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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, yì, ㄧˋ] to flee, to escape, to break loose
Radical: , Decomposition:   辶 [chuò, ㄔㄨㄛˋ]  兔 [, ㄊㄨˋ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To run 辶 like a rabbit 兔
Rank: 2338

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: deviate; idleness; leisure; miss the mark; evade; elude; parry; diverge
On-yomi: イツ, itsu
Kun-yomi: そ.れる, そ.らす, はぐ.れる, so.reru, so.rasu, hagu.reru
Radical: , Decomposition:         𫩏  
Variants: , Rank: 1524
[] Meaning:
Kun-yomi: しんにょう, shin'nyou
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[yì, ㄧˋ, ] escape; leisurely; outstanding #8,852 [Add to Longdo]
安逸[ān yì, ㄢ ㄧˋ,  ] easy and comfortable; easy #14,173 [Add to Longdo]
飘逸[piāo yì, ㄆㄧㄠ ㄧˋ,   /  ] graceful; elegant; to drift; to float #15,330 [Add to Longdo]
逃逸[táo yì, ㄊㄠˊ ㄧˋ,  ] to escape; to run away; to abscond #15,475 [Add to Longdo]
以逸待劳[yǐ yì dài láo, ㄧˇ ㄧˋ ㄉㄞˋ ㄌㄠˊ,    ] wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy #59,305 [Add to Longdo]
孙逸仙[Sūn Yì xiān, ㄙㄨㄣ ㄧˋ ㄒㄧㄢ,    /   ] Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Republic of China and co-founder of the Kuomintang; same as 孫中山|孙中山 #72,116 [Add to Longdo]
骄奢淫逸[jiāo shē yín yì, ㄐㄧㄠ ㄕㄜ ㄧㄣˊ ㄧˋ,     /    ] extravagant and dissipated; decadent #73,620 [Add to Longdo]
隐逸[yǐn yì, ㄧㄣˇ ㄧˋ,   /  ] privacy #74,793 [Add to Longdo]
逸事[yì shì, ㄧˋ ㄕˋ,  ] anecdote (esp. about celebrities) #76,292 [Add to Longdo]
闲逸[xián yì, ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄧˋ,   /  ] comfort and leisure #102,602 [Add to Longdo]
逸闻[yì wén, ㄧˋ ㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] anecdote; rumor; canard #108,951 [Add to Longdo]
逸致[yì zhì, ㄧˋ ㄓˋ,   /  ] carefree; in the mood for enjoyment #114,179 [Add to Longdo]
散逸[sàn yì, ㄙㄢˋ ㄧˋ,  ] dispersal #129,139 [Add to Longdo]
清逸[qīng yì, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄧˋ,  ] fresh and elegant [Add to Longdo]
逸豫[yì yù, ㄧˋ ㄩˋ,  ] idleness and pleasure [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
逸らかす[はぐらかす, hagurakasu] (vi) หลบหลีก, หลีกเลี่ยง

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
秀逸[しゅういつ, shuuitsu] (adj-na, n) excellence; (P) #6,208 [Add to Longdo]
逸話[いつわ, itsuwa] (n, adj-no) anecdote; (P) #8,868 [Add to Longdo]
逸脱[いつだつ, itsudatsu] (n, vs) (1) deviation; departure; (2) omission; (P) #12,106 [Add to Longdo]
安佚;安逸[あんいつ, an'itsu] (n, adj-na) (idle) ease; idleness; indolence [Add to Longdo]
一散に;逸散に[いっさんに, issanni] (adv) at top speed [Add to Longdo]
逸す[いっす, issu] (v5s) (1) (See 逸する) to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); (2) to overlook; to omit; to forget; (3) to deviate; to depart from (the norm, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
逸する;佚する[いっする, issuru] (vs-s) (1) to lose (a chance); to miss (a chance); (2) to overlook; to omit; to forget; (3) to deviate [Add to Longdo]
逸らかす[はぐらかす, hagurakasu] (v5s, vt) (uk) to dodge; to evade; to give the slip [Add to Longdo]
逸らす[そらす, sorasu] (v5s, vt) to turn away; to avert; (P) [Add to Longdo]
逸り気[はやりぎ, hayarigi] (n) (arch) impatience; eagerness [Add to Longdo]
逸る[はやる, hayaru] (v5r, vi) (uk) to stray from; to get lost [Add to Longdo]
逸る[はやる, hayaru] (v5r) to be in high spirits; to be impatient; to be hotblooded; to be rash; to be impetuous [Add to Longdo]
