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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
存款[cún kuǎn, ㄘㄨㄣˊ ㄎㄨㄢˇ,  ] to save money in a bank; bank deposit #3,268 [Add to Longdo]
活期存款[huó qī cún kuǎn, ㄏㄨㄛˊ ㄑㄧ ㄘㄨㄣˊ ㄎㄨㄢˇ,    ] savings account #32,524 [Add to Longdo]
存款准备金率[cún kuǎn zhǔn bèi jīn lǜ, ㄘㄨㄣˊ ㄎㄨㄢˇ ㄓㄨㄣˇ ㄅㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄌㄩˋ,       /      ] deposit-reserve ratio [Add to Longdo]
银行存款[yín háng cún kuǎn, ㄧㄣˊ ㄏㄤˊ ㄘㄨㄣˊ ㄎㄨㄢˇ,     /    ] a bank account; (accounting) cash held in bank account [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Mr. Xiao had a savings account[CN] 萧律师在银行里有存款 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
Money room. Claude here.[CN] 存款室 我是克劳德 The Killing (1956)
City Deposit, 341 Gregory.[CN] 市立存款部 葛雷葛利314号 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
The drachma, you see, he had from the confiscated Jewish property which was used to pay for these things.[CN] 党卫军还有军队 会用侵呑得来的财产 尤其会侵呑银行的存款 Shoah (1985)
I have no savings.[CN] 我也沒有存款 The Demon (1978)
- Please deposit 15 cents.[CN] 请存款15美分。 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
I had a look at the bank account the other day... not much left after my great fiasco[CN] 我前兩天看了一下銀行存款 在那個大損失後所剩不多 East of Eden (1955)
Last time, you told me all the banks were going broke, getting me all horsed up about bringing my money home.[CN] 上次, 你告诉我说所有的银行都要破产 拼命建议我把所有的存款都拿回家 Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
Your colleague in Tucumcari told me that this bank... has the largest deposits in the whole state.[CN] 你在图冠卡里的同行告诉我这家银行... 拥有全州最多的存款 拥有全州最多的存款 For a Few Dollars More (1965)
You trust my bank balance.[CN] 相信我的银行存款就对了 You trust my bank balance. Victim (1961)
Deposit.[CN] 存款 Brazil (1985)
I... I don't know what happened on the City Deposit, Max.[CN] 我不知在市立存款部出了什么事 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
"Misdirecting funds in the form of a check to A. Buttle[CN] 透过未经授权的管道,将银行存款 Brazil (1985)
$32, 800 in the bank[CN] 還有三萬兩千八百多塊存款 Jin su xin zhong qing (1986)
Including your house bank savings[CN] 包括房屋及存款 Tiger Cage 2 (1990)
And your bank account turned me on[CN] 你的银行存款让我 心动 Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
So you have a nest egg?[CN] 你还有存款啊? Floating Weeds (1959)
But because his old man had a million-Dollar bankroll.[CN] 只是因为他爸爸有百万美元的存款 Bordertown (1935)
Emptying my safe deposit box. Burglars might break in.[CN] 把我的存款箱给清空了, 强盗们会破门而入的 Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
How did your Swiss bank account got an extra 2 million US dollars?[CN] 为什么你在瑞士银行 多了两百万美金的存款? A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989)
Deposit[CN] 我要存款 East of Eden (1955)
"Madame, enclosed is 60,000 francs as requested, which terminates your account at this bank."[CN] 夫人, 信封里是您要的60, 000法郎 这是您在本行帐户的所有存款 Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
I was willing to give them up[CN] 都是我自己的存款,因為某種原因 Madame Bovary (1969)
Up and down, up and down.[CN] 涨跌涨跌。 一个星期一大笔存款,下个星期... The Front (1976)
I trust your safe is really burglar-proof.[CN] 你知道这是我们所有的存款吗? Face to Face (1967)
You've given me a dozen deposits, and installments for the rest of our lives.[CN] 你给了我一笔存款,养老时分期使用 Too Late for Tears (1949)
That's not the point. I got enough for a year.[CN] 我的存款够我撑一年 Manhattan (1979)
Now I need his military I.D., with all the appropriate signatures.[CN] - 很好 - 現在你需要... 參軍記錄 還有所有的存款記錄 The Executioner (1963)
I have savings[CN] 我有存款 The Last Adventure (1967)
Here's the deposit slip and the address.[CN] 这是存款单和地址 'G' Men (1935)
It's not safe to keep anything in the register overnight... so we deposit each day .[CN] 保险柜里放现金不安全... 所以要每天去银行存款. Ballast (2008)
About 26 yo...[CN] 光是手头上的存款... 谁啊你的相亲对象 Episode #1.5 (2004)
I helped you increase this bank's deposits.[CN] 我幫你增加了銀行的存款 The Demon (1978)
Some savings[CN] 好像银行里还有点存款 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
Have you got my deposit account?[CN] 请问你们有我的存款簿吗? The Great Train Robbery (1978)
I've spent 30 years as a navy man... and you know how much I have in the bank?[CN] 我在海军服役了三十年... I've spent 30 years as a navy man... 你知道我在银行的存款吗? Rain over Santiago (1975)
- City Deposit.[CN] -立市存款部 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
That's my business. I've had a deposit of 5 million, maybe soon.[CN] 那是我的事,我有500万的存款 I vinti (1953)
- What's City Deposit?[CN] -什么市立存款部 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)
Monsieur. You wish to make a deposit?[CN] 先生,你要存款吗? Casino Royale (1967)
I can connect you with the sheriff if you will kindly deposit 20 cents.[CN] 我可以连接你的警长 如果你笑纳存款20美分。 Funny Farm (1988)
- deposit account of innocence.[CN] ...存款账户没问题. O Lucky Man! (1973)
I made the last deposit to Mrs Phillips' account today.[CN] 我已经将存款打到菲利普斯夫人帐号 Magnificent Obsession (1954)
The Crimean gold and all the bank's other transactions are entirely safe.[CN] 运往克里米亚的金块 跟其他的银行存款... -都非常的安全 The Great Train Robbery (1978)
Anita was to receive the interest on that money for her life-time.[CN] 安妮塔将终生享受存款的利息 Come Dance with Me! (1959)
That's what I had when we got married.[CN] 那是我在我们结婚时的存款 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
Promísíng them marríage, he trícks them out of theír savíngs...[CN] 他用把戲騙取她們的存款... Run, Waiter, Run! (1981)
- There was. Endeavored some jewelry.[CN] - 我没存款 当了首饰 The Reckless Moment (1949)
Well, aren't you going to make a deposit?[CN] 你不是来存款的吗? It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
I got the money from my savings account. It's all taken care of.[CN] 我有存款,没问题的 The Karate Kid Part II (1986)


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