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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
窓越し;窓ごし[まどごし, madogoshi] (n) (usu. as 窓越しに) viewing through a window; passing through a window; going through a window; doing through a window [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- What are you givin' us here?[JP] そして最後の2両の窓越しに 殺人を見た だから何だ? 12 Angry Men (1957)
Yes, must have been. Through that window.[JP] - らしいな 窓越し A Study in Pink (2010)
She said she saw it through the windows of a moving el train.[JP] 高架鉄道の窓越しに 殺人を見た 12 Angry Men (1957)
Mailman saw the body through the window.[JP] 郵便配達員が窓越しに死体を見つけて Pilot (2012)
A lot of them just wanna slam a nigger through a window...[JP] 「その多くは、窓越しに、黒人たちを 撃ち殺すことしか考えていない」 The Departed (2006)
Sunlight coming through these chapel windows, and...[JP] 太陽の光がチャペルの 窓越しに入って来た A Horse of a Different Color (2011)
There were six cars on the train. She saw it through the last two.[JP] 6両連結の 最後の2両の窓越し 12 Angry Men (1957)
You saw daddy at the window?[JP] - パパを窓越しに見たのね? 8 Women (2002)
Finally, she turned toward the window at about 10 minutes after 12, and as she looked out, she saw the killing through the windows of a passing el train.[JP] 12時10分ごろ 少年の窓の方を見た そして 通過中の電車の 窓越しに殺人を見た 12 Angry Men (1957)
So we shoot across the street through the window.[JP] つまり 部屋のやり取りを 向かいのビルから 窓越しに狙います The Magic Hour (2008)
"I'll drive over, stick your windows through and smash the lamp over your face, ya mug."[JP] 行って窓越しにあんたの目の前で ランプで打ちのめしてやろうか くそ Wild Bill (2011)
The lights were out, and they proved in court that at night you can look through the windows and see what's happening on the other side.[JP] 消灯してた 夜間 消灯中の電車の 窓越し 12 Angry Men (1957)

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