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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
任意[rèn yì, ㄖㄣˋ ㄧˋ,  ] arbitrarily; at will; random #4,813 [Add to Longdo]
任意[rèn yì qiú, ㄖㄣˋ ㄧˋ ㄑㄧㄡˊ,   ] free kick [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
任意[にんい, nin'i] (adj-na, adj-no) any; arbitrary; optional; discretion; non-specific; unspecified; free will; (P) #4,347 [Add to Longdo]
任意キャラクタ[にんいキャラクタ, nin'i kyarakuta] (n) { comp } any character [Add to Longdo]
任意[にんいがた, nin'igata] (n) { comp } any type [Add to Longdo]
任意出頭[にんいしゅっとう, nin'ishuttou] (n, adj-no) voluntarily appearing for police questioning [Add to Longdo]
任意信号[にんいしんごう, nin'ishingou] (n) { comp } optional [Add to Longdo]
任意選択構成要素[にんいせんたくこうせいようそ, nin'isentakukouseiyouso] (n) { comp } optional (O) component [Add to Longdo]
任意選択属性[にんいせんたくぞくせい, nin'isentakuzokusei] (n) { comp } non-mandatory attribute [Add to Longdo]
任意選択利用者ファシリティ[にんいせんたくりようしゃファシリティ, nin'isentakuriyousha fashiritei] (n) { comp } optional user facilities [Add to Longdo]
任意捜査[にんいそうさ, nin'isousa] (n) search conducted with the consent of the party concerned [Add to Longdo]
任意団体[にんいだんたい, nin'idantai] (n) private organization (neither controlled nor protected by law); private organisation [Add to Longdo]
任意同行[にんいどうこう, nin'idoukou] (n) going along voluntarily to be questioned by law officers [Add to Longdo]
任意保険[にんいほけん, nin'ihoken] (n) (See 強制保険) voluntary insurance [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
In any minute now, you'll be nothing but Sentinel's bitch.[JP] 今、任意の分には 2010年 02: 19: 58, 765 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Get NSA to send service specs for any cameras in that area.[JP] NSAはのためのサービス仕様を送信するために取得 その領域内の任意のカメラ。 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Come Caius![CN] 特别是他们有自由选择任意一方 Augustine of Hippo (1972)
A brilliant physics student at the University of Michigan... who paradoxically chose to turn his back on science... and taste of life through a seemingly... random series of occupations.[CN] 他作为一个密歇根州大学优秀的物理专业学生 他错误的选择了回归大自然 通过表面上看起来是任意的一系列工作 The Big Chill (1983)
Please keep in your homes. Do not go on the streets. This is a real attack.[CN] 请留在室内 不要任意外出 From Here to Eternity (1953)
Did you happen to get any ecstasy?[JP] 任意のエクスタシーを得るに起こるか? The Hangover (2009)
Some people think because they're stronger they can push you around.[CN] 一些人以为自己很强大,可以任意摆布别人。 Silverado (1985)
According to the manager, they were transporting vials of single-strand synthetic, programmable DNA.[JP] 会社の責任者によれば トラックで輸送していた物は- 任意でプログラム可能な 一本鎖の人工DNAだそうです Pilot (2013)
I'll get you any number of the biggest, strongest, best-looking bucks in this country for $2 a day.[CN] 我会给你找来此地任意数目的 最魁梧最强壮最顺眼的黑子 两美元一天 Wild River (1960)
It's so goddamn arbitrary.[JP] そうgoddamn任意のだ。 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)
You are leaving because the director of your organization is a tyrant, are you?[CN] 原局长略德尼拉勇敢点 一个任意胡为的人 一个任意胡为的人 Office Romance (1977)
A rose line is any line that goes from the North to South Poles.[JP] Aがラインをバラから行くの任意の行である_南極の北。 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
What we see, in fact, is an album of memories, images arbitrarily recorded by the mind's eye.[CN] 我们看到的实际上是一本相册 它是由想象中的一些记忆和任意的图像组成的 The Making of Fanny and Alexander (1984)
Skipping thorough tests, trusting his own instincts, and cutting up patients as long as he's pleased.[CN] 光是凭自己的经验和感觉 省略病理检查任意地动刀 The Great White Tower (1966)
On the Western Front the Allied air forces ranged at will beyond the Rhine, paralysing all movement in preparation for the final assault.[CN] 在西线 盟国空军任意飞越莱茵河, 瘫痪(德国人)所有的移动 以为最后的攻击做准备 Nemesis: Germany - February-May 1945 (1974)
Can't we get any eyes in there at all?[JP] 我々はすべてでそこに任意の目を得ることができない? Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Mr Bond can make whatever use of it he thinks fit.[CN] 邦德先生可以任意使用 Goldfinger (1964)
I don't think you're in any position to give orders.[JP] 私はあなたが注文を与えるために 任意の位置にあるとは思いません。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
If it makes you feel any better, I'll always think of you that way.[JP] それはあなたが任意のより良い感じさせる場合、 私はいつもそのようにあなたのことを考えるでしょう。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
I never get any color.[JP] 私は任意の色を取得することはありません。 The Island (2005)
