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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
总理[zǒng lǐ, ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,   /  ] premier; prime minister #2,217 [Add to Longdo]
总理[fù zǒng lǐ, ㄈㄨˋ ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] vice-premier; vice prime minister; deputy prime minister #7,825 [Add to Longdo]
总理[Zhōu zǒng lǐ, ㄓㄡ ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] Premier Zhou Enlai 周恩來|周恩来 (1898-1976) #14,711 [Add to Longdo]
总理[qián zǒng lǐ, ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] former prime minister [Add to Longdo]
总理衙门[zǒng lǐ yá men, ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ ㄧㄚˊ ㄇㄣ˙,     /    ] the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I want you to be the first prime minister of India to name your entire cabinet to make the head of every government department a Muslim.[CN] 由你担任印度第一总理 你可以指定所有内阁人选 可以任命回教徒 担任各政府部门的首长 Gandhi (1982)
Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of the State Council, talks with Vice-President João Goulart.[CN] 国务院总理周恩来, Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of the State Council, 与若昂・古拉特副总统举行会谈。 talks with Vice Jango (1984)
Aprll 30th, 10 a.m., advanced Russlan units penetrate to the street next to the chancellery, scant yards from the bunker.[CN] 四月三十日,上午十点 红军先头部队 已突破至总理府旁边的街道 Part XII (1989)
Why is Prime Minister Hsiao Hsiu not here to receive me?[CN] 为什么晓苏总理不来接我? The Last Emperor (1987)
Adolf Hitler's has been forced to run his supreme military command from this concrete catacomb[CN] 阿道夫·希特勒就一直被迫 在这个深埋于总理府花园 地下五十五英尺深处的 Part XI (1989)
The Prime Minister has resigned, Your Majesty.[CN] 总理辞职了,陛下 The Last Emperor (1987)
Last month, at the behest of the Vulcan ambassador, I opened a dialogue with Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council.[CN] 上月,应维冈总理要求 我与克林冈总理高冈对话 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
The chancellery will fall on May 1 st.[CN] 总理府在五月一日陷落 Part XII (1989)
Premier Ulonova made a televised address and said that technically a state of war exists between our two countries.[CN] 苏联总理尤洛瓦发表电视演说表示 在技术上来说 两国已经处于交战状态 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
The first parliamentary cabinet was moderate and followed the style of Prime Minister Tancredo Neves.[CN] 第一个议会内阁 The first parliamentary cabinet 是温和的,并遵循总理坦克雷多・内维斯的风格。 was moderate and followed the style of Prime Minister Tancredo Neves. Jango (1984)
The last prime minister, Hermes Lima, a member of the Socialist Party, came to wind up parliamentarism in the country.[CN] survived two months of successive crisis. 最后的总理,赫尔墨斯・利马,社会党成员, The last prime minister, Hermes Lima, a member of the Socialist Party, 结束了国家的议会制。 Jango (1984)
Prime Minister.[CN] 总理 Gandhi (1982)
! There's a more dangerous threat to the Soviet premier at Chequers.[CN] 苏联总理明天访问首相别墅 他更危险 There's a threat to the Soviet premier at Chequers. The Death List (1981)
I was about to emigrate and the Prussian Minister asks me to rescue his theater.[CN] 我已经像个流亡者 可现在普鲁士总理却让我 去拯救他那快破产的剧院 Mephisto (1981)
If he's not there, ask for an appointment as soon as possible.[CN] 总理要是不在 请他回来马上给我约个时间 Mephisto (1981)
That Bohemian corporal has become Chancellor?[CN] 这个波希米亚上等兵 当上了总理了 看看这个 Mephisto (1981)
The Prime Minister invites you to his box.[CN] 总理请你去他的包厢 Mephisto (1981)
- Hello.[CN] 对 我有些重要的事必须要见总理 Mephisto (1981)
That is why the Japanese wanted me to be Prime Minister.[CN] 这就是日本人要我 当总理的原因 The Last Emperor (1987)
So, the Austrian clown has become Reichs-Chancellor.[CN] 是啊 这个奥地利小丑 居然成了总理 Mephisto (1981)
He said they're interested in German culture.[CN] 总理先生对我说 这些外国人对德国文化很感兴趣 Mephisto (1981)
The cabinet headed by Tancredo Neves came to an end when the prime minister resigned to run in the elections.[CN] relating to the economy of Sao Paulo and of the country. 坦克雷多・内维斯为首的内阁走到了尽头 The cabinet headed by Tancredo Neves came to an end 当总理辞职以参加竞选时。 Jango (1984)
