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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
慢说[màn shuō, ㄇㄢˋ ㄕㄨㄛ,   /  ] not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth) #96,114 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Let's talk about it[CN] 有事慢慢说,别乱来 Police Story (1985)
You talk and I'll listen.[CN] 你慢慢说给我听 Sabrina (1954)
Gently.[CN] 慢慢说 Red Lights (2012)
Tell me all your sins for these years[CN] 把你这几年犯的罪慢慢说给我听 Rhythm of Destiny (1992)
This is such an occasion, meaning, there's something wrong in Dramaworld and they need someone from the outside to fix it.[CN] 进来慢慢说给我听吧 Episode #1.2 (2016)
Stop... let's talk it over[CN] 住手, 有事慢慢说 Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978)
Slow down. Who are you talking about?[CN] 慢慢说,你在说谁? Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Try to speak calmly, otherwise I can't understand.[CN] 慢慢说 否则我听不懂 Autumn Sonata (1978)
- I ought to have one to talk on.[CN] - 我应该点杯酒慢慢说 Call Northside 777 (1948)
But, if you have something bottled up inside you, better let it out[CN] 但有痛苦应该说出来 现在慢慢说出来也不坏 Seven Samurai (1954)
You must help me. Manwaring's left![CN] - 亲爱的 慢慢说 Love & Friendship (2016)
I don't know him. You two carry on.[CN] 我又不认识他 你跟他慢慢说吧 Mad Mission (1982)
Let us talk.[CN] 什么事 ,有话慢慢说 Pik lik sin fung (1988)
Slow down. Are you sure it was him?[CN] 慢慢说 你确定是他吗? The Stranger (2010)
You should talk about it[CN] 有事慢慢说吧? City on Fire (1987)
Look, Sabrina, suppose you tell me exactly what's on your mind, slowly and clearly?[CN] 莎宾娜,有话慢慢说... 究竟发生了什么事? Sabrina (1954)
Now, just slow down, tell me the whole story from the beginning, all right?[CN] 现在,慢慢说,把整件事情告诉我 从头说起,好吗? Creepshow (1982)
after all, [CN] 你就慢慢说吧 Absolute (2017)
Let's talk this over.[CN] 有话慢慢说嘛 Chat sup yee ga fong hak (1973)
Take your time, Mr. Bettini.[CN] 慢慢说 贝蒂尼先生 The Big Combo (1955)
We can talk it over, no hassle[CN] 有事慢慢说,用不着把事情搞大嘛 Half Cigarette (1999)
Let Andre tell us in his own way.[CN] 让安德烈用自己的方式慢慢说 Topaz (1969)
Sit down. You took your time. Did you see Julien?[CN] 坐下慢慢说 你见到Julien了吗? Dédée d'Anvers (1948)
Take your time. I'm not pressing you.[CN] 慢慢说 我不会给你压力 The Dark Mirror (1946)
Stop making a scene![CN] 四妹别生气,有话慢慢说嘛! Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
Can we make a deal[CN] 有话慢慢说,大家停手呀! A Better Tomorrow (1986)
You've all the time in the world.[CN] 时间很多慢慢说 The Time Machine (1960)
Let's start at the beginning. Slow down.[CN] 你慢慢说 再想想 Obsession (1976)
Don't fret, tell us slow and calm.[CN] 千万别焦急,有话慢慢说 Chat sup yee ga fong hak (1973)
Wait, we may discuss it over[CN] 等一等, 有话慢慢说嘛 Rhythm of Destiny (1992)
- A friend of mine.[CN] 这就要慢慢说了... Les Cousins (1959)
Hank? Hank. Where the hell are you?[CN] 我只说一遍,慢慢说一遍 Machine Gun McCain (1969)
What?[CN] 什么? 慢慢说 An Apple Red as Blood (2012)
Why did you hit him? Why be so violent?[CN] 有事慢慢说 用不着打人 The Big Boss (1971)
Sir, take it easy![CN] 老兄有事慢慢说! Yes, Madam! (1985)
Breathe deeply and speak calmly.[CN] 您会没事的. 慢慢说好吗 A Spot of Bother (2009)
Calm down and tell me what happened.[CN] 冷静点, 慢慢说 The Trigger Effect (1996)
Shuisheng, calm down. Take it easy.[CN] 水生,别着急 慢慢说! Shanghai Triad (1995)
He's new here.[CN] 他是新来的 什么都不懂 有事慢慢说吧 The Big Boss (1971)
- Slow down. Slow down.[CN] 慢慢说 The Trigger Effect (1996)
Slowly. Very slowly.[CN] 慢慢说 A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
Take it easy![CN] 大哥,有事慢慢说呀! Yes, Madam! (1985)
Let's talk! Let me go first, OK?[CN] 有什么慢慢说,你先放我好不好? A True Mob Story (1998)
Speak slowly.[CN] 慢慢说 Once Upon a Time in China (1991)
-It's okay.[CN] -没关系 慢慢说 In Tears Again (2015)
Sit down and have a talk[CN] 坐下来慢慢说 A Moment of Romance III (1996)
Yan, please don't cry![CN] 发什么了什么事? 雁,别哭,慢慢说 Intruder (1997)
Madam An, don't cry[CN] 安嫂,不要哭了,有话慢慢说 Lightning Fists of Shaolin (1984)
Yes, easily. Just sit down.[CN] 慢慢说 A Room with a View (1985)
Tear this place apart![CN] 给我把桥拆了... 有事慢慢说呀... 走... Shanghai Blues (1984)


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