This program is completely voluntary. None's coming to your home.[JP] このプログラムは 完全に任意です The Fourth Hand (2013)
I'll be able to scratch myself like anybody else tomorrow.[CN] 我就可以随我喜欢 任意抓痒 Vertigo (1958)
You're not going to any meeting without me.[JP] あなた私なしで任意の会議に行きません 。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
So come on down to Unpainted Arizona... where you can get the finest selection... in fixtures and appointments... for your bathroom, bedroom, boudoir![CN] 快来"无漆亚历桑那"吧... 在这你能找到最好的选择... 任意组合或是订做... Raising Arizona (1987)
You use any force that is necessary.[JP] あなたが必要な任意の力を使用しています。 The Island (2005)
They kept pushing us about and laughing.[CN] 他們就是任意擺佈我們並以此為樂 A Report on the Party and Guests (1966)
Do you wish to leave Italy to its tragic fate?[CN] 你想放任意大利 处于水深火热吗? And the Ship Sails On (1983)
Yes, it's provided by a random number generator that's hardwired into the system.[JP] そう システムに回路接続された 任意数字発生器で決定され The Leviathan (2012)
professor?[JP] 任意のアイデア、教授? The Da Vinci Code (2006)
He said he hadn't even seen you. Hmm. It wasn't... voluntary.[JP] 奴は姉さんと会ってないって 任意では無かった Let the Games Begin (2013)
Should any member of your IM force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.[JP] あなたのIM力の任意のメンバーが キャッチまたは殺されるべきです - - 長官は否認します。 あなたの行動のすべての知識。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
You can't pull a switch like this on the publicity department.[CN] 你不可以 任意改变我们的宣传计划 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Education is voluntary, serving the needs of individuals instead of corporations.[JP] 教育は任意で 業ではなく、個人のニーズを満たします。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
You understand that you've been read your rights, and you're here voluntarily?[JP] 権利を聞いて 任意でここへ? Nightcrawler (2014)
Do I have any volunteers who wanna come up here to do some shooting?[JP] 私はしたい任意のボランティアをしてください ここに出てくるの撮影をする? The Hangover (2009)
Oh, the willful heart invites despair, like blind men creeping in a dragon's lair.[CN] 任意妄为祇会招来绝望 就像盲人在蟒蛇洞穴中爬行 Legend (1985)
Your sponsors can't have any part of that.[JP] あなたのスポンサーは_その任意の部分を持つことができません。 The Island (2005)
I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet and to be baited with the rabble's curse![CN] 我不愿投降 我不愿低头吻那马尔康小子足下的泥土 被那些下贱的民众任意唾骂 Macbeth (1971)
I want to see one of these bodies.[CN] 我想看看这两具躯体中的任意一个 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
He commands me.[CN] 他可以任意支配我 Shogun (1980)
Well, I'm afraid a name is all I have for you... for someone who seemingly does not exist on any known database.[JP] 恐れてた名前だ あなたのために持っている全てです... 誰かのために 任意のデータベースに存在しない Dead Reckoning (2013)
- Olly, oily oxen free.[CN] -到处任意趴趴走! Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
Nobody tells me what to do[CN] 沒人可以任意支使我 East of Eden (1955)
The second system detects any increase in temperature.[JP] 2番目のシステムは、温度の 任意の増加を検出します。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
/ I don't have any./ It's Doug.[JP] /私はしないでください 任意のしている。 /それはダグ。 The Hangover (2009)
Later he can reproduce identical molecules in- - In any shape or quantity.[JP] 分析後は同一の分子を合成、再生できる 任意の形状や量でね Forbidden Planet (1956)
You've never wanted anything else from any of them- Joe, Tony, Pietro... or Max.[CN] 你从来没有想要任何别的东西 从他们中的任意一个 - Joe, Tony, Pietro... 或者 Max. House of Strangers (1949)
In any given year, it might look like it's going down, but the overall trend is extremely clear.[JP] 任意の年において、気温は下がって いるように見えるかも知れません しかし、全体的な傾向は極めて 明らかです An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Detective Fusco is currently without any aid.[JP] ファスコ刑事は現在 任意の助けなし The Crossing (2013)
were you aware of any secret gatherings?[JP] あなたが子供だったときに、あなたは 任意の秘密集会を知っていましたか? The Da Vinci Code (2006)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
任意キャラクタ[にんいキャラクタ, nin'i kyarakuta] any character [Add to Longdo]
任意[にんいがた, nin'igata] any type [Add to Longdo]
任意信号[にんいしんごう, nin'ishingou] optional [Add to Longdo]
任意選択構成要素[にんいせんたくこうせいようそ, nin'isentakukouseiyouso] optional (O) component [Add to Longdo]
任意選択属性[にんいせんたくぞくせい, nin'isentakuzokusei] non-mandatory attribute [Add to Longdo]
任意選択利用者ファシリティ[にんいせんたくりようしゃファシリティ, nin'isentakuriyousha fashiritei] optional user facilities [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
任意[にんい, nin'i] freiwillig, beliebig [Add to Longdo]

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