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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
社群[shè qún, ㄕㄜˋ ㄑㄩㄣˊ,  ] community; social grouping [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They live in the largest assemblies formed by any monkeys.[CN] 它们生活的社群是所有猴类中最大的 Mountains (2006)
The week and the homeless[CN] 甚至是弱勢社群還有露宿者之家 Sing gum zhook kao (2004)
He picked me up from boarding school and took me to one of those hippy communes.[CN] 她到寄宿学校来接我,然后带我去一个嬉皮社群 The Elementary Particles (2006)
You know, social ostracism doesn't work in a community of 2.[CN] 反社会行为不适用在两人社群 Transamerica (2005)
You guys on MySpace, or...?[CN] 你们上社群交友网站吗? Superbad (2007)
I pay special attention to those who are weak and less fortunate[CN] 我最关注就是你们这些弱势社群 Legendary Assassin (2008)
In anticipation of the vote, the gay community has staged protests in New York and other major cities across the country.[CN] 投票到来之际 同志社群在纽约等全国各大城市 举行了抗议活动 Milk (2008)
Enjoy your pie. Officials were also sure to note that community tips...[CN] 官方人员也确定社群的内线消息... Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone' (2007)
And help the needy[CN] 造福社群 Fei xia xiao bai long (1968)
Legally speaking, there will be a loose affiliation, but we will give nothing back to the academic community.[CN] 合法来说,将是个宽松的联系 我们不需要为校园社群做任何事 Old School (2003)
He was very well known in the Chinese community, their newspapers, etcetera.[CN] 他在華人社群裡很有名 例如報紙等等 Formosa Betrayed (2009)
"we learn from social animals who die if they are isolated.[CN] "社群动物让我们学到 她们落单就会死亡" La capture (2007)

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