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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
宠物店[chǒng wù diàn, ㄔㄨㄥˇ ㄨˋ ㄉㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] pet store [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
She must have had to shutdown the circus and then faced some hard times before finally opening that pet shop.[CN] 她一定不得不关闭了马戏团 艰难度日... 最后开了这家宠物店 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
The deal is, man, you're supposed to meet him tonight under the arches behind the pet store at about 10:00.[CN] 他要你今晚10点... 在宠物店后的拱桥... 和他见面 Rumble Fish (1983)
They have names and collars. They're not from the pet shops.[CN] 他们都有名字和项圈 他们不是从宠物店来的 101 Dalmatians (1961)
Yeah, man, I seen him over at the pet store.[CN] 是啊, 我看到他在宠物店 Rumble Fish (1983)
And the count even swallowed Joy Boy, and I can do better than that in a pet shop.[CN] 还有伯爵甚至相信乔伊·波伊 我在宠物店都可以比那做得更好 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
[ Boy Wolf Whistles ][CN] 大卫森宠物店 The Birds (1963)
- So you want us to investigate all of the stores in that area?[CN] - 你想要我们调查该地区所有宠物店 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
Suppose this could have been a pet shop?[CN] 这以前可能是个宠物店 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
She was calling from a pet store. You can hear canaries, a parrot and even a dog in the background.[CN] 她从宠物店打的电话 背景音可以听见 一群金丝雀 一只鹦鹉 还有一条狗 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
OK, fine. if it makes you happy. There can't be too many pet stores in the area.[CN] 好吧 如果这让你高兴 这地区没有几家宠物店 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
It was in that pet shop on Madison Avenue. You know it?[CN] 他在麦迪森 埃文宠物店 你知道吗? The Awful Truth (1937)
You gotta catch a pigeon. A canary, you can walk into a pet store... boom, kill it right there.[CN] 你得去抓鸽子,如果是金丝雀 你可以走进宠物店 Taxi Driver (1976)

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