逸れる[それる(P);はぐれる(P), soreru (P); hagureru (P)] (v1, vi) to stray (turn) from subject; to get lost; to go astray; (P) [Add to Longdo]
逸れ玉[それだま, soredama] (n) stray bullet [Add to Longdo]
逸れ弾[それだま, soredama] (n) stray bullet [Add to Longdo]
逸れ矢[それや, soreya] (n) stray arrow [Add to Longdo]
逸を以て労を待つ[いつをもってろうをまつ, itsuwomotterouwomatsu] (exp, v5t) to wait for the enemy to tire at ease [Add to Longdo]
逸楽;佚楽[いつらく, itsuraku] (n, vs) pleasure [Add to Longdo]
逸楽生活[いつらくせいかつ, itsurakuseikatsu] (n) a life given up to pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle [Add to Longdo]
逸機[いっき, ikki] (n, vs) missing a chance [Add to Longdo]
逸球[いっきゅう, ikkyuu] (n, vs) muffed ball [Add to Longdo]
逸材[いつざい, itsuzai] (n) outstanding talent [Add to Longdo]
逸史[いっし, isshi] (n) anecdotal history [Add to Longdo]
逸事[いつじ, itsuji] (n) anecdote; unknown fact [Add to Longdo]
逸失利益[いっしつりえき, isshitsurieki] (n) lost profit [Add to Longdo]
逸出[いっしゅつ, isshutsu] (n, vs) escape; excelling; prominence [Add to Longdo]
逸書;佚書[いっしょ, issho] (n) lost book [Add to Longdo]
逸早く;いち早く;逸速く[いちはやく, ichihayaku] (adv) (1) promptly; quickly; without delay; (2) before others; first [Add to Longdo]
逸走[いっそう, issou] (n, vs) escape; scud; scamper away [Add to Longdo]
逸足[いっそく, issoku] (n) fast runner; excellence [Add to Longdo]
逸品[いっぴん, ippin] (n) article of rare beauty; gem; (P) [Add to Longdo]
逸物[いちもつ, ichimotsu] (n) excellent person; superb article [Add to Longdo]
逸物[いちもつ, ichimotsu] (n) excellent animal [Add to Longdo]
逸文[いつぶん, itsubun] (n) unknown or lost writings [Add to Longdo]
逸聞[いつぶん, itsubun] (n) something unheard of [Add to Longdo]
逸民[いつみん, itsumin] (n) retired person; recluse [Add to Longdo]
淫逸;淫佚[いんいつ, in'itsu] (n, adj-na) debauchery [Add to Longdo]
隠逸[いんいつ, in'itsu] (n) seclusion [Add to Longdo]
気をそらす;気を逸らす[きをそらす, kiwosorasu] (exp, v5s) to distract [Add to Longdo]
見逸れる[みそれる, misoreru] (v1, vt) to overlook; to fail to recognize; to fail to recognise [Add to Longdo]
後逸[こういつ, kouitsu] (n, vs) letting (a ball) pass; missing (a grounder); error [Add to Longdo]
好機逸す可からず[こうきいっすべからず, koukiissubekarazu] (exp) (id) Make hay while the sun shines [Add to Longdo]
散逸;散佚[さんいつ, san'itsu] (n, vs) (1) being scattered and ultimately lost; (2) { physics } dissipation [Add to Longdo]
俊逸[しゅんいつ, shun'itsu] (n) excellence; genius [Add to Longdo]
常軌を逸した[じょうきをいっした, joukiwoisshita] (adj-f) aberrant [Add to Longdo]
食いっ逸れ;食いっぱぐれ[くいっぱぐれ, kuippagure] (n) missing a meal [Add to Longdo]
食い逸れ[くいはぐれ, kuihagure] (n) missing a meal; losing means to make one's livelihood [Add to Longdo]
食い逸れる;食いっ逸れる;食いはぐれる;食いっぱぐれる[くいはぐれる(食い逸れる;食いはぐれる);くいっぱぐれる(食い逸れる;食いっ逸れる;食いっぱぐれる), kuihagureru ( kui sore ru ; kui hagureru ); kuippagureru ( kui sore ru ; kui tsu so] (v1, vi) (1) to miss a meal; (2) to lose the means to make one's livelihood [Add to Longdo]
針路を逸れる[しんろをそれる, shinrowosoreru] (exp, v1) to swerve from the course [Add to Longdo]
性的逸脱[せいてきいつだつ, seitekiitsudatsu] (n) sexual deviation; sexual anomaly [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
These flowers are the choice of her garden.これらの花は彼女の庭で咲いた逸品である。
As soon as he heard of it, he hastened to the spot.それを聞いて彼は逸早く現場に駆けつけた。
Few people know that Mr Itsumi is from Kansai.ほとんどの人は逸見氏が関西出身だとは知らない。
Easy living corrupted the warrior spirit.安逸の生活が軍人精神をだめにした。
You are way off the track.君は常軌を逸しているよ。 [ M ]
