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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
冷汗三斗[れいかんさんと, reikansanto] (n) breaking into cold sweat when one is very embarrassed or scared [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We're going to kick this case upstairs to someone with the latitude to clean up this mess without breaking into a sweat.[CN] 我们准备把案子上报 交给有足够权限可以清理残局的人 而不会紧张得直冒冷汗 The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
He would always be in sort of a cold, clammy sweat and his hands would be trembling.[CN] 他经常冒冷汗手不住颤抖 Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010)
It's not only pretty but it can keep the sweat inside.[CN] 除了漂亮之外, 跑步还可以焗冷汗 All's Well, Ends Well 2009 (2009)
This is the moment where I usually wake up in a sweaty panic.[CN] 在这个时候,我通常都会一身冷汗地醒来 It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
It gives me the cold sweats.[CN] 就会吓出冷汗 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
It's leaving me in a cold sweat contemplating the culinary triumphs still to come.[CN] 它离开我 一身冷汗 打算烹饪 胜利还是来了。 What If... (2010)
I'm dying, but you're sweating.[CN] 我快死了 但你却在流冷汗 The Tournament (2009)
That's when he started sweating.[CN] 就在那时候他开始冒冷汗 Duplicity (2009)
"At one point, a cold, heavy sweat broke out over his whole body, and he whispered,[CN] 就在那时 他全身 浸满了冷汗 低语道 Bright Star (2009)
You know. Cold sweats. Middle of the night.[CN] 半夜還直冒冷汗 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
He woke in the middle of the night, pictured eternity, lay there in a cold sweat, and has not been able to get back to sleep since.[CN] 他有天半夜惊醒 想到自己的生命有天将要终结 出了一身冷汗 就再也睡不着了 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)
Bring him in.[JP] 冷汗をかかせてやれ Tribunal (2015)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
冷汗[れいかん, reikan] kalter_Schweiss [Add to Longdo]
冷汗[れいかん, reikan] kalter_Schweiss [Add to Longdo]

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