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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, wū, ] tungsten, wolfram
Radical: , Decomposition:   釒 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  烏 [, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] metal
[, wū, ] tungsten, wolfram
Radical: , Decomposition:   钅 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  乌 [, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] metal
Variants: , Rank: 4818

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[wū, ㄨ, / ] tungsten W (wolfram), transition metal, atomic number 74 #19,712 [Add to Longdo]
白钨矿[bái wū kuàng, ㄅㄞˊ ㄨ ㄎㄨㄤˋ,    /   ] scheelite #152,464 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And it took me longer than I thought to read and memorize the 8 billion characters in your genetic code.[CN] 筍岆掖堤斕腔窒80砬跺疻換測ㄛ豪煤腔奀潔掀扂砑腔猁酗﹝ 筍岆掖堤斕腔窒80砬跺疻換測ㄛ豪煤腔奀潔掀扂砑腔猁酗﹝ All-Star Superman (2011)
No, Jasper, we didn't write in code.[CN] 樂佴啡ㄛ扂蠅祥蚚躇楷陓 Elsewhere (2009)
But, madam, that was a 10, 000 franc plaque.[CN] 苤賬ㄛ斕饒岆珨勀楊誁腔喉 To Catch a Thief (1955)
- A map of Superman's genetic code.[CN] -閉腔疻換躇芞﹝ All-Star Superman (2011)
I'm gonna have to postpone the surgery.[CN] 一個探員中毒 For the Team (2010)
I'm decoding your message.[CN] 扂猁杸斕腔捅洘賤 Elsewhere (2009)
Folks, if you see Chelsea out there, you can call that number anytime, day or night...[CN] 跪弇ㄛ彆斕艘善嫁炰 呴奀湖涴跺瘍 啞毞麼俀奻飲俴 Elsewhere (2009)
Mireille, the brothel matron...[CN] 米萊爾,那個妓院老 The Birch-Tree Meadow (2003)
It's an anonymous number.[CN] 涴岆曩靡瘍 問迖隙惆斕衄羶衄艘善坴 Elsewhere (2009)
When the ship docks I'm getting off with you.[CN] 絞摒芛... ...扂狟陬迵蠟薊炵﹝ Titanic (1997)
Tell me, do you remember Mireille, with the brothel?[CN] 告訴我 你記不記得米萊爾,那個妓院老 The Birch-Tree Meadow (2003)
This serum is keyed to your genetic code.[CN] 涴盓悛岆偌斕腔疻換杻秶腔﹝ All-Star Superman (2011)

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