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English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
split secondn. พริบตาเดียว, ในฉับพลัน, เสี้ยววินาที, Syn. suddenly

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
lit Cecil lit a candle.
lit He lit a candle in the dark.
lit He lit another cigarette, but immediately put it out.
lit Her face lit up.
lit Lightning lit up the room every now and then.
lit The fuse lit at once.
lit The man lit a cigarette with a lighter.
lit The stage was lit from both sides.
lit The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion.
lit They had lit a fire fit to roast an ox.
lit When she lit the gas, there was a loud explosion.
lit You're lit up like a Christmas tree.

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
แบ่ง[baeng] (v) EN: divide ; separate ; allot ; allocate ; apportion ; share ; split ; distribute ; portion  FR: diviser ; séparer ; allouer ; partager ; répartir ; assigner
แบ่งเป็นก๊กเป็นเหล่า[baeng pen kok pen lao] (v, exp) EN: split into factions ; form cliques
แบ่งแยก[baengyaēk] (v) EN: be divided ; split ; separate ; part ; bisect  FR: morceler ; démembrer
บั้ง[bang] (n) EN: make crosswise cuts ; cut into parallel slits ; slit ; stripe ; cut off
ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ[Chawalit Yongjaiyut] (n, prop) EN: Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh ; Gen Chavalit ; Chavalit  FR: Chavalit Yongchaiyudh
เฉาะ[chǿ] (v) EN: chop ; chop off ; cut ; slit open ; break open ; take off  FR: fendre ; ouvrir ; trancher
เดือนหงาย[deūoen ngāi] (n, exp) EN: waxing moon ; moonlit night  FR: clair de lune [ m ]
ฟาก[fāk] (n) EN: strips of split bamboo ; strip of split bamboo flooring  FR: plancher de bambou [ m ]
หัวนอน[hūanøn] (n) EN: head of the bed  FR: tête de lit [ f ]
หัวเตียง[hūa tīeng] (x) EN: headboard  FR: tête de lit [ f ]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
分ける(P);別ける[わける, wakeru] (v1, vt) (1) to divide (into); to split (into); to part; to separate; to divide up; to classify; to sort out; to divide out; (2) to share; to distribute; to deal out; to dish out; (3) to distinguish; to discriminate; to differentiate (between); (4) to break up (a fight); to mediate; (5) to call a draw; to tie; (6) to push one's way through (a crowd); (7) (also written as 頒ける) to sell; (P) #8,352 [Add to Longdo]
大文字[おおもじ(P);だいもんじ, oomoji (P); daimonji] (n) (1) (See 小文字) upper case letters; large characters; capital letter; (2) (だいもんじ only) the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big"; (3) (だいもんじ only) huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on 16 Aug each year; (P) #12,928 [Add to Longdo]
月夜[つきよ, tsukiyo] (n) moonlit night; (P) #18,551 [Add to Longdo]
ささくれる[sasakureru] (v1, vi) (1) to split finely; to splinter; to get frayed; (2) to become irritable [Add to Longdo]
ささくれ立つ[ささくれだつ, sasakuredatsu] (v5t, vi) (1) (See ささくれる・1) to split finely; to splinter; to get frayed; (2) (See ささくれる・2) to become irritable; to feel on edge [Add to Longdo]
コズミックボーリング[kozumikkubo-ringu] (n) bowling in a bowling alley that is lit up like a disco with lots of flashing lights (wasei [Add to Longdo]
スプリットタイム[supurittotaimu] (n) split time [Add to Longdo]
スプリットフィンガーファーストボール[supurittofinga-fa-sutobo-ru] (n) split fingered fast ball [Add to Longdo]
スリットカメラ[surittokamera] (n) slit camera [Add to Longdo]
スリットドラム[surittodoramu] (n) slit drum [Add to Longdo]

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