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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
小勇[しょうゆう, shouyuu] (n) brute courage [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Are you going to complain, too, Isamu?[CN] 小勇 你也想抱怨吗? Good Morning (1959)
Hey, Isamu. What are you mad about?[CN] 喂 小勇 你在气什么? Good Morning (1959)
Come on, Isamu.[CN] 小勇 过来 Good Morning (1959)
Let's go, my little bullfighter[CN] 我的小勇士去吧 The Second Wife (1998)
It's Yuuichi. - Huh? Where?[CN] 快看,那是小勇 Nada sô sô (2006)
Xiao Yong sent me.[CN] 小勇叫我来接你的 Fire of Conscience (2010)
Your father wasn't very good at studying, either.[CN] 小勇的爸爸 以前学习也不好哦 Tokyo Family (2013)
And how old is Isamu?[CN] 小勇呢 多大了 Tokyo Family (2013)
Isamu, too?[CN] - 小勇也学英语? Good Morning (1959)
Isamu?[CN] 小勇 Tokyo Family (2013)
Hello![CN] 顺利诞生 这些成功的小勇士们 Creation (2011)
What about you, Isamu?[CN] 小勇也不吃饭吗? Good Morning (1959)
Hey champ. How are you doing?[CN] 嘿,小勇士 你怎么样? We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
Isamu, stop that![CN] 小勇 太吵了 别玩了 Tokyo Family (2013)
You said you wouldn't complain.[CN] 小勇 不是说不抱怨的吗? Good Morning (1959)
You'll be fine if you try.[CN] 小勇要是努力的话也没问题的 Tokyo Family (2013)
Study hard, Isamu.[CN] 小勇 要好好学习啊 Tokyo Family (2013)
Who brought the muscle to the party?[CN] 是谁,把这位小勇士给我带来了? Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
Is Isamu home?[CN] 小勇在家吗 Tokyo Family (2013)
Don't ever speak, Isamu... no matter what they say.[CN] 小勇 从此别说话了 爸妈说什么你都别开口 Good Morning (1959)
Minoru! Isamu![CN] 小实 小勇 你们干嘛呢 Tokyo Family (2013)
- My little warrior.[CN] -我的小勇士 Tristan + Isolde (2006)
In Isamu's room.[CN] 在小勇房里学习不就行了 Tokyo Family (2013)
Why's my desk in Isamu's room?[CN] 为什么把我的书桌放到小勇房里去啊 Tokyo Family (2013)
Come here, Isamu.[CN] 小勇 过来 Good Morning (1959)
Isamu, behave yourself.[CN] 小勇 要听话啊 Tokyo Family (2013)
Isamu.[CN] 小勇! Good Morning (1959)
Where are the boys?[CN] - 小实和小勇呢? Good Morning (1959)
Why don't you teach me that trick, young warrior?[CN] 你教教我那招拿手的吧 小勇士? Ordinary People (2011)
Next Sunday, Isamu.[CN] 小勇 下周日再去吧 Tokyo Family (2013)
Isamu![CN] 小勇 Tokyo Family (2013)
Say something, Isamu. Come on.[CN] 喂 小勇 Good Morning (1959)
Isamu, you do what Grandma tells you to.[CN] 小勇 听奶奶的话 Tokyo Family (2013)
What do you want to be when you grow up, Isamu?[CN] 小勇长大之后 想做什么呢 Tokyo Family (2013)
I'm back. Are they home?[CN] 我回来了 小实和小勇回来了吗? Good Morning (1959)
- Granddad![CN] - 爷爷! - 我的小勇士们! Taxi 4 (2007)
Isamu! How are you?[CN] 小勇 有听话吗 Tokyo Family (2013)
Good morning. That's a lovely scarf.[CN] 小勇 早安 穿的真好看 Good Morning (1959)
How we doing, soldier?[CN] 你怎么样 小勇士 The Normal Heart (2014)


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