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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
主题[zhǔ tí, ㄓㄨˇ ㄊㄧˊ,   /  ] theme; subject #1,738 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
主題[しゅだい, shudai] TH: แรงบันดาลใจ

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
主題[しゅだい, shudai] (n) { ling } subject; theme; motif; (P) #3,178 [Add to Longdo]
主題[しゅだいか, shudaika] (n) theme song #1,546 [Add to Longdo]
主題表示[しゅだいひょうじ, shudaihyouji] (n) { comp } subject indication [Add to Longdo]
主題別シソーラス[しゅだいべつシソーラス, shudaibetsu shiso-rasu] (n) { comp } thematical thesaurus [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Please classify these books by subject.これらの本を主題別に分類してください。
The principle theme of the book is the American Revolution.その本の主題はアメリカ独立戦争である。
The librarian classified the books according to subject.司書は主題によって本を分類した。
I am familiar with this subject.私はこの主題に精通している。
You must not lose sight of your main object.主題を見失ってはいけない。
A perfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is more valuable than a superficial one of a great many.少数の作家と小数の主題についての完全な知識のほうが、多数の作家と主題についての表面的な知識よりも価値がある。
It was very difficult to understand the subject of his lecture.彼の講演の主題を理解するのは難しかった。
His thesis doesn't make sense. To begin with, its theme is obscure.彼の論文は意味不明。第一、主題が曖昧だ。
The content of his speech is not relevant to the subject.彼の話の内容は主題と一致していない。
They discussed the subject of the offender of the meaning of life.彼らは人生の意味という主題について討論した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You neglected to mention this was a theme party.[CN] 你忘了說這是個主題晚會 Unpleasantville (2010)
As they say, 'Vox populi, vox dei', so let's get straight to business.[CN] 我們就廢話少說,直奔主題 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006)
Now we're getting somewhere.[CN] 我們終於談到主題 Hands Over the City (1963)
It's no accident they have removed from the human form... its shape... and substance.[CN] 就會發現在作品中塑造人類的 形態 和主題都不是偶然的。 Man of Marble (1977)
Subject is turning east. Into an alley.[JP] 主題は東に曲がっています 路地に Jason Bourne (2016)
Richard has more information on that subject. Richard?[JP] リチャードにはその主題に関する 詳細な情報がある リチャード? The Guest (2014)
These smaller pieces are called variations, which means different ways of playing the same tune.[JP] 同じ調べを違った風に 演奏するのです 最初に調べ、つまり主題が 演奏されます Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
I don't think the waldorf women ever met a themethey didn't just love.[CN] 我覺得Wardolf家的女人 沒有不愛的主題 The Handmaiden's Tale (2007)
So then, you know, why not be compelled to do, you know, a show that focuses on, you know, what's causing the crime, as opposed to just chasing the criminals down?[CN] 您為什麼不制作一部 以犯罪的原因作為主題的節目呢? 而不是現在的以追捕犯罪分子作為主題 Bowling for Columbine (2002)
- It has to do with subject matter.[CN] - 不,這跟他寫作主題有關 Wit (2001)
So the guns are a separate theme.[CN] 所以槍是個獨立的主題 Passions (1994)
Any particular subject, My Lady?[JP] どんな特定の主題でも 奥様? Hercules (2014)
This is a book about supernatural.[CN] 這一本是一本以靈異作為主題的小說 Re-cycle (2006)
Alpha Team do you have eyes on the subject?[JP] アルファチームは主題を 認めているか? Jason Bourne (2016)
That's getting off subject. I want to talk to you...[JP] 主題から外れてる 俺はあなたと話したい... Ride Along (2014)
It's a thematic dish.[JP] 主題を表す料理だ。 Futamono (2014)
Bravo Team, follow the subject from behind.[JP] ブラボーチーム後ろから主題に続いてください Jason Bourne (2016)
It takes that theme. It's fresh, it's novel, it's fun.[CN] 它傳承那個主題 新鮮 獨特而且有趣 Wordplay (2006)
This policy was a collaborative effort.[CN] 這個規定已經成為社區的整體主題項目, Bowling for Columbine (2002)
What was your subject?[CN] 你的主題是什麼? To Sir, with Love (1967)
That's all right, we're not here to talk about photography, are we?[JP] 写真の話が主題じゃない Chapter 3 (2013)
Let's get this straight. I don't want to hold up the investigation.[CN] 那我們還是直接進入主題吧 我可不想一直在這兒接受調查 Black Belly of the Tarantula (1971)
It's in the sub-section on Lycanthropy.[JP] 主題は オオカミ憑き The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
