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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
公里[gōng lǐ, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,  ] kilometer #1,276 [Add to Longdo]
平方公里[píng fāng gōng lǐ, ㄆㄧㄥˊ ㄈㄤ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,     /    ] square-kilometer #6,294 [Add to Longdo]
吨公里[dūn gōng lǐ, ㄉㄨㄣ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system) #76,586 [Add to Longdo]
公里时[gōng lǐ shí, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ ㄕˊ,    /   ] kilometer per hour [Add to Longdo]

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You will have to travel 300 kilometers to give this news.[CN] 你得開300公里的車去通知這個消息 Singham (2011)
Some 250 kilometers.[CN] 大约250公里 The Heineken Kidnapping (2011)
You got a 440 volt shock after 300 kilometers away.[CN] 你離家300公里就給400伏特的電震到了吧 Singham (2011)
That's at least 40-50 km away. You did well to find him.[CN] 差不多四五十公里远了,你干得不错 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011)
This light has travelled some 150 million kilometres from the surface of the sun.[CN] 光线经过1.5亿公里的旅行 从太阳表面到达地球 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
Eighty kilometers that way there's a cemetery.[CN] 八公里外有个墓园 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (2011)
It will only work again when we're 1 km away.[CN] 要到一公里之外才能打得通啊 Overheard 2 (2011)
As a distant guest from afar, who has travelled 384, 401km from the Moon to reach here[CN] 好歹我也是来自月球的客人 跑了384401公里来到这里 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
Today, the invincible Red Army... captured the town of Radzymin, 15 kilometers away from Warsaw.[CN] 今天,战无不胜的红军 攻克了距华沙15公里的Radzymin镇。 Battle of Warsaw 1920 (2011)
Driving 30 km and risking someone seeing us dump the car into the canal.[CN] 冒着开三十公里且还要 把车扔进运河的风险. Bullhead (2011)
10.000 kilometers as far as the remote peninsula of Kamchatka.[CN] 直到10000公里外偏远的勘察加半岛 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
The sun is 150 million kilometres away.[CN] 太阳在1.5亿公里之外 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
2.5 kilometers in radius.[CN] 艾碌高地半径2.5公里 The Front Line (2011)
His I.D. says he's from about a hundred miles away from here...[CN] 從他身份證上看 他從一百多公里以外的地方來 The Red Mile (2011)
It's a strategic point, covering these two points.[CN] 覆盖恩华 龙城 周围地区 30公里的战略要地 The Front Line (2011)
In a tiny drop of blood like this one here, there are around 400, 000 white cells.[CN] 是清理鼻子中的灰尘和其它微粒 但当我们以时速160公里的速度 Hostile World (2011)
I, Eugenie, wife of Napoleon Iii, declare the 162-km-long Suez Canal open![CN] 我是拿破仑三世的妻子 宣布长达162公里的苏伊士运河开通! Monsieur Lazhar (2011)
One centimeter above, 0.5 km[CN] 一厘米以上0.5公里 The Front Line (2011)
Two kilometers away from the nearest Tribute.[CN] 離她最近的貢品也有2公里遠 The Hunger Games (2012)
Like all humans, when the time comes, [CN] 兴奋的准妈妈们 从几公里外赶来接受扫描检查 Creation (2011)
According to the instruction, within the parking lot, the walking speed should not exceed 5km/hr.[CN] 根据指引来说,这停车场范围以内 行人时速是不可以超过5公里的 I Love Hong Kong (2011)
Or that it travels 10 million million kilometres in one year.[CN] 在一年的时间里可以走十万亿公里 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
- 13 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. - Oh.[CN] 每小時超過規定時速十三公里 Red Alert (2011)
But light travels at only 300, 000 kilometres per second.[CN] 光的传播速度是每秒三十万公里 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
- I'd even say 35 km.[CN] - 差不多35公里了 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011)
Because 10 million million kilometres is approximately one light year.[CN] 把十万亿公里称为一光年 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
They can smell dead animals kilometers away.[CN] 它们可以闻到几公里外死去的动物气味。 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
25 million million million kilometres in that direction.[CN] 千亿颗恒星组成的岛屿 二百五十亿亿公里远 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
It goes on for miles.[CN] 延绵几公里 Vendetta (2011)
Right now we're 34 km from the town centre, sir.[CN] 长官, 我们现在距离镇中心34公里 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011)
20 fishing families of Lianxi continue their life 50 km away in a fishing village near mouth of the Pearl River.[CN] 被安置到島對面的新造鎮谷圍新村 十多戶漁民則搬到50公里以外的 珠江口新墾鎮 Dragon Boat (2011)
No, try, like, seven.[CN] 不,也就10公里吧 21 Jump Street (2012)
But Koshger's at least 7-8 km away. Ceceli's only 5-6 km.[CN] 但是到克什卡至少要走个7, 8公里 萨萨里5, 6公里就到了 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011)
Flying over Kamchatka's mountains and glaciers, and on, 8.000 kilometers westwards across Siberia.[CN] 从勘察加的山脉和冰川上空向西, 飞行8千公里越过西伯利亚, Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
On Earth, the speed of sound, depending on altitude, is around 1200 kilometres per hour, known as Mach 1.[CN] 要达到音速 需要爬升到高空 获得1200公里的时速 也就是一马赫 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
We ran well over a mile.[CN] 我们跑了近2公里 That's My Boy (2012)
No matter how far we follow the light, no matter how many billions of miles we cross, the nature of light itself allows us to go on a much richer journey because to look up and to look out[CN] 无论光走得多远 无论穿越了多少亿公里 由于光线自身的特性 我们的宇宙之旅能看到更多东西 因为往上 往外看 其实就是往回看 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
530 kilometers.[CN] 530公里 The Heineken Kidnapping (2011)
Kavya, I used to bring your grandma here all the way to Shinoll 30 kilometres on a cycle from our village to see a film.[CN] 卡芙雅, 我以前帶你奶奶來這看電影 從我們村到什勞裡要30公里 我們騎著車來的 哇! Singham (2011)
Your heart will beat 70 times driving five litres of blood around the 96, 000 kilometres of your circulation.[CN] 我们的心脏每分钟跳动70次 带动体内的五升血液 在总长约九万六千公里的血管中循环 First to Last (2011)
I came 3, 000 miles to ruin my granddaughter's life.[CN] 我跑了四千多公里来摧毁我外孙女的前途 Parental Guidance (2012)
Two 200 kilo oxen collide at up to 50 km/h.[CN] 两只200公斤重的公牛以超过50公里的时速相撞 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
What's that thing get, 10 miles to the gallon?[CN] 一升油只跑16公里吧 21 Jump Street (2012)
In 2007, the project was completed[CN] 2007年,大學城建設工程全面竣工 十幾平方公里的小島 Dragon Boat (2011)
They can smell seals more than a kilometer away.[CN] 他们可以嗅出一公里外的海豹。 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
What keeps them at bay is the way your skin cells lock together, just like armour plating.[CN] 第二天早晨 杰米还在跑 她跑完了217公里 Hostile World (2011)
They won't try the airport.[CN] 他们不会去机场 虽然半径十公里内 The Next Seduction (2011)
We need to be five miles and a long trot heading' in the opposite direction of those things.[CN] 我们应该出去小跑5公里 向怪物逃跑的方向前进 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
This waterfall stretches for almost two kilometres, making it the largest curtain of falling water in the world.[CN] 这个瀑布宽度达两公里 是世界上最大的水帘子 Wonders of the Universe (2011)
Fifteen miles due northwest.[CN] 然后又消失不见了 大约是西北方向15公里处 Thor (2011)


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