Young Master (1980)
Any shark's fin soup?[CN] 要不要鱼翅呀? Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
You want to earn money for shark-fins, right?[CN] 你也想赚点钱吃碗鱼翅吧? King of Beggars (1992)
I did serve you shark's fin or abalone, didn't you?[CN] 没有鱼翅你吃吗? 没有鲍鱼你吃吗? I did serve you shark's fin or abalone, didn't you? As Tears Go By (1988)
You eat the best and wear the best[CN] 摇摇晃晃,鱼翅泡饭 The Fearless Hyena (1979)
His Excellency would like chicken and shark-fin soup.[CN] 大人修身不修口 要吃大鱼翅 Iron Monkey (1993)
I tell you, he can eat hot shark-fin soup faster than anyone else so, he can eat much more than us[CN] 我告诉你 就算吃鱼翅也能够吃得比别人快 能多吃两碗 Forbidden City Cop (1996)
Didn't you say you won't eat... without shark's fin soup?[CN] 你不是说没有鱼翅 你就吃不下饭吗? Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
The shark fin's soup is good![CN] 鱼翅真美味! Hei ma wang zi (1999)
The party's over and we're eating hamburgers.[CN] 人家吃鱼翅,我们捱汉堡饱 Above the Law (1986)
You eat too much shark fin. This food makes you horny.[CN] 加上人参当饭 鱼翅当菜 燥热攻心 Iron Monkey (1993)


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