They were cast the day Fuhrer became Chancellor.[CN] 是我在元首就任总理大臣的时候得到的 Part XI (1989)
Prime Minister of Narcotics.[CN] 毒品总理 The Last Emperor (1987)
Even Botswana was met by the President.[CN] 连博茨瓦纳总理都见到总统了 Even Botswana was met by the President. The Grand Design (1986)
He has already taken his place and Lord lshido is the new president.[CN] 他已经去了, 并且石田领主是新总理 Shogun (1980)
He did that with the West German Chancellor.[CN] 就像对德国总理那样 德国总理 He did that with the West German Chancellor. The Grand Design (1986)
I'd like to request, Prime Minister that she'd be allowed to leave Germany unharmed.[CN] 我想请求你 总理先生 就让她能够平安的离开德国 我们俩的事好商量 Mephisto (1981)
Mr. Prime Minister, Madam, ladies and gentlemen.[CN] 尊敬的总理先生 总理夫人 女士们 先生们 Mephisto (1981)
Premier Venizelos![CN] 总理韦尼泽洛斯! (译注: 其实是列宁) Premier Venizelos! Loaf and Camouflage (1984)
To interview Lord Holdhurst, the Cabinet Minister and very possibly the next Premier of England.[CN] 去拜访霍尔德赫斯特勋爵 那位内阁大臣 未来的英国总理 The Naval Treaty (1984)
The President of the National Government, Mr. Papadopoulos... visited various units of the Armed Forces... and celebrated Easter, together with the enlisted men...[CN] 国家政府总理,帕帕佐普洛斯先生... The President of the National Government, Mr. Papadopoulos... Loaf and Camouflage (1984)
His Majesty forgot to sign the appointment of the new Prime Minister, Mr. Chang Chinghui![CN] 陛下忘了签署张敬辉先生 的新总理任命! The Last Emperor (1987)
The President and Members of the Cabinet.[CN] 内阁总理及阁员。 The President and Members of the Cabinet. Loaf and Camouflage (1984)
That's my connection to Pierre Laval.[CN] 我们和皮埃尔・勒瓦尔是亲家 (二十世纪法国政治家,维希政府总理 战后被处决) Part VI (1988)
Call the Prime Minister and connect me with him.[CN] 请给总理府挂个电话 说我想见总理 Mephisto (1981)
After careful consideration, we have decided to nominate the Honorable Chang Chinghui as the new Prime Minister of Manchukuo.[CN] 仔细考虑之后 我们决定提名汪精卫 为满洲国的新任总理 The Last Emperor (1987)
To escort the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council to a peace summit is problematic, at best.[CN] 护送克林冈总理到和平高峰会 真是棘手的工作 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
They will record that the next day the president of the United States looked out of the White House window and the premier of the Soviet Union looked out of the Kremlin window and saw the new distant sun in the sky.[CN] 他们将会记载就在明天... 当美国总统从白宫的窗户往外看时... 以及苏联的总理 从克里姆林宫的窗户往外看时 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
Oh, ministers integrated![CN] 啊, 总理大人们 L'amour braque (1985)
The Prime Minister wishes to speak to you outside, in his car.[CN] 总理有话要跟您谈 梅菲斯特 他在外面车上等您 请跟我来 Mephisto (1981)
They should ban premieres. They should ban premieres.[CN] 他们应该罢免总理 Law of Desire (1987)
During the press conference for the Greek and foreign press... the Secretary to the PM Col. George Papadopoulos... referred to the reasons for the revolution.[CN] 在为希腊和外国记者召开的新闻发布会中... During the press conference for the Greek and foreign press... 总理乔治·帕帕多普洛斯上校的秘书... Loaf and Camouflage (1984)
- Has he spoken to the premier?[CN] -他和对方总理讲话了吗? WarGames (1983)
-Hold it, minister. We can't expect--[CN] -等等,总理,我们无法接受 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
The Chancellor is undoubtedly awaiting our signal.[CN] 总理在等候指示 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
I now appoint you operations officer for the final defense of the chancellery.[CN] 我现在任命你为 总理府最后防御指挥官 Part XII (1989)
Prime Minister Hsiao Hsiu.[CN] 晓苏总理 The Last Emperor (1987)
Benito Mussollini and Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany ...[CN] 墨索里尼和德国总理希特勒... Amor Estranho Amor (1982)
The Prime Minister sent for me. I hope this doesn't last too long.[CN] 总理非得要跟我谈谈 但愿时间别耽搁得太久 Mephisto (1981)

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