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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一触即発[いっしょくそくはつ, isshokusokuhatsu] (n, adj-no) critical (touch and go) situation; explosive situation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Letting them know they're in for a fight.[JP] 奴等に 一触即発と伝える Phantom (2013)
- DEFCON 1, at least.[JP] - 一触即発だよ White to Play (2009)
We called him Mad Max because of his hair-trigger temper, which could be set off by something as innocuous as a ringing telephone.[JP] 一触即発的な気質のため マッドマックスと呼んだ 鳴り響く電話と同じぐらい 無害なもので引き起こされる The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Eyewitnesses report that the Visitor Peace Ambassador Center has become a powder keg waiting to explode, as remaining visitors on the ground, fearing for their safety, prepare to board the last shuttles back to the mother ship.[JP] 「また目撃報告によると」 「ビジターの平和の使者センターが」 「一触即発の火薬庫の様相を呈し」 Red Rain (2011)
It's a volatile region between the Klingon Empire and the Orion Syndicate.[JP] クリンゴン帝国とオリオン連合との 間の一触即発の地域です Borderland (2004)
Stand back. Off the fence. This is a volatile situation.[JP] フェンスから離れて ] 事態は一触即発 A Bright New Day (2009)
Your friend's sitting on an I.E.D.[JP] 爆発装置と一触即発の状態だ Liberty (2013)

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