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漏油[lòu yóu, ㄌㄡˋ ㄧㄡˊ,  ] oil-spill #39,041 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's leaking radiator fluid.[CN] 散热器漏油 Monster's Ball (2001)
- Your car's leaking transmission fluid.[CN] - 你的车在漏油 Final Destination 2 (2003)
I stepped on it.[CN] 我踩到就漏油了 Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
You're saying that we can use this stuff... to attack The Ancient Enemy... like it was an oil spill, and infect it?[CN] 你是说我们可以用这东西攻击.. ...就像修理漏油? 如果他的烃结构类似石油. Phantoms (1998)
I got a little grease in this lining.[CN] -里面好像漏油 The Hustler (1961)
We're leaking gas?[CN] 我们在漏油 Speed (1994)
We're losing gas.[CN] 我们在漏油 Speed (1994)
They can't control the plane. Engines are failing and they're losing fuel.[CN] 飞机失去控制,引擎失效 而且在漏油 Air Force One (1997)
- What? - We're losing gas![CN] - 油箱在漏油 Broken Arrow (1996)
An oil leak now.[CN] 有个油箱正在漏油 Blind Dating (2006)
My oil pan is leaking.[CN] 我油箱正在漏油 Superman III (1983)
I got an oil leak.[CN] 我漏油了 Pearl Harbor (2001)
All right, turn her up and tighten the lines! She's hemorrhaging![CN] 好 抬起来 上紧链条 她有点漏油 Death Race (2008)
A brand-new engine. Not a drop of oil![CN] 一个崭新的引擎, 而且保证不会漏油! The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
I'd love to, but the engine is losing oil.[CN] 我很想 但是发动机已经开始漏油了 [ REC ] 4: Apocalypse (2014)
They use it to break up oil spills.[CN] 他们用它来打破漏油近十年了. Phantoms (1998)
- There's a leak?[CN] - 漏油? The Yellow Handkerchief (2008)
A young stoat.[CN] - 而且还在漏油 - 是啊 Life (2009)
It's sluggish, too. And we're still losing fuel.[CN] 也很慢,而且还在漏油 Air Force One (1997)
The hyperdrive is leaking.[CN] 超光速引擎在漏油 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
You sure you ain´t got a gas leak?[CN] 你肯定车子没漏油吗? Nothing to Lose (1997)
It's leaking oil. That could be dangerous.[CN] 它在漏油,這很危險 The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
There's oil under Hector's truck.[CN] 赫克托的卡车下面漏油了 Day 3: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2004)
Yeah, you are leaking a bit.[CN] 是的,你有点漏油 Too Late the Hero (1970)
There was a gas spill.[CN] 满地都是漏油 Super 8 (2011)
What have you got, an oil leak?[CN] 发现什么毛病没有,漏油? The Big Chill (1983)
You probably flooded it.[CN] You probably flooded it. 可能漏油了。 Small Crime (2008)
Come on![CN] 漏油了 ! Joy Ride (2001)
Striking a growler, an iceberg, at night, or a fire from an oil leak... lf that happens, you know you may not make it back.[CN] 咆哮的冰山 ... 一座冰山 在晚上,或者是漏油燃起的火焰... The Barbarian Invasions (2003)
Do a little bit more and see who his clients were.[CN] 他为海爱克森瓦拉兹漏油辩护? 谢谢 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole.[CN] { \fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080 }应该是燃料系统漏油的问题 { \fnSegoe Print\fs14\1cH00FF00 }It's your fuel map. The Fast and the Furious (2001)
We got a problem. Oil leak.[CN] 咱们有麻烦了,车子漏油 The Yellow Handkerchief (2008)
We're leaking' fuel fast.[CN] 我们在漏油 Deep Rising (1998)
There's a leak in the gas tank I want you to plug up... and, uh, make the starter work smoother.[CN] 我的油箱漏油了 你给补一下吧... 还有让发动机快点启动 Wise Blood (1979)
Captain, the main fuel tanks are fractured.[CN] 舰长 我们在漏油 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
It's like the equivalent of buying a used car... and ignoring the oil spill in the driveway.[CN] 就像买了辆二手车... 而且没有考虑到路上的漏油问题一样 Martian Child (2007)
-What?[CN] -漏油了,呃? -什么? Small Crime (2008)
We're throwing fuel. We're going down.[CN] 我们在漏油,正在不停下降 Air America (1990)
Sirs, it looks like "Air Force One" is losing fuel.[CN] 看来空军一号正在漏油 Air Force One (1997)
We're sloughing oil, and it's bad.[CN] 我们现在这漏油很糟糕 Below (2002)
Principal Harbert, as you may know... there was an oil spill last week off the coast of Redondo.[CN] 哈勃校长, 你也知道... 上星期发生了漏油事件 Orange County (2002)
Well, I'm finding something to help soak up some of that oil.[CN] 好了,我要找些东西去吸掉那些漏油 The Yellow Handkerchief (2008)
Well, what do you want to do?[CN] 克莱 油箱一直在漏油 Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
- Key's in the truck. Move the level, because the brakes get stuck.[CN] 芝士在车内,小心刹车漏油 xXx: State of the Union (2005)
We got a red light. Looks like we're losing fuel.[CN] 在闪红灯,看来在漏油 Air Force One (1997)
A formula car leaked oil on the racetrack, and on that patch of oil Borzacchini and Campari skidded and were killed.[CN] 一輛方程式在賽道上漏油 結果博薩奇尼和坎帕裡車輪打滑 雙雙送命 Pearls of the Deep (1965)
Fords leak oil. Besides, daddy, a car's a car.[CN] 福特会漏油 一辆车就是一辆车 A Perfect World (1993)
The collision left us with one good orbital maneuvering engine and it's leaking fuel.[CN] 受撞击后 只剩一具轨道校正引擎 而且还漏油 Space Cowboys (2000)
This is ugly on the ground, leaks like a sieve, but up around Mach one the seals all expand, she dries up, flies like a bat out of hell.[CN] 长像很丑 , 漏油漏得很凶 但是飞到音速时 就会封口止漏 , 御风而行 Space Cowboys (2000)
Careful, that's fuel leaking![CN] 1040)\bord1\shad1\1cHBE9642 }小心 漏油了 U-571 (2000)


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