Make hay while the sun shines.好機を逸するな。
This is a golden opportunity we'd be stupid to pass up. Let's get to work and finish it all in one fell swoop.好機逸すべからず。この機に一気に仕事を仕上げてしまおう。
I should have completed it before summer.私は逸れを夏になる前に完成させるべきだった。
I haven't heard of him since then.私は逸れ以来彼の消息は聞いていない。
He began his lecture with a humorous anecdote.彼はまずユーモアのある逸話を話して講義を始めた。
They missed a good chance.彼らは好機を逸した。
Her anecdotes amuse us all.彼女の逸話は誰にとっても面白い。
Her behavior was a departure from the normal.彼女の行動は常軌を逸したものだ。
She bowed out of the race before it was too late.彼女は時機を逸する前に、選挙からおりました。
Strike while the iron is hot.後期逸すべからず。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Police and Carabinieri are hunting for the criminals who fled after killing Officers D'Andrea and Barbarini in cold blood.[CN] 警方正在积极追捕... ...残酷杀害安德烈和巴巴里尼警官后逃逸的罪犯 Angel of Evil (2010)
They split us apart and they watched. Testing us.[CN] 他们看我们四散逃逸,测试我们 Predators (2010)
♪ Warehouse 13 2x07 ♪ For the Team Original Air Date on August 17, 2010[CN] -=YTET -伊甸園字幕組=- 翻譯: 貓貓姐姐 包子 魚豆腐 尉遲逸 Mumuray 時間軸: For the Team (2010)
Yes, just enough so I got sidetracked and wouldn't know that Stanley was the one I was after.[JP] 話で僕をはぐらかし... 矛先をスタンリーから 逸らしたな D.O.A. (1949)
You look in their eyes and do not pull it out until you see their soul.[JP] 相手の視線を見て 魂が抜けるまで決して逸らすな Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
What you're suggesting is pretty unorthodox, isn't it?[JP] 貴方の仮説は 慣例から逸脱してませんか Semper I (2011)
Are not my days few?[CN] 我的日子不多吗? 那停止吧 我一个人更安逸 Horsemen (2009)
Set us up for the rest of our lives.[CN] 让我们安逸地度过后半生 NS (2010)
Americans will always look for an escape during dark days and storytellers like[CN] 美国人总是会寻找逃逸 在黑暗的日子和说书人喜欢 American Grindhouse (2010)
We can't lose sight of who we are.[JP] 常軌を逸した行動は出来ない 自分を見失ってはいけない Hearts and Minds (2010)
♪ The Mentalist 3x06 ♪ Pink Chanel Suit Original Air Date on October 28, 2010[CN] -=YTET -伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: 豆豆刷 夏酷 七纪 尉迟逸 Luna 时间轴: Pink Chanel Suit (2010)
And even for those salmon that have made it back, there are still more dangers.[CN] 对于成功抵达目的地的马哈鱼来说 回到出生地 并不意味着可以享受安逸的生活 The Great Salmon Run (2009)
Out of common decency.[JP] 常軌を逸して... Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Or there's a... there's an ax - murderer on the loose.[CN] 或者 砍人犯逃逸了 Sanctuary (2010)
Don't interrupt me.[JP] 逸らすんじゃない Flesh and Bone (2004)
When Donna was killed, those things you said to me in the hospital about my life being a series of hit and runs... that my face was the only one you saw...[CN] 还记得Donna被害的时候 你在医院里 对我说关于我的生活 就像交通肇事逃逸 还有我是你唯一记得住的人 So (2010)
Shut up. It's classic misdirection.[JP] 黙れ 注意を逸らす Mole Hunt (2009)
Don't try and block with this. When he swings, intercept, deflect, and hook it away.[JP] これで苦しめたり、邪魔はしないで下さい 彼が振り回したら、受け止めて 逸らして引っ掛けて下さい United (2005)
Sarah, just say "Gary" and put him out... of his masturbatory misery once and for all.[CN] 莎拉,只是说"加里" 并把他 他自慰苦难的 一劳永逸。
Now if you look here, [JP] 目を逸らさせる為 The Mill and the Cross (2011)
If we had a distraction, I could cover you to the woods.[JP] 敵の気を 逸らさないと RED (2010)
He thinks she'd be a valuable member of our society.[JP] 彼女は逸材だと 考えているみたいだ The Other Woman (2008)
The one who did the hit-and-run was her?[CN] 我怎麼不知道大嬸以肇事逃逸威脅過我 Episode #1.12 (2010)
Guards get comfortable doing the same thing day in, day out.[CN] 看守们日复一日的重复 就变得很安逸 The Next Three Days (2010)
