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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
暴富[bào fù, ㄅㄠˋ ㄈㄨˋ,  ] to get rich quick #27,123 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's practically an island![CN] 可以一夜暴富的赌场 One Piece Film: Gold (2016)
They dream of striking it rich fast.[CN] 他们梦想着一夜暴富 They dream of striking it rich fast. Black Market (2014)
That night, I couldn't sleep thinking about the riches.[CN] 那晚因为想着自己一夜暴富,我失眠了 Fukrey (2013)
I swear he gets fatter by the day.[CN] 我发誓他一夜暴富 All In (2013)
He did great business, as it turned out. A real spirit of commerce.[CN] 很顯然,批發商做了個不錯的生意,當然那是批發商該做的(阿朗母親的債商靠沙皇彩蛋一夜暴富 The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (2013)
I will claim my gold and get filthy rich.[CN] 然后靠淘金实现一夜暴富 John Carter (2012)
If you had a little bit of money and you were daring, you could make millions really quickly.[CN] 就算你只有一点钱, 如果你够大胆的话 就会一夜暴富 Assassins Run (2013)
I gave in to tales of wealth and prosperity.[CN] 我相信暴富发财的传说 12 Years a Slave (2013)
Around the same time roman Castevet came into fortune And bought La Chimere.[CN] 几乎同时 罗曼・卡斯特瓦暴富 around the same time Roman Castevet came into fortune Night Two (2014)
Well, you've said that if the SEC approves the initial public offering, the company is going to be valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars.[CN] 这是一个真正的从一贫如洗到暴富的故事 与投资者,他们想的一样 I.T. (2016)
You could say in boxing, to be the best, you've got to get beat up by the best.[CN] 没人能一夜暴富 这... CounterPunch (2017)
Instantly rich.[CN] 一夜暴富 A Hard Day's Knight (2008)

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