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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
连结[lián jié, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] connect; join; link #26,926 [Add to Longdo]
分布连结网络[fēn bù lián jié wǎng luò, ㄈㄣ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄨㄤˇ ㄌㄨㄛˋ,       /      ] distributed connectionist network [Add to Longdo]
局部连结网络[jú bù lián jié wǎng luò, ㄐㄩˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄨㄤˇ ㄌㄨㄛˋ,       /      ] local connectionist network [Add to Longdo]
连结[chāo lián jié, ㄔㄠ ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ,    /   ] hyperlink [Add to Longdo]
连结主义[lián jié zhǔ yì, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ,     /    ] connectionism [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Can you grab it?[CN] 你可连结它吗 ? Space Cowboys (2000)
Mom, hi.[CN] 妈,我刚发现缩放连结 The Intern (2015)
I'm making a mental picture of it in my mind.[CN] 想... 正在把我的记忆连结起来 Psycho (1960)
- Give them a go to capture.[CN] 命令他们连结卫星 Space Cowboys (2000)
It's a hunch that there is something bigger, connecting it all.[CN] 一种更高层次的连结 Keeping the Faith (2000)
"that has lost touch with its body and its instincts." How do you like that?[CN] 思考过度以至于失去了 与身体和直觉的连结 Shivers (1975)
Then we'll construct a 15 km long dike... to connect both islands to each other[CN] 横跨两大人工岛 将木更津、川崎连结在一起 总长15公里的大堤防建设计划 就要真正开始动工了 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
We're latched on to a 100-megaton bomb traveling 17, 000 miles an hour.[CN] 我们连结了百万吨的氢弹 时速一万七千里 , 怎么样 ? Space Cowboys (2000)
It's a very unusual happening and it's a very unusual bonding.[CN] 迪克温特斯 它是个非比寻常的连结 Points (2001)
We use the docking ring in the Leonov to attach to the Discovery.[CN] 我们可以用接驳环将 发现者号连结到里奥洛夫号上 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
I can get it if Hawk can get us in there.[CN] 霍克能开过去 , 我就能连结 Space Cowboys (2000)
The form of viruses reacts with Pu yee da ty' s chain.[CN] 病毒的行动模式频率 与蓓儿丹娣的波长是同步连结 Ah! My Goddess: The Movie (2000)
All systems interlock.[CN] 连结所有系统 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Making a step towards... the realization of a fulfilled tomorrow.[CN] 然后朝向明日的现实更进一步 稳健踏实连结一切的成果 往富裕的明日迈进 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
I really feel... you know, like, a real connection to you.[CN] 好像是, 跟你有真的连结 The Ice Storm (1997)
It's the junction point between the old and the new.[CN] 连结工地的新旧连接点 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
I didn't even see a wedding certificate.[CN] 甚至连结婚证书都没看到 A Walk in the Clouds (1995)
Locked together in hatred.[CN] 我们以憎恨而连结在一起 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
... andtheviolencehesees .[CN] 产生强烈的连结 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
But the Maya culture, knowledge and artistry is still present in the life of today's Maya who link the past the present and the future[CN] 但是玛雅文化知识以及艺术 依旧呈现在 这些连结着过去现在及未来 的现今玛雅人的生活中 Mystery of the Maya (1995)
The only things holding them together are defeats and the reproaches they address to one another.[CN] 把他们连结起来的的只是失败 和他们互相的指责 流亡的生活很艰难 The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
We never even got to the rice. We never got to "Here Comes the Bride."[CN] 我们一粒米都没看到 连结婚进行曲都没听到 Breaking Up (1997)
Okay, let's bring the warp core online.[CN] 好了,连结空间翘曲驱动器 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
The overseas highway connects the islands to the mainland.[CN] 跨海大桥将岛和本土连结起来 True Lies (1994)
I've put up a link to Mima's Room."[CN] 我在未麻的房间里贴有连结 Perfect Blue (1997)
Coming here on Sunday evening to connect with that feeling, that is an act of faith.[CN] 你们在周日夜晚来此 彼此感觉连结 那就是信念的表现 Keeping the Faith (2000)
And you do not know of your wicked bond with the people dearest to you.[CN] 你并未意识到 你和你最亲爱的人之间罪恶的连结 Oedipus Rex (1967)
You have a go for capture.[CN] 连结卫星 Space Cowboys (2000)
It hooks around the circulatory system and it filters the blood just like a kidney does.[CN] 连结到循环系统 然后像肾脏样过泸血液 Shivers (1975)
These buttons are connected with the Strategic Air Command and missile launching stations.[CN] 这些按钮连结 战略空军司令部 以及导弹发射站。 WarGames (1983)
- What are you talking about?[CN] 我的连结带呢? Toy Story (1995)
- Hmm.[CN] 单向的细长连结 Toy Story (1995)
For decades, you have lived in the world torn apart by religious discord.[CN] 那不常跟我连结的人要被扔掉 像枯干的枝子 让人捡去投在火里焚烧 他将被焚烧 Assassin's Creed (2016)
It's when two people are joined in God.[CN] 婚姻是两个人 在神的见证下产生连结 Breaking the Waves (1996)
Plus, the data... may be corrupted and coherent download will be impossible.[CN] 而且资讯将受损 无法连结输送 Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
I can tell you, I've married people who've brought lawyers with them.[CN] 有人连结婚都要请律师 Dolores Claiborne (1995)
- Doc! - Uncouple the cars from the tender![CN] 分开连结车箱 Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Houston, Daedalus.[CN] 我真厉害 休斯顿 , 连结圣像号了 Space Cowboys (2000)
Matrix implant link failure.[CN] 植入晶片无法连结 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999)
He was teaching how everything on the Internet is connected.[CN] 他负责教导网络是如何连结任何事情的 Along Came a Spider (2001)
Red Star satellite network uplink confirmed.[CN] 红星卫星网路连结成功 Charlie's Angels (2000)
Bolted to each other's body structures.[CN] 连结到彼此的身上 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
- You were the link to the Chancellor. - Please.[CN] 你是连结上大统领的关键 Impostor (2001)
We have a go for capture. Pull it in, see what she looks like.[CN] 连结卫星 , 再近一点瞧瞧它 Space Cowboys (2000)
Huh?[CN] 只有卫星之间互相连结 Jamming with Edward (1998)
If they activate the beacon, they'll be able to establish a link with the Borg living in this century.[CN] 将可连结同时空的柏格人 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Reconnect?[CN] 重新连结 Pilot (2009)
Considering that this person "put up a link to Mima's Room" this "Mima's Room" thing is the title of a web site.[CN] 这边说在未麻的房间里 贴有连结的话 那这未麻的房间 也是个网站的名字了 Perfect Blue (1997)
You'd have us put it back into orbit fully armed and keep it a secret just to save your ass?[CN] 你想骗我们来连结它 让武装的它回到轨道上 隐瞒你私藏我的设计 Space Cowboys (2000)
There's no way we're gonna be able to link up.[CN] 我们无法和它连结 Mission to Mars (2000)

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