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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
纵横[zòng héng, ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄥˊ,   /  ] lit. warp and woof in weaving; vertically and horizontal; length and breadth; criss-crossed; able to move unhindered; Political Strategists (pre-Han school of thought) #12,452 [Add to Longdo]
纵横交错[zòng héng jiāo cuò, ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄠ ㄘㄨㄛˋ,     /    ] criss-crossed (成语 saw) #36,479 [Add to Longdo]
纵横驰骋[zòng héng chí chěng, ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄥˊ ㄔˊ ㄔㄥˇ,     /    ] to criss-cross; to run unhindered across the whole country #69,914 [Add to Longdo]
纵横字谜[zòng héng zì mí, ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄥˊ ㄗˋ ㄇㄧˊ,     /    ] crossword [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The dinosaurs ruled our planet for millions of years and yet they died out almost overnight.[CN] 恐龙在地球上纵横数百万年 却在一夜之间死亡殆尽 The Blob (1988)
The three interleaving lines on the surface stand for "belief", "hope" and "fate" respectively[CN] 浮现在表面纵横交错的三条线 象征信赖 希望 命运 Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004)
We arrive in Suzhou almost by chance, and discover a city of remarkable beauty covered with a patchwork of channels, not too different from the remote times when they were constructed.[CN] 我们来苏州是出于偶然 但却发现了一个美丽的城市 河流纵横交错 很久以前 它的原貌就是这样的 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
His "Crab-fist style" has never been[CN] 他凭著一套关外纵横十六蟹形拳 Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog (1978)
"I finished the New York Times crossword puzzle in pen."[CN] "我完成了纽约时报 纵横字谜笔。" Imogene (2012)
Don't think that having a few evil tricks will help you terrorize us[CN] 任天化,你以为你自创的邪派 钩镰指,镰刀手,纵横江湖我就怕你 The Fearless Hyena (1979)
Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing.[CN] 女孩们喜欢纵横交错的的直线 Girls love straight lines crisscrossing, crisscrossing. The Hero of Color City (2014)
Obsolete trails wonder vaguely, crisscross, or break at right angles for no reason.[CN] 道路隐约有点旧迹 枝条纵横交错毫无章法 The Red House (1947)
Then when your letter came, it started to rain and I opened it, and the ink ran all over the page.[CN] 当妳的信来时 下起了雨... 我打开它 纸上墨迹纵横 The Cheap Detective (1978)
He would try again several times, but as soon as he said "Sergei", he would choke, at "Kuzmich", he would sob, and "on all sides" would be drowned in tears.[CN] 他一次次重头开始念 可是只要他一念到 谢尔盖・库兹密奇 马上老泪纵横 War and Peace (1966)
I don't care you're new in here.[CN] 我不管你是不是新来的, 总之上我的课你纵横四海哪 Fight Back to School (1991)
You go out, and you can't get to the pass.[CN] 你就算出去了也到不了关口 纵横这三十里只有我这一家客栈 Dragon Inn (1992)

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