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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -上世-, *上世*
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
上世[shàng shì jì, ㄕㄤˋ ㄕˋ ㄐㄧˋ,    /   ] last century [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
上世[かみつよ;じょうせい, kamitsuyo ; jousei] (n) antiquity; ancient times [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You can love the fattest woman in the world, but at the same time, you shouldn't break.[CN] 你可以爱上世界上最肥的女人, 但与此同时, 你不可以中断. Night of the Carrots (1998)
The library has many rare works from the last century.[CN] 图书室有很多上世纪珍本 The Living Dead Girl (1982)
Mine's History.[CN] 我要上世界历史 April Story (1998)
He is a composer of the last century.[CN] 他是上世纪的作曲家 Blue Jeans (1975)
Around it were lots of other lovely buildings, mostly built, I think... around the turn of the century.[CN] 它周围有很多有趣的建筑 我想大部分建筑都是 上世纪末本世纪除建造的 Bad Timing (1980)
"Michael Jackson Can Sit on Top of the World[CN] 麦克杰克逊可以登上世界之颠 Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Shanghai has been literally invented as a city by the foreign capital in the 19th century.[CN] 上海是在上世纪用外国资本 给名副其实地"发明"出来的 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
All those people, hope in their eyes, the goodbyes, the sirens and that big floating world starting to move.[CN] 所有人的眼中都饱含希望 伴随着告别和汽笛 这座海上世界开始前行 The Legend of 1900 (1998)
I wonder what you would have done with that stuff, say back in the 1970s, early '80s.[CN] - 嗯哼 我想知道 上世纪70年代 80年代初的时候 你怎么处理那些东西 A Civil Action (1998)
The Crimean War, no doubt.[CN] 显然是上世纪的克里米亚战争。 Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
At the end of the last century, on northern Europe's coasts, lived men who feared neither God nor the law.[CN] 上世纪末北欧海岸 啸聚无法无天之徒 The Demoniacs (1974)
Don't turn me away. There is no truth in the world.[CN] 别赶我 主人 看上帝面上世上没有公道 Andrei Rublev (1966)

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