Okay. We need to get off the road.[JP] 道路を逸れるぞ Paul (2011)
Now, for the escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape.[CN] 现在 对于逃逸罪来说 犯人既要在在押期间有逃逸行为 还要有逃逸的意识动机 The Order 23 Job (2009)
I saw the man that did this, the hit-and-run driver was at our school.[CN] 我看到那个肇事逃逸的人 他当时在我们学校 The Last Recruit (2010)
He's off the street and up in the woods![JP] 道から逸れて林の中だ We Bought a Zoo (2011)
Eddie was a degenerate skirt hound.[JP] エディは 常軌を逸した女狂いだったから Red Sauce (2009)
You'd have to feel calm and relaxed and very safe.[CN] 你会感到平静 安逸 非常安全 Red Badge (2009)
We need to create a distraction.[JP] 気を逸らす必要があるな VS. (2009)
Insisted it was a hit and run, and threatened Sung Min Woo.[CN] 硬說那是肇事逃逸 用這個介面威脅晟敏宇 Episode #1.12 (2010)
Connor, we do this right, the war is over.[CN] 康纳,如果成功了就可以一劳永逸 Terminator Salvation (2009)
Alas, those laws are never violated. They don't know how to be violated.[JP] その法則から 逸脱する能力もない Stalker (1979)
Given the lack of supplies, it was decided that starting today, you won't work anymore.[CN] 粮食不够吃 农场领导决定 从今天开始劳逸结合, 你们就不出工啦 The Ditch (2010)
We have no need for the wasteful conforts of modern life[CN] 我们不需要享受都市生活的奢侈安逸 Third Star (2010)
I forgot how afraid I was around girls... how I was always waiting for them to laugh at me or... look away embarrassed, or ask me about my tall, handsome brother.[JP] 忘れていたよ 少女がどの位恐れてたか どの位、笑われるのを待っていたのか それか目を逸らせるか Baelor (2011)
I will not tolerate one more outburst of any kind from anybody in this courtroom![JP] 審理無効を宣言します あのような常軌を 逸した行動はー 当法廷では今後 一切許しません Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
And I need you to know and feel comfortable to come to me with whatever you need.[CN] 我希望你和我在一起能感觉到安逸 当你需要的时候 Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming (2010)
This is the time to put a spike in him for good.[CN] 一劳永逸的除掉他 The Bottle Job (2010)
So now I have to finish it once and for all.[CN] 现在我要一劳永逸地解决这件事 Episode #3.9 (2009)
That's crazy.[JP] 常軌を逸してる Serpent's Tooth (2011)
Most Vulcans see melding as deviant behaviour.[JP] ほとんどのヴァルカンは融合は 逸脱した行為であるとみなしている The Forge (2004)
They blatantly deny your ghost exists... and have filed papers with the minister's office... claiming you've overstepped your authority.[JP] 君の言うゴーストの 存在自体を否定している それに大臣からの書類も 提出された 君の権限逸脱に関するな Hitman (2007)
Carl, these micro-loans, not bad.[JP] カール このやり方は秀逸だ Yes Man (2008)
"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map. "[JP] "ムーニー ワームテール パッドフット そしてプロングスが― "自信をもってお届けする逸品 忍びの地図 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself[JP] 勇ましい逸話があるのだが Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
- Create a diversion to get Anna out... so that Erica's got time to get to the eggs.[JP] アンナの注意を逸らして 陽動作戦だ その間にエリカが卵の所へ Red Sky (2010)
They're erratic and extremely dangerous.[JP] 奴らは 常軌を逸した 恐ろしく危険な奴らだ Pink Tops (2011)
Recently, ENCOM board members have been troubled by reports of Flynn's erratic, even obsessive, behavior.[JP] 以来フリン氏は常軌を逸した言動が増え 役員達を当惑させていたようです オーナーの突然の失踪で TRON: Legacy (2010)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
独逸[どいつ, doitsu] Deutschland [Add to Longdo]
秀逸[しゅういつ, shuuitsu] vorzueglich, meisterhaft [Add to Longdo]
逸品[いっぴん, ippin] vortrefflicher_Artikel, Meisterwerk [Add to Longdo]
逸話[いつわ, itsuwa] Anekdote [Add to Longdo]


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