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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
口技[kǒu jì, ㄎㄡˇ ㄐㄧˋ,  ] beat boxing; vocal mimicry; ventriloquism #68,975 [Add to Longdo]
口技表演者[kǒu jì biǎo yǎn zhě, ㄎㄡˇ ㄐㄧˋ ㄅㄧㄠˇ ㄧㄢˇ ㄓㄜˇ,     ] ventriloquist [Add to Longdo]

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(beatboxing)[CN] 口技 Dead on Campus (2014)
Tell me![CN] 口技很好 I give a great blow job. The Screwdriver (2015)
(BOTH BEATBOXING)[CN] (两个口技)。 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
He used himself as a guinea pig for wetware experiments, interfacing technology with the human brain.[CN] 他把自己当作小白鼠来做 湿件(指软件、硬件以外的"件")试验 试验与人脑的接口技 A Free Agent (2003)
Yeah, well, you look good. I kind of look like a ventriloquist.[CN] 是的,你很帅,我看起来像口技 That's My Boy (2012)
Yeah, yeah. He didn't tell you? I'm a ventriloquist.[CN] 我没告诉你们我是口技演员 Bait (2000)
Ventriloquist, man, ventriloquist.[CN] 伙计 是口技表演者 Che: Part One (2008)
He's a ventriloquist.[CN] 他的口技 Sick in the Head (2001)
No one is going to fall for that phony two-headed snake or your pathetic ventriloquist act.[CN] 和你那可笑的口技表演 The Littlest Angel (2011)
Last month, you wanted to play the violin.[CN] 上个月你还想学小提琴来着 Then you wanted to be a ventriloquist. 接着你又想当个口技演员 My Girl (1991)
You know, I am a fan of ventriloquism.[CN] 要知道 我超喜欢口技 The Friendship Algorithm (2009)
The oral was good.[CN] - 口技不错 Go (1999)
If you want to last longer than a week, you give me a blow job[CN] 你想保住饭碗,就得向我施口技 Showgirls (1995)
Oh, I'm great at orals.[CN] 我的口技很棒 Cruel Intentions 2 (2000)
She looks like a dick wrecker.[CN] 她看起来口技很好 Behaving Badly (2014)
-Yes .[CN] 何塞·路易斯·莫莱诺 西班牙口技演员 Witching and Bitching (2013)
A ventriloquist is someone who talks without moving his mouth.[CN] 口技表演者就是 不动嘴巴就能说话的人 Che: Part One (2008)
Are you willing to sit on my lap and pretend to be a ventriloquist's dummy?[CN] 见机行事呗 你愿意坐我大腿上 假装口技表演者操纵的傀儡吗? The Hofstadter Isotope (2009)
Time for a Stifler blowjob![CN] 硬条的口技时间! American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (2006)
What is that, Goddamn ventriloquist?[CN] - 他妈的什么 他在表演口技吗? The Traveler (2010)
- He's a ventriloquist, this guy.[CN] 他的声音从收音机里出来 他在表演口技 Bait (2000)
Fresh's beatbox.[CN] 新鲜的口技 A Haunted House 2 (2014)
I'm not a ventriloquist dummy.[CN] 我不 口技假人。 Call Me Crazy: A Five Film (2013)
Mm-hm. It's interesting but isn't ventriloquism by definition a solo activity?[CN] 有意思 但口技不是个人娱乐项目吗? The Friendship Algorithm (2009)
He's a ventriloquist and you're the dummy.[CN] 哦 我明白了 他是个口技艺人 Oh, I get it. Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
The ventriloquism...[CN] 口技... Admission (2013)
Yeah. A package containing a ventriloquist dummy.[CN] 对,一个装着口技木偶的包裹 Dead Silence (2007)
No, you're the dummy.[CN] 口技艺人一般都有一个木偶来协助表演, dummy也有蠢蛋的意思 Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
Why don't you go forthe mouth then?[CN] 你为何不尝尝她口技呢? Deadgirl (2008)
Outta that mouth I love, like a ventriloquist's dummy, [CN] 我的爱说出口 就像一个演口技的哑巴 Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
And she sucks...[CN] 她的口技... Submission (1976)
Get under... she knows the angles... just like pilling[CN] 口技... 她什么都懂... 就像打桩 The Fruit Is Ripe (1977)
Her name was Mary Shaw, the ventriloquist who lost her voice.[CN] 她的名字叫玛莉·萧,一个失声的口技演员 Dead Silence (2007)
And here's my favorite Christian ventriloquist, [CN] 这是我最爱的基督教口技 A Band Called Death (2012)
In the town where I'm from, a ventriloquist dummy is a bad omen.[CN] 在我出生的那个小镇 口技木偶是种不祥的征兆 Dead Silence (2007)
I heard they give better head. They give better head, don't they?[CN] 听说他们口技更好 他们口技是不是更好? Shelter (2007)
A vent. Ventriloquist.[CN] 表演口技的。 Gently Northern Soul (2012)
I didn't think you had an interest in ventriloquism.[CN] 我没想到 你有 有兴趣口技 Laggies (2014)
He also received an honorable mention at the state finals for ventriloquism.[CN] 他还获得了荣誉奖 在状态决赛口技 Admission (2013)
When we close our mouths, people will think we faked it.[CN] 若闭上嘴,别人会以为那是口技 The Classic (2003)
He's a regular.[CN] 他是常客。 口技 Gently Northern Soul (2012)
They have ventriloquist nut "sacks."[CN] 口技阴囊。 The Aristocrats (2005)
Ventriloquist dummy. Yeah.[CN] 口技木偶,是啊 Dead Silence (2007)
"I'm an accomplished ventriloquist?"[CN] "我的口技很纯熟" The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
So she's a ventriloquist now?[CN] 所以她的口技呢? The Scribbler (2014)
They give good head.[CN] 她们口技都不错 Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Because he's a good messenger and he's always popping up with information, and he reminds me of a ventriloquist puppet that moves like this.[CN] 因为他是个很好的信使 而且... 总是带来情报 所以... 就让我联想到了 动来动去表演口技的木偶 Che: Part One (2008)
I heard there is a mouth trick spreading around among the people. Seems to be great fun[CN] 我听说民间留传着一种口技,好像很好玩 The Duel (2000)
Farewell, fashionista.[CN] 永别了 口技达人 Iron Sky (2012)
Your mouth tricks will not work on me, ventriloquists.[CN] 你们别想用口技骗我 Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2002)

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