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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
带回[dài huí, ㄉㄞˋ ㄏㄨㄟˊ,   /  ] to bring back #5,680 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
After I steal the documents, you take it down South.[CN] 我偷到文件之后,你带回南方去 Peking Opera Blues (1986)
Now cut loose. There you go.[CN] 用球杆尖端将球带回弯曲部 Jack Frost (1998)
Everyone else back to the cell[CN] 余下的人带回牢房去 Prison on Fire (1987)
Go![CN] 我们将把我们带回。 我指出了数据的... Wonder Woman (2017)
Of course.[CN] 拜托,把它尽可能快的带回来 不然我会有很大的麻烦 Personal Shopper (2016)
to an underground corridor that led back up to the ramp, where the gas van awaited them.[CN] 来到一条地下走廊 然后又被带回斜坡上 Shoah (1985)
The war is finally over and we are going home.[CN] 现在仗都打完了 要撤退了 还拿材料 带回去又有什么用呢 Men Behind the Sun (1988)
Get him to the station.[CN] -把他带回警察局 Punisher: War Zone (2008)
At least he brought the fish.[CN] 听说狮鱼是你带回来的 House on Fire (1986)
What is your decision?[CN] 我们保证会把她带回来还给你 Okja (2017)
So I brought her home[CN] 我就把她带回来了 A Time to Live and a Time to Die (1985)
You can take it back with you.[CN] 可以带回家了 Once (2007)

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