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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
商城[Shāng chéng, ㄕㄤ ㄔㄥˊ,  ] Shangcheng county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan #7,269 [Add to Longdo]
商城县[Shāng chéng xiàn, ㄕㄤ ㄔㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Shangcheng county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan #124,849 [Add to Longdo]

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His family says the last time anybody saw him alive was at the north mall on Saturday.[CN] 他的家人说 最后一次看见他 是上周六在北国商城 Reasonable Doubt (2014)
But like the Paul's Mall in Boston... we did like something like six nights straight.[CN] 但正如保罗商城在波士顿... 但像保罗Μall在波士顿 - 我们唱 六晚在一排。 Marley (2012)
They've fire-bombed factories, businesses, gated communities.[CN] 他们炸毁了工厂 商城和住宅小区 The Recruit (2010)
Mija![CN] 或许你们已经在YouTube上 见过她 看过她在首尔的 地下商城里"疯狂抢购" Okja (2017)
Grinding those snow cones at the Northdale Mall.[CN] 在该商城的雪锥磨。 Magic Mike XXL (2015)
How many times have I told you guys, mall security is just as important as real police.[CN] 多少次 甲肝ê我告诉你们, 商城发E curity一样 重要的是真正的警察。 Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth (2000)
What good is a mall?[CN] 有什么好处商城 Behind the Waterfall (1995)
I own six Speaker Cities.[CN] 我拥有六间音响商城 Old School (2003)
I built Speaker City from the ground up. I can barely read. Truth.[CN] 我不读书也能建立音响商城,真的 Old School (2003)
Speaker City. I own all six locations.[CN] 六间音响商城都是我的 Old School (2003)
I got your purple urpIe white RoIexes, blue dolphins, mail E, purple pterodactyIs red Ieprechauns, pink PIayboys, black market AdviI.[CN] 我有紫色urple 劳力士白 蓝海豚 商城E 翼手龙 红色精灵 玫瑰花花公子 泰诺 House Party: Tonight's the Night (2013)
- I was in Jersey![CN] 在岸山商城偷了一辆路虎揽胜 The Mystery of the Biker Bar (2014)
But we're replacing it with a shopping mall with a forest theme.[CN] 但我们会盖一间 以森林为主题的购物商城 Furry Vengeance (2010)
it is my father's. -So what?[CN] 那是我爸爸商城 那么什么 - Young Love (2001)
(LAUGHS) What the hell is a "doggy mall"?[CN] (笑)什么是地狱 是"狗商城"吗? L!fe Happens (2011)
Now, courtesy of Speaker City, which is slashing prices on everything from beepers to DVD players, give a warm Harrison University welcome to my pal and your favorite, Mister Snoop Dogg.[CN] 为了向哈里森大学的朋友打招呼 有请由无论从传呼机到DVD机 都降价大倾销的音响商城赞助 请给予热烈的掌声欢迎 我的好兄弟及你们最爱的 Old School (2003)
Maybe I'd talk to you about that dog mall if you actually did your job once in a while.[CN] 也许我会和你谈谈 有关该狗商城 如果你确实 你的工作,一旦在一段时间内。 L!fe Happens (2011)
Instead, you shoot up a mall full of civilians like it's a damn video game.[CN] 而你却向满是平民的商城胡乱射击 就像在玩该死的电子游戏 Ride Along (2014)
After 5 years of planning, and it actually worked?[CN] 在实际工作中我的商城 How to Build a Better Boy (2014)
At Speaker City, we're slashing prices on everything from DVD players to camcorders, and everything in between.[CN] 〔音响商城正在降价大倾销〕 〔由DVD机到摄录机或其他货品〕 Old School (2003)
People just don't really look at me that way.[CN] 真的不看我这样的 商城 How to Build a Better Boy (2014)
Oh, God, the doggy mall, the dog mall.[CN] 哦,上帝,狗商城, 狗的商场。 L!fe Happens (2011)
Okay. What about your free pedicure at the Mall of America?[CN] 还有你在美国商城免费修脚的事 Taxi Driver (2013)
Francesca, are you ever going to invest in my doggy mall?[CN] 弗朗西斯,你会 投资在我的狗商城? L!fe Happens (2011)


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