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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
哀思[āi sī, ㄞ ㄙ,  ] pensive; grief #43,164 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We are assembled here today to share our grief and to celebrate the life of Jack Curtis Reinhold.[CN] *On the sea* 我们聚集在此以尽哀思 We are assembled here today to share our grief 并且赞美杰克·柯蒂斯·莱因霍尔德的一生 and to celebrate the life of Jack Curtis Reinhold. Episode #1.7 (2014)
He's worth more sorrow, and that I'll spend for him.[CN] 他应得到更多的哀悼 我要向他祭献我的哀思 Macbeth (2015)
"Converting all[CN] 收起你的哀思怨绪 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
I came back to pay my respects.[CN] 所以来表达一下我的哀思 Charlie Countryman (2013)
Part of our grief may be regret for things done or left undone.[CN] 我们的哀思包含着对过去 或者未尽之事的悔意 In My Father's Den (2004)
-PAYING HIS RESPECTS.[CN] -表达哀思 Family Viewing (1987)
My sympathies for the passing of your father.[CN] 对你父亲的离去致以我诚挚的哀思 The Bitter End (2011)
What can I do for my son's memory?[CN] 对我儿子的哀思 我能如何面对? Why We Fight (2005)
The weight of it keenly felt.[CN] 谢谢 我能感受到您沉重的哀思 The Bitter End (2011)
You have no respect![CN] 你根本没有哀思 You have no respect! The Vast Abyss (2013)
I mean, we're here to grieve, not cruise.[CN] 我们是来致以哀思的 不是来聚会的 I Remember That (2007)
In lieu of flowers, the department chair is asking... that everyone donate a bottle of Febreze.[CN] 部门主管不收花 要求每个人 捐献一瓶空气清新剂寄托哀思 The Tenure Turbulence (2013)
I thought you wanted me here, pay my respects.[CN] 我以为你想要我留在这里 寄托我的哀思 I thought you wanted me here, pay my respects. The Vast Abyss (2013)
Of the misery right Oh, what an exit[CN] 只是为了尽表哀思 Evita (1996)
"I've outlived three tsars[CN] 我像个角斗士站在竞技场, 被哀思激怒。 Tema (1979)
It is a heavy thing, to see a father so strong in life unable to rise.[CN] 致以我沉重的哀思 看到你父亲纵横一世 终成土灰 The Bitter End (2011)
~And be you blithe and bonny~[CN] 收起你的哀思怨绪 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Um unser Beileid auszusprechen?[CN] 以表我们的慰问和哀思? Episode #1.1 (2013)
~Converting all your sounds of woe~[CN] 收起你的哀思怨绪 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Now, you take your tears and you offer the Parkers your heartfelt condolences.[CN] 现在 流出眼泪 Now, you take your tears 去向以前的亲家表达你发自内心的哀思 and you offer the Parkers your heartfelt condolences. The Vast Abyss (2013)

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