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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
摧残[cuī cán, ㄘㄨㄟ ㄘㄢˊ,   /  ] to ravage; to ruin #16,942 [Add to Longdo]

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We designed you city as an experiment.[CN] 我来自围墙之外 I come from outside the wall, 在哪儿 人们相互摧残 where we have all but destroyed each other. Allegiant (2016)
From pandemics to war-torn regions, to extreme poverty situations, they feel safe in his hands.[CN] 从大规模传染病到战争摧残的地区 到极度贫穷的地方 在他的手下他们感到安全 Trainwreck (2015)
Looks like she's been knocked around by someone.[CN] 我大脑一直饱受审讯和取证的摧残 Q & A (2015)
He's been constantly harassed by the police, subjected to extreme mental cruelty and public degradation.[CN] 如今不断的被警方骚扰 受到了极度的精神摧残和公众排挤 Cape Fear (1962)
Could the Vajra described in the ancient Vedic texts be a super weapon used against the planet?[CN] 金刚是这个超级 雷击螺栓 那摧残一切 是最具破坏性 神有的武器。 Destination Mars (2016)
I know we are all suffering, but we must fight for our president Allende![CN] 我知道大家都饱受摧残 但我们必须坚决拥护 I know we are all suffering, but we must 我们的阿连德总统! fight for our president Allende! Colonia (2015)
There's nothing a man can't get through to be free.[CN] 摧残你折磨你,让你未老先衰 There's nothing a man can't get through to be free. It's been done. Strange Cargo (1940)
Do not ask forgiveness from those whom you have destroyed to a point past forgiveness.[CN] 别要求那些... 曾被你毫不留情摧残的人们... 宽恕你 Deaths-Head Revisited (1961)
Congratulations.[CN] 又不会摧残我们纯洁心灵的 Episode Two (2015)
- For what?[CN] 要是像你这么被摧残 都能每天早上挣扎着爬起床 The Pants Alternative (2010)
I brutalized, left me a fool ... humbled me, every day, Against all![CN] 摧残我,给我留下了傻瓜... 每天都自愧不如我,, 反对一切! Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013)
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, [CN] 究竟哪样更高贵 去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 Hamlet (1948)


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