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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
弾道[だんどう, dandou] (n) (1) trajectory; line of fire; (adj-no, adj-f) (2) ballistic; (P) #12,735 [Add to Longdo]
弾道トランジスタ[だんどうトランジスタ, dandou toranjisuta] (n) ballistic transistor [Add to Longdo]
弾道ミサイル[だんどうミサイル, dandou misairu] (n) ballistic missile [Add to Longdo]
弾道ミサイル破壊措置命令[だんどうミサイルはかいそちめいれい, dandou misairu hakaisochimeirei] (n) (See 破壊措置命令) ballistic-missile shoot-down order; order to shoot down a ballistic missile [Add to Longdo]
弾道ミサイル防衛[だんどうミサイルぼうえい, dandou misairu bouei] (n) ballistic missile defence; ballistic missile defense [Add to Longdo]
弾道学[だんどうがく, dandougaku] (n, adj-no) ballistics [Add to Longdo]
弾道弾[だんどうだん, dandoudan] (n) (ballistic) missile [Add to Longdo]
弾道弾迎撃ミサイル[だんどうだんげいげきミサイル, dandoudangeigeki misairu] (n) anti-ballistic missile; ABM [Add to Longdo]
弾道弾迎撃ミサイル制限条約[だんどうだんげいげきミサイルせいげんじょうやく, dandoudangeigeki misairu seigenjouyaku] (n) antiballistic missile treaty [Add to Longdo]
段取り(P);段どり[だんどり, dandori] (n, vs) programme; program; plans; arrangements; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
段取り[だんどり, dandori] Programm, Plan, Vorbereitung [Add to Longdo]

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