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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
試問[しもん, shimon] (n, vs) interview; examination; question [Add to Longdo]
口答試問;口頭試問[こうとうしもん, koutoushimon] (n) oral examination; interview [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's normal to make mistakes[CN] 試問人誰無過? A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella (1995)
Who else could beat him, other than me? ![CN] 要捉他 試問舍我其誰 Journey to the West (2013)
I've been studying for my orals.[JP] ずっと口頭試問 勉強をしてました The Source in the Sludge (2014)
How could you commoners understand?[CN] 你們凡人 試問又怎會明白 Journey to the West (2013)
You're not doing your orals, Ms. Wick;[JP] これは口頭試問じゃないのよ The Source in the Sludge (2014)
What girl doesn't want a handsome boy?[CN] 試問有哪個女孩子不喜歡帥哥 Journey to the West (2013)
We'll start with a test question first.[CN] 我們先從一個測試問題開始 Equilibrium (2002)
I took my orals for my doctorate.[JP] 博士号の口頭試問を受けたの The Source in the Sludge (2014)
When I failed my orals, [JP] 私が口頭試問に落ちた時は The Source in the Sludge (2014)
How can I do such thing?[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }試問我怎可以做這種事? Chinese Torture Chamber Story 2 (1998)
Something those twits who give the orals wouldn't know, right?[JP] 口頭試問をする人たちって おバカさんなのね The Source in the Sludge (2014)
Orals are an antiquated useless tradition meant to make professors feel superior.[JP] 口頭試問は時代遅れの伝統だわ 教授が自己満足でやってるのよ The Source in the Sludge (2014)
I failed my orals. Oh. And that has affected your work here?[JP] 口頭試問に落ちたんです それで注意力がなかったの? The Source in the Sludge (2014)

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