I mean this doesn't even show the main draw of our performance.[CN] 這裡也沒有體現我們公演的主題 Episode #1.9 (2010)
Yeah. Just 'cause it's the theme song, don't make it not true.[CN] 是啊 但別看那是主題曲就忽視它的真實性 Tropic Thunder (2008)
emotional, spiritual, political... of great importance.[CN] 如情緒, 宗教或政治這類更重要的主題 Ghost World (2001)
You came up with a new one already?[JP] もう新しい主題が見つかったの? The Lost Love in the Foreign Land (2014)
Someone should know my story, and it will give us time to discuss other riveting subjects like your handsome suitor Marcel.[JP] 誰かは私の物語を知るべきだ 議論する時間を 与えてくれるだろう より心奪われる主題 Girl in New Orleans (2013)
It's the whole focus of my research. Nothing matters more. I want to save people, Melanie.[JP] 私の研究の主題よ とても重要な事なの 私は人を救いたいの メラニー The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)
Huckleberry Hound, that sort of thing?[CN] 那首卡通主題曲? Huckleberry Hound? That sort of thing? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
For years, the notion that life is a dream has been a pervasive theme of philosophers and poets.[CN] 幾個世紀前關於夢籠罩著生命的記錄 是哲人和詩人的普遍主題 Waking Life (2001)
Now, Mr. Britten arranges the Purcell theme for the string family.[JP] 次はブリテンがパーセルの主題を 弦楽器に編成したものです もう雨はうんざり Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Subject is on the move. Heading towards the Canal.[JP] 主題は移動中です 運河の方に Jason Bourne (2016)
- What was the subject?[CN] - 是什麼主題? Wesele (1973)
And you must look at the subject.[JP] 主題を見ろ The Master (2012)
The theme of our show today is:[CN] 今日的主題 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006)
Taking the prosecution side, give us U.S. vs. Meade, subject, issues, what the determination was and what it means to us today.[CN] 我要你作為檢方為我們列出南北戰爭期間的需求, 主題, 問題, 結論如何以及它對於我們的意義 American Gangster (2007)
It's perfectfor my moroccan-themed party.[CN] 和我摩洛哥主題舞會真是絕配 The Handmaiden's Tale (2007)
You'd like that, wouldn't you? That'd make a great story for your next issue.[CN] 那樣您又很高興又新的主題了: Sisters (1972)
First of all, he lets us hear the tune or the theme, which is a beautiful melody by the much older British composer Henry Purcell.[JP] この美しいメロディーは より年輩の作曲家、 ヘンリー・パーセルによるものです オーケストラ全体の演奏による パーセルの主題です Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
But now Brigadier Blantyre wants them rearranged and additionally indexed under subjects, with cross-references to authors and titles.[JP] でも ブランタイヤ准将が 整理を し直すことにしたの 主題別の索引を つけ足すの 著者とタイトルを 相互に 参照できるように こういう風に The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
In the current round of testing, we are focusing on ways of using light spectra to neutralize aggressive behaviour in criminals.[JP] 今回の実験では 犯罪者の攻撃性をスペクトルで 緩和する事が主題です Playtime (2012)
You must look at the subject.[JP] 主題を見極めなければならない The Master (2012)
Is that your new word of the day?[CN] 這是您近來的主題活動麼? Charlie Bartlett (2007)
I've written many papers for that publication. Could you be more specific about the subject matter?[JP] 多くの論文を書いてきた どの主題か教えてくれ Fallout (2015)
I cut and splice film, I don't get involved with the subject matter.[CN] 我只剪切影片, 我不關心電影的主題 Man of Marble (1977)
This morality play was being produced at the fairview county courthouse. Its themes were trust and betrayal.[CN] 和一個收費過高的律師 這一場道德戲在fairview地方法院上演 主題是信任與背叛 Come Back to Me (2004)
I learned my subject matter from my father.[CN] 我是從我父親那兒得到這個主題的! Man of Marble (1977)
I think it's time to address the reason for this seminar:[CN] 我想是發佈研討會主題的時候了 The Nanny Diaries (2007)
Point of order, this comes under the heading of "new business."[CN] 程序問題, 這應該在 "新商業" 主題下討論 The Majestic (2001)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
主題[しゅだい, shudai] subject [Add to Longdo]
主題表示[しゅだいひょうじ, shudaihyouji] subject indication [Add to Longdo]
主題別シソーラス[しゅだいべつシソーラス, shudaibetsu shiso-rasu] thematical thesaurus [Add to Longdo]

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