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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
难点[nàn diǎn, ㄋㄢˋ ㄉㄧㄢˇ,   /  ] difficulty #10,018 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If we knew where he was, we would try and help him, and that is the most difficult part, not knowing where he is.[CN] 如果我们知道他在哪里? 我们会试图帮助他 而这才是难点所在,我们不知道 他身处何方 District 9 (2009)
- "B" is a bear of a letter.[CN] - B是字母中的难点 Paternity (2004)
Let me begin by acknowledging what has become axiomatic in the field of shaving cream distribution, namely that shaving cream, indeed almost all personal hygiene products for men are what we call fashion resistant.[CN] 首先我想跟大家探讨的是 剔须液经销的难点。 也就是说剔须液,事实上几乎所有 男士个人用品都不受时尚的干扰... Cypher (2002)
A great guy.[CN] 这才是难点 Les Cousins (1959)
That's the hard part. See?[CN] 这就是难点 明白吗? Love Is My Profession (1958)
Once your in, it's hard to find a good husband.[CN] 一朝入风尘,一世难回头! 找老公都会难点的! Shanghai Blues (1984)
Nah, too easy. Give him something hard.[CN] 不,太容易了,来个难点 Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Here is another problem.[CN] 外交部发现了一些迅速疏散犹太人的难点 Conspiracy (2001)
♪ But how are we to get there That's the rub ♪[CN] 但我们如何去那里 难点就在这儿 The Long Day Closes (1992)
♪ That's the rub ♪[CN] 难点就在这儿 The Long Day Closes (1992)
It'll be a tight squeeze tonight.[CN] 那么今晚就得困难点 The Valet (2006)
But I don't believe it has to be. I'm speaking of Tetralogy of Fallot.[CN] 但我不这么看 我指的是 这病的四大难点 Something the Lord Made (2004)

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