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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
精妙[せいみょう, seimyou] (adj-na, n) exquisite [Add to Longdo]
精妙巧緻[せいみょうこうち, seimyoukouchi] (n, adj-na) exquisite and elaborate [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"He felt that he'd known them all,[CN] 使罪变得如此神奇 使恶变得如此精妙 Velvet Goldmine (1998)
Transcribes remarkably well from the orchestra to the military band.[CN] 精妙的从交响乐 向一般乐队过渡 The Ipcress File (1965)
That a war must be waged under the control of a loving disposition, that no man is fit to inflict punishment until he has banished hate from his heart.[CN] 這場戰爭必須... ... 由精妙的部署所控制 Punishment Park (1971)
Monsieur Triquet is attempting to introduce my daughters to the greater subtleties of the French language... and to some of the more fashionable ideas of the day.[CN] 特里凯先生 想把我女儿介绍给... 精妙的法兰西语言 当今最入流的语言 Onegin (1999)
Here's a fertility symbol. Subtle, isn't it?[CN] 这是生育力的象征 精妙 不是吗? Summer Lovers (1982)
Very.[CN] 是的 非常精妙 The Carrot in the Kudzu (2014)
I've a pretty shrewd idea myself.[CN] 我也有個相當精妙的想法 The Archbishop (1983)
They could use a lesson in subtlety.[CN] 他们可以用精妙的一个教训。 Billboard Dad (1998)
Leonard's signature at large, the brush work, the bloom, the technique.[CN] 列奥纳多的签名在上 还有这绘画的笔法 笔触以及精妙的技巧 The Final Problem (1985)
The 20th style would reveal the essence of his swordsmanship[CN] 这第二十种 便有他剑术的精妙藏于字中 Hero (2002)
A most remarkable performance, [CN] 精妙绝伦的演出 A most remarkable performance, Big Brother (1980)
Now, the making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art.[CN] 要编辑好一盒音乐带 需要很多精妙的技巧 High Fidelity (2000)

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