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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
好守[こうしゅ, koushu] (n, vs) good fielding (baseball); (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Dougie, hey, keep that fucking crease clean![CN] 小道 好好守住球门区! Goon (2011)
That's why... we must watch over her.[CN] 所以... 我們一定要好好守護着她 A Tale of Ululu's Wonderful Forest (2009)
Guard her well...[CN] 好守着她 Quel gran pezzo della Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda (1972)
ladies, review our conjugations.[CN] 小姐们, 最好守规矩. The Barber of Siberia (1998)
I better keep the appointment.[CN] 你去集合. 我最好守 Primary Colors (1998)
So, first of all, you stay close with Seung-Jo and stop him from coming near Hera.[CN] 首先 你好好守在勝祖旁邊 別讓勝祖纏著赫拉 好好攔住 Episode #1.11 (2010)
Protecting that is the city's job[CN] 好守护萤火虫 这是你们的工作啊 Fireflies: River of Light (2003)
You're too slow to save it.[CN] 说什么 你这蠢驴 不好好守门还诸多借口 My Girl (2003)
If they're not cared for, we'll surely die of hunger.[CN] 不好好守着 我们都会饿死 The Rice People (1994)
I promised my dad to protect my mom![CN] 我和爸爸约好了 会好好守护妈妈的 Crossing (2008)
Back to your posts.[CN] 回去好好守 Michael Collins (1996)
And I know she didn't tell anybody about Radjina... but her reaction and her subsequent death... let me know it might be a good idea to keep that one quiet.[CN] 我知道她没有跟其他人提起瑞吉娜... 但她当时的反应加上她后来就去世了... 这让我明白对那件事我最好守口如瓶 Prime (2005)

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