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韵事[yùn shì, ㄩㄣˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] poetic occasion; elegant situation; in literature, the cue for a poem #144,915 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It was a fleeting thing. It's in the past.[CN] 只是风流韵事罢了 都过去了 Angels of Sex (2012)
It will soon be the time of Carnevale when authority winks at our indiscretions.[CN] 很快就是狂欢节了 教廷会对这些风流韵事视而不见 Casanova (2005)
How long had the affair lasted?[CN] 这段韵事持续了多久? The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
¢Ü There are love affairs ¢Ü[CN] 会有爱情韵事 Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)
I have had more affairs than which also, on casanova after then.[CN] 没人比我有更多的风流韵事 也许卡萨诺瓦(意大利情场浪子)除外 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
Our affair is starting to bear fruit, eh Clara?[CN] 我们的风流韵事开花结果了 克拉拉? Sleep Tight (2011)
God, it's like they're having a love affair.[CN] 天, 就像他们正有什么风流韵事 Ladder 49 (2004)
Secret affairs e a lot like real estate.[CN] 风流韵事和房地产生意差不多 God, That's Good (2007)
It wasn't an affair.[CN] 那不是韵事 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
Thomas' wife had begun a torrid affair with her husband's closest friend.[CN] 托马斯的妻子与她丈夫的好友 谱写了一段风流韵事 IX. (2015)
- to marry the guy is--[CN] 你知道,在他们的生活,每一个人都有权利有一段风流韵事,但是... ... Hollywood Ending (2002)
Whatever happens on the tour, remains among us.[CN] 旅程无韵事 Goal! III (2009)
But I ask you, the most outrageously delicious literary scandal in history...[CN] 但我想问你 历史上最让人回味的风流韵事是哪件? Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
What are we talking here, a love affair?[CN] 我们在这儿谈什么? 风流韵事 De-Lovely (2004)
We were married. And she's trying to make this tawdry little affair you guys have going on par with that, and it just...[CN] 她在说你们之间的韵事我只是有点抓狂 You Could Drive a Person Crazy (2005)
Is there a sonnet called "My Fling With David Nugent"?[CN] 有一首诗叫"我跟大卫・纽吉特的风流韵事"吗 Gently Upside Down (2011)
Your father had an affair before you were born.[CN] 你们出生前 你们老爸有段风流韵事 From Prada to Nada (2011)
And gaby and carlos ended their affair.[CN] Gaby和Carlos却要开始结束他们的韵事... Now I Know, Don't Be Scared (2007)
If love affairs you like[CN] *如果你喜欢风流韵事* De-Lovely (2004)
These one night stands, affairs, cigarettes, alcohol and sex without romance...[CN] 这些一夜情, 风流韵事, 香烟, 酒还有没有爱的性... Namastey London (2007)
So why would Mary Claverton tell her girlfriends that there was something going on between you?[CN] 那么玛丽・克莱文顿为什么告诉她的闺蜜 你们之间有些风流韵事 我现在是嫌疑犯吗 Gently Upside Down (2011)
The King's affairs never sleep.[CN] 国王的风流韵事不断 The King's affairs never sleep. Lady in Waiting (2008)
They say that all his liaisons are soon over. He blows hot.[CN] 据说他所有的风流韵事都很快终结 they say that all his liaisons are soon over. Everything Is Beautiful (2008)
It's backstairs and love affairs. It's too early for complications.[CN] 是"后门楼梯和风流韵事" 现在还为时过早 De-Lovely (2004)
Like, "I'm getting all this nookie, you're not.[CN] 就好像是"我有这些风流韵事 你却没有" Gently Upside Down (2011)
She was always taking ships to Europe and having love affairs.[CN] 她每次都是乘船去欧洲 顺便有一些风流韵事 The Extra Man (2010)
You had the world You had your fling[CN] 你拥有了世界 有了你的风流韵事 Nine (2009)
And in the romance department?[CN] 因为那段风流韵事? Live Free or Die (2006)
Be thankful that Willoughby has sown his wild oats before you were married.[CN] 要欣慰威洛比风流韵事是在娶你之前 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
It was quite a scandal.[CN] 那段风流韵事 无人不晓 It was quite a scandal. The Croods (2013)
Some intrigue to liven up your humdrum little life.[CN] 一些风流韵事就让你无趣的生活亮起来了吧 Episode #1.1 (2014)
By the way, how is it with Bruno after his little... fling?[CN] 对了 布鲁诺的事情怎么样了 在他那风流韵事之后? Angels of Sex (2012)
So what was the story with that guy?[CN] 说说你的风流韵事 So Young (2013)
An affair of uncontrollable passion for the nursery maid.[CN] 一场风流韵事,控制不住的激情 和一个女仆 Brighton Rock (1948)
Yes, it's quite the scandal.[CN] 是的 也算是个不大不小的韵事 Episode #1.1 (2014)
But the affair made Jack uncomfortable.[CN] 但是这场风流韵事让杰克很不舒服 Vamp U (2011)
Well, one of them in particular is problematic.[CN] 其中一段韵事比较棘手 Affairs of State (2011)
What's been going on in this house isn't just some affair. No.[CN] 这里的事不仅是风流韵事那么简单 XIII. (2015)
Where do you vacation? What are your allergies? Who'd you have an affair with?[CN] 你们去哪里度假,有什么过敏症 跟谁有风流韵事 Argo (2012)
My God, I had no notion of a love affair.[CN] 天啊 我一点也不知道你的风流韵事 Bright Star (2009)
It's okay to have an affair with Hal Yeager, but... you know, everyone is entitled to have one psychotic episode in their lives, but...[CN] 你和豪尔. 依尔格的风流韵事,但是... ... Hollywood Ending (2002)
Bobby Long's tragic flaw was his romance with all that he saw.[CN] 鲍比﹒朗不幸的缺陷是 他和所有他见到的人的风流韵事 A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004)
You know, gentlemen in my circumstances don't... don't have a great deal of romance in their lives.[CN] 你知道 像我这种境况的男人都不 都没有太多风流韵事 Part Five (2011)
Had Charmaine Abatemarco been having an affair with Nether?[CN] { \fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1 }查梅因abatemarco(姓)曾经和Nether有过风流韵事 Miss Nobody (2010)
I have never once objected to any of your affairs.[CN] 我从没抗议过你的任何风流韵事 The Duchess (2008)
An affair?[CN] 风流韵事 The Fix (2011)
If old chairs you like, if backstairs you like, If love affairs you like[CN] *如果你喜欢老式的椅子,后门的楼梯* *如果你喜欢风流韵事* De-Lovely (2004)
No, as far as old flames are concerned, I leave all that to you galloping majors.[CN] 说到旧情人 哪有我的份 你们这些驰骋的上校们肯定有很多韵事 Separate Tables (1958)
- If love affairs you like - If love affairs you like[CN] *如果你喜欢风流韵事* *如果你喜欢风流韵事* De-Lovely (2004)
What might the court say about your own family's erotic proclivities?[CN] 如果当庭揭露你家里的风流韵事会怎么样? The Tower (2013)

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