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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
吞拿[tūn ná, ㄊㄨㄣ ㄋㄚˊ,  ] tuna (loan word) [Add to Longdo]
吞拿[tūn ná yú, ㄊㄨㄣ ㄋㄚˊ ㄩˊ,    /   ] tuna (loan word) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I moved to California in the summer of 1968 with the Tuna.[CN] 1968年夏天 我与吞拿鱼移居加州 Blow (2001)
- Tuna.[CN] 吞拿 Blow (2001)
Hello, Tuna.[CN] 你好,吞拿 Blow (2001)
I opened a can of tuna fish.[CN] 打开一罐吞拿 Episode #2.10 (1990)
We had 300 dollars and a black TR-3.[CN] 我与吞拿鱼移居加州 我们拿着300块 和一辆黑色TR Blow (2001)
- What's so funny? - Nothing![CN] 我倒宁愿吞拿鱼在我的面包上, I would have preferred the tuna on bread The Can Opener (1999)
Tuna! Get the fucker in here! Go on and play.[CN] 吞拿鱼,跳落水玩! Blow (2001)
Let's go.[CN] 吞拿鱼,走吧 Blow (2001)
Far away big factory fishing boats led many groopers in tuna[CN] 渔船为遥远的工厂 捕捞很多鲶科鱼和吞拿 The Living Sea (1995)
I know the whole story, jerk.[CN] 我的整条胳膊就像从 吞拿鱼汁里捞起来的一样 One drop? It was like I stuck my arm up a tuna. The Can Opener (1999)
I ran out of tuna fish.[CN] 吞拿鱼吃光了 Episode #2.10 (1990)
Τhey pay by the pound there. Sort of like tuna.[CN] 新娘越肥越值钱,像吞拿 There's Something About Mary (1998)

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