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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
合拢[hé lǒng, ㄏㄜˊ ㄌㄨㄥˇ,   /  ] to fold; to close #39,775 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The German wall was closed.[CN] 德国的钳形攻势合拢 Red Star: The Soviet Union - 1941-1943 (1974)
I wish mine eyes would, with themselves, shut up my thoughts;[CN] 我希望我的眼睛安安静静地合拢 把我的思潮关闭起来 Prospero's Books (1991)
In September, the wall German closed itself.[CN] (1941年)9月, 德国包围圈合拢 Red Star: The Soviet Union - 1941-1943 (1974)
And I love the way your hands open up and close, like monkey paws.[CN] 我喜欢你的手张开合拢的样子,就像猴爪子 Ride Along (2014)
Take the narrow part of the tube... with your fingers extended and joined... and place it into the appropriate receptacle... on the canteen lid.[CN] 将手指合拢拿起... 管子较细的那端 然后插在水袋盖的... Jarhead (2005)
That loop closes, then we're cooked, literally.[CN] 一旦火圈完全合拢 我们就要被烧死了 That loop closes, then we're cooked, literally. Young Hearts Spark Fire (2015)
From the north, the British and Canadians edged south towards Falaise, in an attempt to close the neck of a bag now threatening to trap the German forces.[CN] 从北面, 英国人和加拿大人向南挤向法莱斯, 试图合拢一个现在威胁将德军 困在其中的口袋的袋口 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
The neck is closed, good.[CN] 颈部已经合拢,很好。 Romance (1999)
Couldn't you kneel down next to me and clasp your hands?[CN] 你能不能在我身边跪下双手合拢 Through a Glass Darkly (1961)
you can be doing this on the scrotum lie gently, folding it again, treat it like small breakable edge you can gently stretch it with fingers[CN] 感觉到不同了吗? 你可以对阴囊这样做 轻轻抚摸,合拢 Episode #1.1 (2006)
Put your hands together for the Lone Stars![CN] 把你的双手合拢 对于龙星! Dakota's Summer (2014)
- You said it would close.[CN] 你说过手指可以完全合拢 Aftermath (2013)
The walls, they're closing in. There's no space! No air![CN] 那墙 要合拢了 这里没空间了 没空气了 The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning (2008)
Touching, not clenching.[CN] 合拢,不是夹紧 Miss Congeniality (2000)
Thighs touching...[CN] 大腿合拢 Miss Congeniality (2000)
I find they are inclin'd to do so.[CN] 我觉得它们确实要合拢 Prospero's Books (1991)
I'm touching.[CN] 我是合拢 Miss Congeniality (2000)
There are eyelets on either side of this pontoon.... ...that lock it into place.[CN] 悬浮码头的两边 都有孔眼 可以把那东西套牢 一旦合拢 Dinoshark (2010)
The walls are not gonna close in on us.[CN] 这些墙不会合拢来的 Fanboys (2009)
Close, now![CN] 合拢, 现在! The Name of the Rose (1986)
Keep your feet... on the boards.[CN] 双脚合拢 Creepshow 2 (1987)
He looked into her eyes as if she were a stranger, lips pressed together, saying nothing.[CN] 他注视着她的双眼 感到如此陌生, 双唇合拢, 一言不发. La morte rouge (2006)
Her screaming's better than her singing, though. Ugh! Close your legs.[CN] 把腿合拢 在我看来她自作自受 Mental (2012)
Internally... the incision is open, but externally, it's fused.[CN] 里面的... 伤口是打开的 但从外面是合拢 Ghost Town (2009)

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