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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
致辞[zhì cí, ㄓˋ ㄘˊ,   /  ] to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致詞|致词 #14,387 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm the one with the glass, I'm the one that is talking.[CN] 是我拿着酒杯致辞 The Dilemma (2011)
Salutatorian is a pretty big deal, too, Sebastian, so...[CN] 致辞演讲者也是件大事啊Sebastian, 那么... High School (2010)
Now I would like someone else to close this prayer someone who hasn't spoken here in a long time but who I believe has something to say that we all need to hear.[CN] 现在我要请另一个人上来致辞 一个已经很久没在这说话的人 但我们一定要聆听他说的话 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
It is always a pleasure when one is on holiday to request a few words of wisdom.[CN] 能够邀请到... 一位到此度假之人前来致辞 总是无上荣光 The Duchess (2008)
The hostess with the mostest has got a toastess.[CN] 然我们热情的邀请 新娘来致辞 Good Luck Chuck (2007)
Jessica Bard, with tonight's keynote address.[CN] 杰西卡 巴德来作今晚的毕业致辞 Post Grad (2009)
- Mr. Cheadle, how are you?[CN] -致辞。 Cheadle ) ,您是如何呢? Darfur Now (2007)
To be accorded the unexpected honor of speaking first leaves me dumbfounded.[CN] 被选为第一个致辞的人 我感到很吃惊 The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
He presides over it, and the couple address each other.[CN] 他主持 夫妇互相致辞 Love Story (1970)
Speech by Dr. Karl Truftin[CN] 卡尔博士致辞Truftin Kill Theory (2009)
I'm gonna make a speech, everybody.[CN] 大家好 我要致辞 Mamma Mia! (2008)
To the Mozart Appreciation Society of New England.[CN] 给新英格兰莫扎特音乐欣赏会的致辞 Insignificance (1985)
I really feel quite nervous, as if I were going to make a speech.[CN] 我特别紧张 好像是我要致辞一样 Blithe Spirit (1945)
Yes. I think he's going to begin his speech now.[CN] 看来开始致辞 Saboteur (1942)
Speech![CN] 致辞! Mamma Mia! (2008)
Using the new invention of radio, the opening ceremony was the first time His Majesty the King addressed his subjects οn the wireless.[CN] 利用最新发明的无线电技术 英属领地的人们第一次亲耳听到... 国王陛下的开幕致辞 The King's Speech (2010)
President Allende will be addressing the nation at any moment now. Please stay tuned.[CN] 阿兰德总统可能随时会向全国致辞 President Allende will be addressing the nation at any moment now. Rain over Santiago (1975)
This poem... po-em... is for Mr Auster.[CN] 这首诗... 宝EM ... 是对致辞奥斯特。 Blue Car (2002)
You punch him. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. Guys jump in, war starts.[CN] 他在我们的婚礼上就是这么致辞 Be Nice (1999)
I take it there'll be no speeches during the ceremony on Betazed?[CN] 在比达锡的婚礼不用致辞吧? Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
I heard him once talking to the Harvard senior class commencement.[CN] 有一次阿里给哈佛毕业生致辞 I heard him once talking to the Harvard senior class commencement. When We Were Kings (1996)
And, you know, being valedictorian is not that big a deal, really.[CN] 知道么,当选致辞演讲者 根本没什么了不起,真的. High School (2010)
Okay, Cousin Betty, this is not a group toast nor is it an open forum.[CN] 好的, 贝蒂表妹 这不是集体敬酒致辞 也不是公开讨论会 The Dilemma (2011)
We'll switch you over to the speaker's microphone.[CN] 我们接驳到致辞者的扬声器 Saboteur (1942)
I haven't addressed them yet.[CN] 我还没有向他们致辞呢。 Life of Brian (1979)
Is that where you were during bree's acceptance speech-- doing free shots at the bar?[CN] Bree在获奖致辞时 你正在吧台那里 喝免费酒? Hello, Little Girl (2008)
I'm sorry I nabbed valedictorian... but you have to believe I will do an excellent job.[CN] 非常抱歉,我抢走了你的毕业致辞 但是你得相信,我会做得很漂亮的 Post Grad (2009)
But it is also suitable. And we understand it all.[CN] 但我觉得他的致辞挺合适的 我们都能理解 Goal! III (2009)
The President finishes his New Year speech.[CN] 当总统的致辞结束的时候 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010)
I'm going to say a few words about my friend gene miller.[CN] 我想为我的朋友尤金・米勒致辞 Desert Cantos (2009)
plum job in the Public Affairs... sir.[CN] 中校学员,毕业致辞代表 在新闻文化处薪职优厚... 我知道他的生平,先生 Eagle Eye (2008)
Council's asked me to speak tonight at the temple gathering.[CN] 议会要我在今晚的神殿聚会上致辞 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
It is my privilege and honor to address you, gentlemen, [CN] 先生们, 很荣幸在此为你们致辞 Bordertown (1935)
- Mr. Sweeney, hi.[CN] -致辞。 斯威尼,喜。 Darfur Now (2007)
Then have your daddy say something to you during his New Years Eve speech.[CN] 让他今天新年致辞的时候 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010)
Yes, well... How would it be if I addressed your meeting' as a saved businessman?[CN] 如果我作为一个救助商人在你的布道会上致辞如何? Elmer Gantry (1960)
Grandmaster Blanc of Bai Xiao Clan[CN] 百晓堂堂主百晓生致辞 Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011)
Was lucas, why wasn't he at his own funeral? Soaking up the kind words.[CN] 去听那些委婉的致辞 Soaking up the kind words. Big Chills (2008)
You must address the court in the proper manner.[CN] 你必须以礼貌的方式向法庭致辞. Red Corner (1997)
Address away, Ben.[CN] 致辞,本 Episode #2.19 (1991)
You had not yet finished the oration[CN] 你的致辞尚未结束 Legends (2010)
[ Sighs ] If she's not here in 10 minutes, I'll make the announcement. CHARLOTTE:[CN] 忍耐是有限度的 如果10分钟之内她还没到 我就致辞 The Princess Diaries (2001)
Who will address you on this momentous occasion.[CN] 为你们致辞 Bordertown (1935)
And that he will say "hello" to her during his New Years Eve speech... in the form of a code message.[CN] 说他会在新年致辞的时候通过暗号 来转达对她的问候 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010)
This is my first speech. I am an Agent. Then you have no friends.[CN] 这是我第一次致辞 因为我是个经纪人 我都没朋友 Goal! III (2009)
Is it even possible to change the New Year Eve speech of the President of Russia?[CN] 真的能够改变 俄罗斯总统的新年致辞 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010)
Salutatorian's a pretty big deal, too.[CN] "做致辞演讲者也是件大事啊." High School (2010)
This is the first time in this city, that a witness gave a speech, without making bad jokes.[CN] 这是这城市里第一次 伴郎致辞 没有黄色笑话的吧 Goal! III (2009)
Now let us hear the words of David:[CN] 现在我们听听David的致辞 Shotgun Stories (2007)
As you know, he was an atheist. I can't ask a rabbi.[CN] 他是无神论者 我不能请求拉比致辞 Sunshine (1999)

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